F3 Knoxville

2024 F3 Knoxville Leadership Survey

News & Announcements

Earlier this week, our Regional Direction Team (RDT) consisting of F3 Knoxville’s Nantan (Mermaid), Weasel Shaker (Pele), Comz Q (Steam), 1st F Q (Butterknife), 2nd F Q (Eliza), and 3rd F Q (Borg) sent out the 2024 Leadership Survey. Below is the email that was sent out and you can find the survey below.

When was the last time you purposefully thought about your leadership development as a man? Do you know that you absolutely have what it takes to be the type of High Impact Man and leader this world needs? Over (almost) the past nine years as an official F3 Region here in Knoxville, men have stepped up to lead + serve in countless ways – to help shape, mold, and cultivate a strong leadership culture. Why? For the invigoration of male community leadership.  Sound familiar? If not, here’s a quick reminder:

The mission of F3 is to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

The incredible culture + community that we all know and love here in F3 Knoxville was forged by HIM (High Impact Men) who said “Here I am, send me” (comes from Isaiah 6:8). This gets to the heart of Core Principle #4 for F3: F3 is peer-led. Meaning, there is a rotating fashion of men leading each other.  This happens around our entire region every single week. We care about this not only because it allows the mission of F3 to surge forward, but because we have all been freed to lead. Over the years, and even now, a leadership culture and development process has been evolving. We care about each man’s ability and freedom to lead and are desirous of providing opportunities for him to do so in impactful ways not just for his benefit, but for those in his spheres of influence. The LDP (Leadership Development Process) is growing and evolving, and we want to purposefully invite you into this with us. Taken right from the QSource:

F3 is an Organization whose purpose is to invigorate male Community leadership. Not surprisingly, since our Mission is leadership development itself, F3 needs a very deliberate Leadership Development Process to be Effective.

However, because the Organization is comprised of thousands of small Teams which are not in Proximity, that deliberate process cannot restrict the individual initiative and genius of its Leaders. We are absolutely dependent upon our great Leaders to be about the business of developing our new Leaders. The execution of the LDP is in their hands because it is their hands that are physically upon the new Leaders.

-Foundation #4 (F4) of the QSource

Our team has created this leadership survey and we strongly encourage you to be an active participant. But, why are we doing this? Great question.

You’ve been freed to lead brother, and we want to challenge + encourage you in your leadership journey and pursuit of High Impact Manhood. Please consider taking a few moments to invest in your leadership growth as a man and take the 2024 Leadership Survey. Click or tap the red button below to get started.

Iron Sharpens Iron! 

-The F3 Knoxville Regional Direction Team

(Mermaid, Pele, Steam, Butterknife, Eliza, Borg)

Take the 2024 F3 Knoxville Leadership Survey Here