F3 Knoxville


AO: shamrock
Q: slappy
PAX: Waxjob, Stitch, Lizzy, Squatter, Crawlspace, slappy, Band Camp, Smoked Pickle, McGruber
FNGs: None
Welcome to the best day of your life.
-cherry pickers
-twistys with little baby arm circles forward and backward
-shoulder taps
-calf stretches
-runner stretch with the noodle
-mountain climbers
-1 burpee – from slappy cause I say so
-1 burpee – from Waxjob cause he didn’t get enough
-1 burpee – from Squatter cause he loves them
-1 burpee – from @McGruber cause he’s missed all week
-1 burpee – from Band Camp cause he’s a Fla St fan and loves torture
-1 burpee – Crawlspace imposed a penalty on the car parked on in our warm up space
-1 burpee – from Stitch cause he wanted to reach 100 today
-1 manmaker burpee – from Lizzy because he’s a contrarian

We ran like the wind to Jesus where the gameboard was set up. Think Monopoly with a F3 / Shamrock AO flavor. There were three teams. Each team gets three hotels (coupons), two big dice, and one colored chalk. The team with the most property squares win. Roll the dice, move to a square, and do the exercise on the card. If the card isn’t owned you can claim it by marking the pavement with the team number beside the card. You can put a hotel on your property and make everyone else do double of the exercise. If you land on your own property, dealers choice. This ended up being a burpee heavy workout for some teams because some of the players (Stitch) are terrible rollers. It was fun, we listened to a sweet playlist. The workout flew by.

After we racked the coupons we went back to the flag. We decided to do AMRAP burpees until time was up. 100 was reached by a couple dudes.

-Clinton AO will launch soon next Friday I think.
-Escape from Haw Ridge is the best party of the year and you don’t want to miss. If you do you should feel shame and cry yourself to sleep. It occurs on 3/28/25. I will doing a shirt order if you want to jump on mine to save on shipping. Just let me know what you want. I will order next week.

I missed this on Valentines day, but here’s my advice to dudes in regards to the lady…
– Acknowledge me (is what she’s thinking, don’t let her down)
– Make space when it’s busy. It’s not always about the kids.
– Watch out for “Roommate Mode”
– Study God’s grace. Figure out to forgive. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
– Encourage her interests
– Be friends. Figure out how to connect regularly.
– Learn to like the same stuff.
– Don’t get nice things (this was a joke)

Seriously it was an honor to lead this workout and I hope you all had fun. I needed it.

2/27 beatdown

AO: bigball
Q: Drive-thru (Mikel Towe)
PAX: Abort (Jeremy Loftis), G-6 (Rick Kuhlman), Postman (Scott Colby), vanilla, Drive-thru (Mikel Towe), Go for two, Strip Tease
FNGs: None


25 minute AMRAP w rocks

15 lion kings
15 front raise
15 merkins
15 curls
15 triceps
15 overhead press
15 American hammer
15 T merkins
15 goblet squat

Abs w 10 merks after each set
-flutter kicK
-Hello dolly
-American Hammer

Getting Ready for March Madness

AO: asylum-am
Q: Sawdust
PAX: Pac-man, Hands, Matlock (Bill Maddox), TRC/Crab legs, Grandslam, Tropicana, F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom)
FNGs: None
– Stretch
– Tempo Merkins
– Cherry Pickers
– Abe Vigodas
– Rockettes
– Tie-Fighters
– X-Wings
– Line Drill with Bobby Hurleys

1. Phase I:
– Peter Parkers at the base of Baby Everest
– Bernie halfway up and sprint the balance to the Summit
– One Manmaker at the Summit
– Run up to the Asylum Building and down to the Basketball Court, stopping at certain areas for exercises along the way
1. Phase II:
– We attempted to play a game of HORSE by having the PAX do an exercise while one person took a shot. If the shot was made, the shooter had to do a burpee. If he missed, the whole PAX had to do a :burpee:. F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom) was overjoyed with the amount of :burpee: that were done by all. Let’s just say we’re not competing in any basketball tournaments as a team.
1. Phase III:
– Made our way to the artificial turf baseball diamond
– One PAX Bearcrawled to 1st base, Karaoked to 2nd base, Bernied to 3rd base & Karaoked Home.
– During the iteration, the rest of the PAX did an AMRAP of an exercise. It changed for each time someone rounded the bases.
1. Phase IV:
– Make our way back to the AO stopping at stations for various exercises.
– BBQ Squats

– Haw Ridge Sign-up

COT: Be a chain breaker! One of the men I know in my small group shared some of his life story. His family and the area he grew up in was impoverished and contained some bad environs. He joined the Air Force out of high school and got out of the bad situation and has seen the blessings of following the Lord. Reviewed Isaiah 58:1-12.

Serving Up Biscuits and Rocks

AO: brickyard
Q: Switchgrass (Stacy Clark)
PAX: Otis, Appleseed, Gmail, Bail Bonds, Gordie, Natty, Switchgrass (Stacy Clark), Colonel (Alex Wallace), Alice
FNGs: None
Static stretching and walking lunges for warm-up.

Hand release merkins mini-biscuit at splash pad.
70× hand release merkins with 10 laps.

200x curls, triceps, squats with rocks while partner bernies and runs with rock then switching out.

Walking lunges back to AO.


Forgiveness is never a one time thing. It must be executed all the time to prevent bitterness and jealousy from destroying us and other people. From that the peace of Christ is guarding our hearts and minds, saving us from our own destructive behaviors.

[the-pulpit] I Need a Hero

AO: the-pulpit
Q: Trojan
PAX: Voodoo, Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), Ike, Sawdust, Betty, Leland Robbins (Geiger), Smoked Pickle, Jesse Denton, Chitchat (Pana)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Cherry Picker, Merkin, Stretch OYO

Fellowship mosey to LS picnic tables with coupons
5 minutes Up and over picnic tables with coupons
fellowship mosey to playground with coupons
5 minutes burpee pullups
fellowship mosey to bottom of the big hill with coupons
ascend with coupons
scenic route fellowship mosey back down with coupons
ascend with coupons
scenic route fellowship mosey back to US picnic tables
2 minutes step ups at picnic tables

a handful of flutter kicks

Escape from Haw Ridge March 28th

Chapter 6 of Kent Evans’ book The Manhood Journey is about serving others. Kent talks about three reasons we serve: Duty, Devotion, and Delight. While serving out of duty and devotion is good, we should strive to serve out of delight. We should take joy in using our gifts to serve others as God’s Word commands.

Scripture references: Matthew 20:28/Mark 10:45, 1 Peter 4:10, Galatians 5:13-14, John 13:14, Philippians 2:3-4