Q: Madoff (Daniel Hereford)
PAX: Mayberry, Junk (Sam Yoakum), Imaginary, Choir Boy, Tank (Chris DeFranco), Madoff (Daniel Hereford), Google(Tim Dugas), Headspin and Cat1
FNGs: 1 Headspin and Cat1
15 SSH
15 Rockettes
5 Cherrypickers
10 Tie Fighters Forward then 10 backward
5 Burpees
Run to the Island
5 Times no Rest
Plank Jacks 20 (4 count)
LBCs 20
Diamond Merkins 10
Sumo Squat 10
Burpees 5
Run .25 miles
Run to Matterhorn
Side Shuffle to Light Pole
Dead Hang for 20 secs into 20 Hanging Knee Raises
Crawl Bear from Light Pole to bottom
Rinse and Repeat for ~10min
Run back to AO
15 Deadbugs on our own
10 American Hammers (4 count in cadence)
20 Flutter Kicks (in cadence)
5 Cherry Pickers
GTE Event on Saturday and Mentioned getting some PAX members together for the upcoming Convergence events
1 Corinthians 13:11 – Discussed putting away childish things in context of LOVE which is discussed throughout chapter 13. Mentioned that love is a powerful force and as men we need to recognize it in our hearts and how we put it into action in our lives.