F3 Knoxville

Project Tour

The Project
AO: the-project
Q: Munge
PAX: Tom Tom, Ocho, Mathlete, Biohack, Flying Dutchman, Munge
FNGs: None

Willie Mays Hayes
Lil baby arm circles
Moroccan night clubs
Cherry Pickers


Mosey to friendship bell
20 stair steps
25 dips

Mosey to bars
Alternate 20 rows and 20 merkin

Mosey to wall and 15 wall ups

Mosey to playground and 15 pull ups

Mosey to amphitheater and 20 derkins

Mosey, time permitting, to flag by way of memorial flag


3 Core exercises



Acts 24:25 ESV
And as he reasoned about righteousness and self-control and the coming judgment, Felix was alarmed and said, “Go away for the present. When I get an opportunity I will summon you.”

There are many who want to exercise authority, power, control in wide arenas, but who have very little control over their own selfish desires. On the other hand, those who are known for handling their business in a reasonable manner are looked upon favorably for places of leadership.

God has gifted all of us with varying degrees of responsibility and calling, but one area we are all called to exercise control over is ourselves. And this one area we all must control, none of us are able without the help of the Spirit warring against the flesh. But if we don’t wage that war in this one battle, how can we expect to succeed in larger callings?

He gives greater grace. Let us strive with all the grace he gives to be masters of our own selves.

Doesn’t God love us? Didn’t he give his Son for us? There’s arguably the supreme demonstration of Spirit-led self control. He trusted his Father’s love and will, and looked forward to the joy set before him. Can we not, by that same Spirit, also trust our Father’s love for us, his good purposes? Let’s press on in patient endurance, knowing he means us well, and what he intends, he accomplishes.