F3 Knoxville

February/August Metric

AO: rampart
Q: Wingman (Maverick Gregory)
PAX: Skeletor (Tyson Canup), Feeny (Josh Banken), Lucille (Austin Williams), Wingman (Maverick Gregory), No Trouble, Porthole
FNGs: None
WARMUP: (20) SSH, (10) Willie Mays Hayes, (5) Knox. Cherry Pickers, (10) Tempo Squats, (10) Tempo Merkins, (10) Bib Baby Arm Circles 5 foreward 5 back, (10) LBAC, (10) RLBAC, (10) Grady Corn, (10) Chatt. Cherry Pickers, (10) SSH
We’re doing our 2nd metric checkup this year.
1 minute MAX Merkins
1 Minute MAX Big boys
1.5 Mile Run
Max Pull-Ups
5 Minute MAX Burpees
No time
Don’t wait on God to work out in your life, God is working IN your life, working on things you don’t see, things you don’t think about. Your responsibility is to work out the things you physically see in your life.

Lieutenant Dan!

AO: rampart
Q: Lucille (Austin Williams)
PAX: Stetson (Cayden Emory), Airborne (Chase Perkins), Candy Crush (Reese Banken), Eric Cruz (Spielberg), Feeny (Josh Banken), GoDaddy (Zack Williamson), Lucille (Austin Williams), Piston (Ralton Emory), Runaway Bride (Seth Strahan), Skeletor (Tyson Canup), Wingman (Maverick Gregory), Porthole
FNGs: None
WARMUP: 10 CMU swings, 10 Shoulder to shoulder, 5hand release merkins, 10 wide Squats, 4 Knoxville Cherry pickers, shoulder blast
THE THANG: 5 rounds of forward raises followed by over head presses, isolated curls, extensions, flat bench. All seated. Alternating 10,15,20,25 rep count rotating each round. Final round everything 30 reps to equal 100 of each. Then bent over rows/ Big Boy 11’s starting at the 5/6 halfway point.
MARY: CMU V sit hot potato
COT: A Little Fellow Follows Me.

All the Smells

AO: juco
Q: Guardrail (Brandon Brown)
PAX: Mailbox (Chip Keim), Noodles (Brian Solmonson), Carhop (Nick Axon), Lil’ Spice (Chad Crawford), Fetch (Joel Moran), Commission (Adam Wilson), Hallmark
FNGs: None
74° 100% humidity
WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, TiChi Warrior, Cherry Pickers, Tempo Merkins
THE THANG: Aug Metric. 1.5mile run, max bbs in 1 min, max pull ups, max merkins in 1 min, Max burpee in 5 min.
MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Shovelflag handoff Sept 1 and 5
COT: Today, I need to talk to you about a serious topic, I need to talk to you about how you smell. Specifically, how you smell after being here.
Does being out here change the way you smell to God?
Before I get into that question, 3 things about odors
1) There is no denying it’s real, but you can’t see it.
Remind us there are senses we have that we don’t use all the time, but show us a reality we often miss. Don’t miss the fact that there are realities we can’t see. Use the spiritual sense God gave you to experience Him and the spiritual realm.
2) Smells invoke emotional responses
Nose, Absorb into blood> Olfactory Bulb: Sort smells> Olfactory Cortex: Identify smell. It helps you recognize if you’re smelling a flower, Butterknife, or unwashed gloves.> Hippocampus: This is a really important area for memory. It’s like a librarian in your brain that helps store and organize memories. When you smell something, the hippocampus can help connect that smell to past experiences or memories, making smells a powerful trigger for recalling memories.> Which is right next to and part of your: Amygdala: This part is in charge of emotions and feelings. Smells can evoke strong emotions and reactions because the amygdala connects them to past experiences. That’s why certain smells might make you feel happy, relaxed, or even nostalgic.
God uses smells and memories to bring us emotion, joy, sadness, longing. Realize this and lean into it. Don’t be afraid to experience all the emotions.
3) You can get so used to a smell you don’t even notice it anymore – but you still stink
On the good things in life, don’t get so used to the amazing access we have to God in Prayer or through free, immediate access to his Word. Or freedome to worship or meet here. Enjoy the “smell” of your spiritual life. God has blessed us beyond measure.
4) Everyone has a smell. What do you smell of? Selfishness or selflessness? Joy or Despair? Hope or Hopelessness? You may have to ask a brother to get the honest answer.

2 Cor 2: 15 For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. 16 To the one we are an aroma that brings death; to the other, an aroma that brings life.
Phil 4:18: walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
Check your heart, make sure you are spending your days in a way that is an offering to God.

Triple Mike

AO: dogpound
Q: La-Z-Boy (Zac Smith)
PAX: Google(Tim Dugas), Junk (Sam Yoakum), Ice Cold, Aladdin (Mansour Hasan), Waxjob (Josh Brady)
FNGs: None
SSH IC x 21 (Champions do more)
Squat IC, 4 count x 11
Merkins IC, 4 count x 11
Windmills IC, 4 count x 11
Cobra Burpees IC (kind of), 5 count? x ? it was a mess
Cherry Pickers IC, DogPound Style x 6
Trunk or Treat at the Camry to grab the Sandbag and head to the track.
HR Merkins x 20
Lunges x 20
Squat x 20
Run a lap
R&R until it is your time to carry the burden. Every PAX got a turn walking with the sandbag.
Attempted to create a Triple Mike Exercise
Plank to single leg plank
Flutter Kicks IC, 4 Count x 21
Cobra to Downward Dog
Hip Flexor stretch and oblique crunch

Shovel Flag handoffs at Equalizer and Asylum
F3 Men’s retreat –
They say that the Good is the enemy of Great. Because if you’re content with being good, you’ll never push to be Great. However, Perfection is less than Good, because it can stop you from even getting started.
I am a recovering Perfectionist. Early in life when something wasn’t right, I would approach the problem with a hammer seeking swift correction. Instead of approaching it like a Scientist and inspecting it with a flashlight. It’s not wrong, it needs work. This has helped bring understanding as a Husband, parent and co-worker. We’re all going to have good days and bad days. Let’s be understanding when someone else isn’t at their best because we know what that’s like ourselves.

Go Forward today Men with Appreciation, Boldness, and Curiosity.

Just Miles, Ya’ll…

AO: shamruck
Q: Blindside (Davis Bodie)
PAX: Free Fall (Justin Whitaker), slappy (Nathan Evers), Curry (Steve Coy), Dumpster Dive (Brad Burnette), Oscar Meyer (Brett Harris), I-Beam (Ryan Gerken), Betty (Tyler Alexander), Ribbed (Joshua Sagraves), Mermaid (Bradley Roberts), Eliza (Kevin Parrott), Voodoo (Eric A), Blindside (Davis Bodie), Toretto (Larry Seufert), Sonny & Mac (dogs)
FNGs: None
We walked. We walked with heavy backpacks.

Philippians is often known as the “Epistle of Joy.”
Paul wrote this letter from jail.
What can we learn from this?
Your circumstances SHOULD NOT dictate your attitude.