F3 Knoxville


AO: bigball
Q: Drive-thru (Mikel Towe)
PAX: Wedding Singer, vanilla, Postman (Scott Colby), G-6 (Rick Kuhlman), Leg warmer, Hops (Philly), Escobar, Tinkerbell, Step-up, Hoodless
FNGs: 1 Hoodless

mosey to lot beside church street.
AMRAP – 25 minutes
– Bear crawl to midpoint in parking lot
– Lunge back
– 15 reps of the
– hand release merks
– American hammers
– LBCs
– Leg lifts
– Wide arm merks
– Run up top of hill
– 3 burpees


Just four guys rucking around Cedar Bluff

AO: shamruck
Q: Mermaid
PAX: Fabio (Joe Hamilton), Dumpster Dive, Oscar Meyer, Mermaid
FNGs: None
We handled the disclaimer and began to walk. We did the old faithful route in reverse with a lap around Catholic at the end. We had some great conversation today and used the COT to talk about how guys need this group and we were encouraged to reach out to those guys who could use the benefits of F3 and get them out in the gloom.

Island vacation

AO: asylum-am
Q: Hands
PAX: Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Hands, Waffle House (Brady Greene), Double Wide, P3, Bunny, Dung Beetle, Love’s, p-nut, Grandslam (Trey Leake), Pac-man, F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom), Fabio (Joe Hamilton), Rainbow, Gray Cup, Trot Line
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Froggy Squats, Tie Fighters, Tempo Merkins, TN Rocking Chairs
THE THANG: We travelers to the islands. Did a suicide ladder of various exercises and modes of transport. We ran, bear crawled, broad jumped, Super Mario’d, and hopped. Exercises were 10 reps of Merkins, jump squats, BBS, CDD, Iron Mikes, Supermans, dips. Didn’t get to the last 3 islands.
MARY: Gas pumpers
COT: You can do all things through and with Christ, so invite him into your life and especially those things you struggle with. Tell a brother the same, it may transform his life hearing it from you (compared to him reading it or being aware of this verse). Prayed especially for @Fabio, @Tiki, Brandon, Kim.

Jumpin’ Juc 93

AO: juco
Q: Noodles
PAX: Booster, Mailbox, 5K, Butterknife, Wanderer, Guardrail, Data, Love Shaq, Commission, Trash Panda, None
FNGs: 1 None
WARMUP: SSH, Bend & Reach, Windmill, 8 Ct. Merkin, Shoulder Circles, etc.
THE THANG: Partner Workout

Bottom of Juco: 50 total jumping lunges, partner holds brick overhead (switch back and forth until 50 complete)

Half Way Up: 3 Rounds – 8 Blockees, 10 Burpees

Top of Juco: 3 Rounds – 14 Thrusters, 11 Burpees

Half Way Down: 3 Rounds – 8 Blockees, 10 Burpees (DNF)

Bottom: 43 jump lunges, hold brick overhead (DNF)

COT: Honoring Data’s Dad, who lived to be 93 years old. We reflected on what our legacy as Dad’s can be. The 4 Ps:

– Pursuing Dads: we pursue our children’s hearts. Like Jesus pursued us in our sin, we have an example of the lengths God the Father went to pursue us.
– Present Dads: We are present emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically. We connect with our kids.
– Providing Dads: We provide space for our kids to be known and loved; we also provide financially.
– Protecting Dads: We protect our kids from the lies of this world as we point them to Jesus, we also protect them from unsafe people.

May we endeavor to prioritize our children and families as Data’s Dad did – retiring from his sales position to be spend more time with his kids!