F3 Knoxville

Arm Flappin Dora

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: A warm 54 degrees and perfect weather for a little work.

Windmills  x 10 (4 ct)

Little of this, Little of that.

Cherry Pickers x 8
After shouldering our bricks, we moseyed to the Methodist Church parking lot.

  • The Pax partnered up for some Dora slow suicide.
  • Exercise one – 100 blockees.
  • Exercise two – 150 big boys with CMU.
  • Exercise three – 200 CMU curls.
  • Exercise four – 300 CMU goblet squats – no one made it to this round.
  • While one pax did the exercise, the partner did suicides to the three medians in the parking lot. Upon arrival at the median, the pax would perform 10 overhead claps on a 4 count, and then run back.

No time.

I spoke about hearing a wife say that she didn’t want to leave her husband behind in the faith. When thinking about F3, the whole phrase of “leave no man behind, and no man where you found him” really resonates with me. I think I appreciate it so much because I feel like it reminds me of how God pursues lost sinners like me. I read from most of Isaiah 53 which talks about all the things that Jesus does for us. He carries our sorrows, He was numbered with us as transgressors, He died to make intercession for us. The challenge I left us with is we need to fight against the temptation to leave behind our wives, children, and friends when it comes to faith.
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