F3 Knoxville

Dancing Dora

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: It’s officially freezing

  • 29 Side Straddle Hops In Cadence
  • 29 Merkins
  • 29 Big Boy Sit Ups

Partner Dora with no rep counting. Partner runs and does a movement and comes back while other completes reps until relieved. Keep swapping back and forth until the song is done.

  • Side lunge – 3 pull-ups on the far end of the grinder and run back
  • Hold Iron Cross – Bear crawl across basketball court and run back
  • Good Mornings – Crab walk across basketball court and run back
  • Dips – Gorilla Shuffle across basketball court and run back
  • Rinse and Repeat

The special Dance Circle songs mixed in:

  • Believer by Imagine Dragons – Over head claps and burpee every time you hear “pain”
  • Jump by Van Halen – Mountain Climbers and tuck jump every time you hear “jump”

The songs the shuffle didn’t hit (you can thank Spottify for being nice to us)

  • Flower by Moby – Hold low plank on “down” move to high plank on “up” (but it always goes back down…)
  • Thunder Struck by AC/DC – Hold high plank and merkin every time you hear “thunder”

Little baby crunches for 1 minute.
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
It’s my Birthday! So I was reflecting back on life, and it’s odd the sorts of things that pop. I’ve drifted around a lot and seen a lot of places in this short decade that I’ve been out of high school. Boone NC, Ottawa Canada, Kampala Uganda, Grand Rapids MI, Johnson City, and now here in Alcoa. And a lot has happened. Married, three kids, started a career. But one thing that really stood out was in 2016. My son was born, and my younger brother died. My bother was someone I think of constantly as someone who persevered with joy and faith in the midst of great suffering even to the point of death. He had the most significant impact on me in all this time. So I just encourage you guys to reflect back and see what stands out from the last 10 years.
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