F3 Knoxville

2 HIMs | 3 CMUs

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: warm enough for shorts and short sleeves. I think it was high 40s

20x SSH IC, soccer lap warm up, LBCs
3 CMSs on a 2by4 and one HIM on each end

Hike to the soccer field by the elementary school.

20 reps with your partner on each side of the field with a movement between (three times)

  • Press / bent row / walk over head
  • Curl / dips / walk under hand carry
  • Squat / over head press / shoulder carry

Hike back to AO

20 squats (making up for missed round), 20x IC mtn Climbers, 20x IC flutter kicks, 20x IC box cutters

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
The 3rd F of F3 is really defined as a question: what do you believe happens when you die? How does your answer affect how you live today?

My answer: starts all the way back in Genesis. God created the world good and created humans to be partners in that good work, but we continue to choose our own way, our own wisedom. This continued throughout history, even when God picked a nation for himself, they also chose their own way. Then God came as a man and showed us how to live in the Kingdom of God despite the wickedness around us. Jesus became human flesh and submitted himself to the wisdom of God all the way to the point of death and the grave. And then he rose again and ascended into heaven.

So my answer to the first question is that I believe death is not the end. We have hope in the resurrection and Christ’s reign over a new heaven and earth. So how we live today is to bear one another’s burdens. We need each other for this mean time while we wait for Christ to reconcile all things to himself and we submit ourselves to be servants of all people.

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