F3 Knoxville


AO: juco
Q: Erector
PAX: Breadstixx, Fetch, Booster, Guardrail, Dart Gun, Wanderer, Windex, Love Shaq, Erector
FNGs: None
15 SSHs, 15 Mountain climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 15 Moroccan Night Club, 10 tempo squats, 5 cherry pickers
Mosey to JuConte. 8 cones were placed along the way up the hill and around the corner at the top. Perform the prescribed exercise and move on to the next. Complete all exercises and return to start for AMRAP.
-15 Burpees, 30 lunges total, 25 merkins, 50 SC mountain climbers, 30 squats, 20 staggered merkins total, 50 calf raises, 20 Carolina Drydocks.
PAX led: flutter kicks, pickle pounders, Freddie Mercury, merkins, LBCs
UnCOVEred coming up
My wife and I had a “staycation” this week. We took the kids to visit with grandparents, and I took a couple of days off from work. We get so busy in our day to day that we tend to forget how much of a blessing a wife is to us and our families. Proverbs 31 contains a description of a wife’s worthiness. In particular, verse 10 tells of her worth. “Her worth is far above jewels.” Our wives are a treasure that is far above value. If you are anything like me, you probably don’t tell her this often enough. There are far too many marriages that end for many reasons. Don’t let lack of appreciation for all she does be a reason for strife in your marriages. Remember to thank her for her contributions to the family. Show her that you love her. Make time to spend with her. She needs to feel appreciated.

Fun Farm Friday- Cashless

AO: the-farm
Q: Lightweight
PAX: Choir Boy, Bartman, Bunches, B’Gosh
FNGs: None
We warmed up, slow steady exercises and some stretches

First to $1,000 wins

Pick your payment, like a choose your own adventure of pain.

1 lap $20
20 Merkins – $25
20 BBS – $25
20 Squats – $25
15 Burpees – $40
15 box jumps $35
20 Lunges- $25
30 calf raises – $15

50 Dips – $50

MARY: no time


COT: A couple observations we are resilient and be mindful at what you are filling you time with.


AO: shamrock
Q: Caveman
PAX: Smoked Pickle, Mermaid, slappy, Gringo, Honeydew, Eliza, Base Salary, Pom Pom, Baby Boomer, Voodoo, Stitch, Skidmark, Flower Pot, Snaggletooth, Steiner, , MACGRUBER

Stationary Butt kickers – 50 single
Stationary High Knees – 50 single
Side Straddle Hops – 25
Neck rolls
Shoulder shrugs – forward / Back

Gorilla Walkers side to side
5 to the right
5 back x 2

Mountain Climbers 50

End Zone:
Shuffle to 50
Shuffle Back
Cross overs to 50 – Face Bleachers
Crossovers Back – Face Bleachers
Lunges 25
Lunges back
Gorilla walkers forward


Jog to 50
50 Mountain Climbers – Single
Sprint back

Lizard Walk to 20
Lizard Walk back x 2

Run Bleachers X2
15 Up Downs or Burpees
Run Bleachers
15 Up Downs or Burpees
Hold plank waiting on 6

10 Box Jumps
10 Jump Squats x2

Circle up
Shin Box Rotation x5
Into a runners stretch
Each side x2

Arm Circles
25 forward
25 Backwards
25 side Thumbs down

50 LBCs x2




“The pathway to what’s real is through the hardest thing you can do.”
J. Peterson

Rotisserie AMRAP

AO: asylum-am
Q: Hands
PAX: Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), Matlock (Bill Maddox), Hands, Tropicana, Grandslam, Breaststroke (Will Duncan), TRC/Crab legs, Farley
FNGs: None
WARMUP: The usual – SSH, froggy squats, tie fighters, stretching

THE THANG: 2 rounds of a rotating 1 minute AMRAP. We laid out 10 exercises in a circle, each pax did the exercise for one minute, rested 15 seconds and then we all went clockwise and did the next exercise. 2 rounds of 10 exercises with a little mosey after each round was completed.

MARY: Boat/canoe

COT: Unanswered prayers may be good preparing you, turning you into fertile soil, for the seed he has planned for you.

Little of this and that

AO: brickyard
Q: Simmons
PAX: Appleseed, Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Gmail, Natty, Spellcheck, Roundhouse
FNGs: None
WARMUP:SSH, Windmills, OHC, Seal claps, LBAC, Toy Soliders

THE THANG: 11s Skull Crushers and BBS with CMU
Mosey to grass. Murder Bunny 10 hops, bear crawl 10 steps, mosey back to CMU and murder bunny back to starting position. Repeat rounds for 8,6,4,2 reps
Mosey to Candyland. With the CMU perform 25 each of Curls(for the girls), OHP, Tricep Ext, Lunges each leg and run a Candyland lap between each exercise. Then repeat for 15 and 5 reps
On the way back to AO we had to do some more murder bunnies and bunny murders.

MARY: no time


COT: An empty can of sprite was used to show how if our lives are open and empty, we can be crushed by all the external pressures of the world. However, like a sealed and full can, we can resist and overcome all those pressures if our hearts are full and sealed by Jesus!