F3 Knoxville

The blackness of discipline

AO: the-project
Q: Mathlete (Jacob Platfoot)
PAX: Biohack (Andrew Ditmer), Papa Lock (Chris McCarthy), Ocho (Matt Hudson), Fire inthe Hole (Dave Duhamel), Munge (Nathaniel Bond), Comfort Zone (Colin Courtney), Rocket (dave weston), Mathlete (Jacob Platfoot)
FNGs: None

hairy Rockettes, windmills, cherry pickers, LBACs, Grady corn, projectivators
Mosey to each spot and do 3 sets
Fountain – 20 derkins, 20 split squats
Playground – 7 pull ups, 10 Bobby Hurleys
Pool wall – 5 wall ups, 15 gas pumpers
Parallel bars – 15 BBS, 15 Inv Rows
Bell – 10 drydocks, 20 step ups
Corners – 3 8-ct body builders and sprint
K-5 hill – 7s of squats and merkins
no time
Biohack will be taking the flag on August 3rd, be there.
Why does F3 love the color Black? because black is the color of discipline. Why? Because discipline takes place primarily in secret, invisible to all others. For example, the discipline to post is founded on a thousand small decisions made during the hours leading up to it, from your dinner, to your drinking, to your sleep, to your alarm clock. By the time you make it to the parking lot, 80% of the work is already done.

Up and over – tour de fort

AO: bigball
Q: Swanson (Eli Cockrum)
PAX: G-6 (Rick Kuhlman), Wedding Singer
FNGs: None

Jog 100m
15 ssh
Jog 100m
15 squats
Jog 100m
15 rockettes
Jog 100m
15 merkins


The workout
– Mosey to 13th – up and over the hill – pause at the top for 5 burpees
– Mosey to James Agee – up and over the hill -pause at the top for 5 burpees
– Mosey to 16th – up and over the hill – pause at the top for 5 burpees
– Mosey to 17th – up and over the hill – pause at the top for 5 burpees

Mosey to the AO

Ran out of time



You cannot be, I know, nor do I wish to see you, an inactive spectator….
We have too many high sounding words, and too few actions that correspond with them. – Abigail Adams

Accelerate July

AO: bigball
Q: Drive-thru (Mikel Towe)
PAX: G-6 (Rick Kuhlman), Magic Mic (Jarrett Woodall), Huffy (Ken Hill), Drive-thru (Mikel Towe), Mayhem downrange from Chattanooga
FNGs: None
THE THANG: July Accelerate Workout
30 minute timer
25 reps, run 25 yards

Here are the exercises:

– 150 curls
– 125 heavy squats
– 100 OHP
– 75 CMU swings
– 50 Thrusters
– 25 Blockees
When you finish the Blockees, start back at the top with curls.

MARY: boat/canoe
ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 in the nude. Paxminer

EMOM and the Ladder

AO: the-equalizer
Q: Blindside (Davis Bodie)
PAX: Mark Bowen, Ribbed (Joshua Sagraves), Headgear, Tonka (Andrew McDonald), High Heels (Henry Ritchie), Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), Madoff (Daniel Hereford), Blindside (Davis Bodie), Nugget (Connor Cliburn)
FNGs: None
SSH IC x20 | TIE-Fighters IC x10 EW | Tempo Squats IC x10 | Cherry Pickers IC x5
Mosey to the NEW & IMPROVED EQUALIZER SPLASH PAD for two rounds of 8 sets of EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute)
After some technical delays by the Q, we got going with:
Round 1: 10 step-ups/jump ups | 10 Incline Merkins | 10 Squats
Round 2: 10 single-count SSH | 15 Dips | 20 single-count Freddie Mercury
~Mosey to Rock Pile, quick EH of some fishermen (it didn’t take), and a Ladder~
After each round, run up the ramp and back around
Round 1: 5 Goblet Squats
Round 2: 5 Goblet Squats, 10 Triceps Ext.
Round 3: 5 Goblet Squats, 10 Triceps Ext., 15 Curls
Round 4: 5 Goblet Squats, 10 Triceps Ext., 15 Curls, 20 single-count Mountain Climbers
Round 5: 20 single-count Mountain Climbers
Round 6: 20 single-count Mountain Climbers, 15 Curls
Round 7: 20 single-count Mountain Climbers, 15 Curls, 10 Triceps Ext.
Round 8: 20 single-count Mountain Climbers, 15 Curls, 10 Triceps Ext., 5 Goblet Squats

Fellowship Mosey that turned into a regular Mosey back to shovel flag

~F3 in the Nude this Saturday at the Cove Park (See @Ribbed’s post later today for signups)
~PAXMiner and Slackblasts go live TODAY!
~OnStar, Steam, & Blindside were on the ‘Stuff Worth Trying’ podcast from the F3Nation Family of Podcasts last week, talking about our recent ‘State of the Region’ videos. Check it out!

Whether it is posting regularly, or getting back into a routine that you have fallen away from, one of the best thing for your life is being consistent. Consistent in your King, your Queen, your M, your Mammon, etc. Whatever it is, consistency is KEY.

Legacy (You vs You Metric 1)

AO: juco
Q: Commission (Adam Wilson)
PAX: 5K (Derren Burrell), Base Salary, Booster (Les Fout), Commission (Adam Wilson), Data (Joey Tipton), Erector (Jason Champion), Fetch (Joel Moran), Guardrail (Brandon Brown), Waffles (Pedro Da Silva), Wanderer (Dave Staab), Windex, Shrubbery,Hall Pass,Messy Hobbs, Elf
FNGs: 1 Elf
Warm up
SSH x 25 (4 count)
Cherry pickers x 5 (4 count)
Tempo merkins x 10 (4 count)
Tempo squats x 10 (4 count)

The Thang:
Metric Workout #1
(Every man will need 1 CMU)

Set a timer for 30 minutes.
Complete as many cumulative reps as you can in that time.

The following list of exercises are performed in sets of 25 reps. After completing a set of 25 reps, put down your CMU, run 25 yards, do 2 burpees, return to your CMU, and continue.

Here are the exercises:

– 150 curls
– 125 heavy squats
– 100 OHP
– 75 CMU swings
– 50 Thrusters
– 25 Blockees
When you finish the Blockees, start back at the top with curls.

It will look like this:

25 curls → 25 yard run → 2 burpees → 25 yard run → 25 curls…repeat until 150 curls are finished, then switch to squats…etc.  

Once through the entire circuit is 525 reps (burpees do not count toward total).

How many cumulative reps can you complete?

Flutter kicks and snow angels while the 6 caught up to the group during the Nosey back to the flag.

Last Thursday I hosted the young professional group from church. There were approximately 28 of them in my home. I loved seeing the good time they were having and the depth of relationships between them because this is the group that my wife and I started 12 years ago and that we stepped out of 5 years ago. The group has had its share of struggles with participation since we left but it has great momentum now and will be a spiritual blessing to each of them as they age as well as to the church. I see it as a spiritual legacy for me.

3 John 1:4 ESV
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.

What is your legacy? What will you leave behind if anything? Will it be with family, work, history and or the church?