F3 Knoxville

Thunderdome Circuit

AO: dogpound
Q: Lightweight
PAX: Bartman, Bunches, Earmuffs (Dan Studt), Windex
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Motivators, squats, arm circles, Abe vigodas

Circuit 40/20 with a lap after all stations:
Battle Rope
Med ball slam
Overhead press
KB Swings
Jump Rope

Flutter kicks
Boat Canoe


COT: open your hearts

[mountainbiking] Haw is Raw Monday

AO: mountainbiking
Q: Imaginary
PAX: Sambo, Abscess, Spicoli, choo choo, Ice Cold, Endo, Riddler, Old School
FNGs: 3 Endo, Riddler, Old School
WARMUP / ROUTE: Ride around skills park while gathering the people coming in hot. Take off CCW and ride the outer loop on a warm, beautiful summer day.

We had 3 FNG’s and one was a superstar 12 year-old that persevered with a few crashes over the handle bars on a bike that was not made for Haw Ridge. Welcome @Riddler (Jason), @Endo (Jesse), @Old School (Ted). Great job to all the new guys!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Q calendar is open. Please signup – just pick a location, lead the ride and provide a COT of what is on your mind. If you ride by yourself, you are equipped to Q.

[Jesus] said to the sea, “Quiet! Be still!” The wind ceased and there was great calm. Mark 4:39

Life is chaos; there are always storms either brewing or surrounding us, metaphoric waves and rains that can lead us to fear. Sometimes, the miracle is that the Lord calms the storm that is all around us; but sometimes, it’s that the Lord calms the storm within us. We only need trust, hold on, wait. With the help of God, our peace and center, we will weather any storm.

[westhillsotb] I may have been wetter after this workout than when it rained

AO: westhills-ruck-otb
Q: Mermaid
PAX: Spellcheck, Borg, Mermaid, Steam, Lizzy, Single (Ryan Chambers)
FNGs: None
This was a simple workout in design, difficult in practice.

We warmed up and did S L O W (the correct way) cherry pickers, and a few other things before grabbing our bags, and additional sandbags and kettle bells and went to MOTO hill. At the top of the hill, we set the heavy things down and did a set of 20 Monkey Humpers in Cadence at the entrance to the West Side Y. We picked up our heavy things, and went back down the hill.

I explained the Ruck Tabata, which was 6 stations, for 1 minute each, 15 seconds in between stations for a total of 6 times. We were encouraged to wear a vest or ruck at 20-30lbs, then we had weight options at each station if you wanted to dial up the workout. The statins were as follows:
Sandbag Thrusters
Sissy Squats
Good Mornings

The total elasped time of the above was about 45 minutes, so another trip up Moto hill was in order, to revisit Monkey Humpers and the entrance where we bumped into Swimmies.

We then had a COT talking about the amazing COT that Commission shared on Friday focused on 1 Kings 19:19-21.

Where in your life do you need to be as committed as Elisha?

Friday Beatdown

AO: asylum-am
Q: Woodpecker
PAX: Cinco (Scott McGuire), Code Brown, Cosmo 2, Double Wide, Gibbler, Grandslam, Hands, Hot Tub (John Muller), Love’s, Matlock (Bill Maddox), P3, Tropicana, Waffle House (Brady Greene)
FNGs: None
Side Straddle Hops, Ty Fighters, Plank Jacks, Merkins x10, Mosey Baby Everest

Round 1
100 Merkins, 100 Curls, 100 Weighted Squats, Lunge Lap Around Parking Lot

Round 2
Overhead Press x100, 100 BBS, 100 Calf Raises, Bear Crawl Lap Around Parking Lot

Round 3
100 Shoulder Taps, 100 Carolina Dry Docks, 100 Flutter Kicks, Burpee Hop Lap Around Parking Lot.
Slow Mosey Little Everest



Double quarter pounder

AO: the-equalizer
Q: mouthwash (Mike)
PAX: mouthwash (Mike), Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), Ribbed, Swimmies (Nathan Chesney)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: ssh, rockettes, Tennessee rocking chair, tempo merkins, high knees and buttkickers

THE THANG: double quarter pounder
– run to 25 yard line, 25 merkins, Bernie back
– Run to 50 yard line, 50 squats, Bernie back
– Run to 75 yard line, 75 mountain climbers, Bernie back
– Run to 100 yard line, 100 ssh, Bernie back

Rinse and repeat to make it a double with:
– 25 monkey humpers
– 50 Bobby Hurley’s
– 75 lunges
– 100 ssh

Dessert =
– some pull-up work. Jump up and slow count down
– Rock pile — 2 rounds of 20 rows, curls, oh press, and tri press
– Splash pad for 2 rounds of 20 step-ups and 20 dips

MARY: worked our way thru our ABC’s


Jerry bridges — “your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of Gods grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of Gods grace.”