F3 Knoxville

Head, Shoulders, Knees over Toes

AO: shamrock
Q: Voodoo
PAX: Nadia (Aaron Jacques), Caveman, LeBling, Stitch, slappy, Curveball, The Situation, Crawlspace
FNGs: None

I was recently told about the Knees Over Toes guy so we incorporated a few of his suggested exercises.

Started at entrance and walked backward up the hill and then moseyed to CMU pile.

4 corners workout in the school parking lot.

Round 1
-split squats (10)
-v ups (15)
-toe merkins (20)
-heels touches aka awkward turtles (25)

Traversed to each corner by lining up head to toe in a plank position and slid CMU up to person in front. Run to front of line after you pushed all the CMUs and continued until we reached the corner. Rotated between left side push, right side push, and pull CMUs on each side.

Round 2
-heel elevated squats (10)
-dips (15)
-pickle pointers (20)
-curls (25)

Bernied between each corner during round 2

Round 3 was a mix of round 1 & 2.

Completed a few burpees for penance of broken CMUs, and then racked the remaining.

10 monkey humpers

Be mindful of the words we use. They can have consequences.

Ephesians 4:29
Proverbs 10:19, 5:4
Colossians 4:6

EHed a couple of Q sign ups, and encouraged everyone to help fill the Q calendar to take the burden off of Slappy.

Stairs and CMUs

AO: thequacken
Q: Z-Pack
PAX: FixerUpper, Glamper, High Heels, Brick, Tenderfoot
FNGs: None
Windmill Stretch IC
Cherry Pickers IC
Baby Arm Circles IC
Michael Phelps IC
Merkins IC
Squat and Reach IC
Mountain Climbers IC

THE THANG: Stairs and CMUs
Using Tabata Timer work – 45 sec, rest 15 sec
1. CMU OH Press
2. CMU Curls
3. Decline Merkins
4. Flutter Kicks while pressing CMU
5. Lungs while holding CMU, or squats (for Glamper)
6. CMU Rows

Then we found a flight of stairs to ascend and descend 5x.
Then we repeated the 6 set CMU workout.
Then we found another flight of stairs to ascend and descend 5x.
Then we repeated the 6 set CMU workout.
Then we quit because we were out of time and we were hot and tired, except for Fixer who was fine.

sorry, no, but the Uncovered convergence was awesome. It’s was my 2.0 Trip’s favorite workout.

The power of Prayer. After this weekend’s assassination attempt on Trump, I thought the best reaction to the current political upheaval in our country is to pray. There is power in prayer. The political temperature in our county is running red hot, and it needs to cool down. I believe there is power in prayer, and I shared the story of Hezekiah in 2 Kings 20. Hezekiah followed God fairly well, and when he was told by the prophet Isaiah that he was about to die, Hezekiah prayed vehemently that God would allow him to live. Based on Hezekiah’s earnest prayer, God spared him and allow him to live 15 more years. He changed God’s mind. Let us pray for God’s mercy and grace on the USA.
2 Chronicles 7:14
if my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

AMRAP at the Splashpad

AO: brickyard
Q: Herbie
PAX: Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Martina (Hudson Shepherd), Natty, Appleseed, Gordie, Meatball (John Penmore)
FNGs: 1 Meatball (John Penmore)
20x SSH
Little of this and that
10x LBAC
10x Squats

10x merkins
10x cobra

10x Burpee
10x CDD
10x Squat jump
10x Iron Mike (left leg right leg)
10x Bruce Lee
Run 1 lap
10x Toy soldiers IC
10x Seal claps IC
10x Ssh IC
Plank 30 sec

20x Flutter Kicks
5x Captain Thor
Ring of fire


What is your motivation?

The Kraken

AO: bigball
Q: Magic Mic (Jarrett Woodall)
PAX: Postman (Scott Colby), Passport (Ryan Matthews), Wedding Singer, FixerUpper, Doorstop(Luke Clark), Space Camp
FNGs: None
The usual + bring Sally up

Kraken style workout around lawn. Complete a station together then take a full lap around the field. Stations were:
5x5s: 5 rounds of 5 burpees into 5 toe tap bear crawls into 5 t merkins into 5 toe tap crawl bears
Boat Canoe
Ring of fire with squats and merkins
Turk n Burps
Beep test



COT: Shared the story of Robert McCheyne who infamously was quoted on his death bed at the age of 29 saying “God gave me a message to deliver and a horse to ride on. Alas, I have killed the horse and can no longer deliver the message”. We, especially as men, don’t prioritize or value rest, even though Jesus Himself said that rest (the Sabbath) was made specifically for man. If that’s the case it is probably something we benefit from. Prioritize rest and encourage it in others as well.

Bear Crawls and Squirrel Toss

AO: asylum-am
Q: Rainbow
PAX: P3, Matlock (Bill Maddox), Hands, Tropicana, Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Coolio (Greg Fox), Cinco (Scott McGuire), Grandslam, Breaststroke (Will Duncan), Sawdust, Waffle House (Brady Greene), Gibbler, Frois Gras, Buttonfly, M&M, Dry Heave
FNGs: 1 Dry Heave
WARMUP: A bit of Wayne Dunn and some stretches. 20 SSH, Imperial Walkers, Tie Fighters, This/That, Michael Phelps, Mosey to curb for butt kickers half way, jog out rest. Back down with high knees half way jog out rest. Mosey time…

THE THANG: mosey to practice field in front of asylum for a modified Care Bear Squared Iron Pax workout:
4 corners: 25 reps of an exercise at each corner of the square. Mode of transport between corners is form of bear crawl.
Cone 1 25 merkins bear crawl to cone 2
Cone 2 25 squats side bear crawl to cone 3
Cone 3 25 4ct flutter crawl bear to cone 4
Cone 4 25 side bear crawl back to cone 1

Rinse and repeat until Q called time

Mosey to Baby Everest for 11’s (Monkey humpers and 4ct SSH)

MARY: none

ANNOUNCEMENTS: convergence tomorrow

COT: challenge to memorize scripture and charge to live out 1 Corinthians 13:4