F3 Knoxville

It’s getting hot in herrre!

AO: juco
Q: Mailbox
PAX: Pelican, Zerolingo, Waffles, Lt. Dan, Fetch, Mailbox, Guardrail, Love Shaq, Wanderer, Booster, Windex
FNGs: None
Warmup: SSH, mountain climbers, tempo merkins, Grady corns, tie fighters

The Thing:

Mosey to big lot

Quick paced jog (similar to run) across lot – 25 toe merkinss at the end, run back
24 squats
12 lunges 4ct
12 Bonnie Blair’s 4ct
12 Bobby Hurleys

Mosey to inner campus knee wall
24 explosive stepups with knee to chest
12 split squats left leg
12 split squats right leg
12 curtesy lunges 4 ct
Run lap around inner campus and repeat

Mosey to coupons
Snow plow across street and do 10 overhead presses, snow plow back and due 9 work your way down to 1

Wall sit coupon pass…after pass coupon go to end of line and continue all the way along the wall

Finished with a ring of fire to warm up

COT: Talked about my injury and the clarity of hindsight and all the things I knew to do differently before hand but failed to do them in the moment. Encouraged everyone to slow down and try to have the clarity of hindsight in the moment during this holiday season. What is that relationship or conversation you wished to have, what is that act of kindness or generosity you might miss, what is that error in judgment that you might be tempted with. Don’t wait for hindsight to have clarity in your actions.

Happy Abvent and Merkin Christmas

AO: bigball
Q: vanilla
PAX: Postman (Scott Colby), Drive-thru (Mikel Towe), vanilla, G-6 (Rick Kuhlman), Super Size
FNGs: None
WARMUP: this n that

V Ups

Lap – Halfway 25 Merkins

TABATA ABS (5 min)
Freddy Mercury

Lap – Halfway 25 T Merkins

TABATA ABS (5 min)
Hello Dolly
Box Cutters
Pickle Pounders

Lap – Halfway 25 Inchworm Merkins

TABATA ABS (5 min)
Freddy Mercury

Lap – Halfway 25 Diamond Merkins

MARY: 25 Dips

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Fellows traveling, Super Size’s family mourning death of his great uncle.

COT: Find Hope


AO: asylum-pm
Q: Lilydipper
PAX: Glamper, Crash Dummy, Tenderfoot, CRISPR, Pusher, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Brick, Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Cheetah Boy, Heart Stop
FNGs: None
WARMUP: 20 Side-Straddle-Hops, Run Around Parking Lot, 10 Burpees, 10 Windmills, 10 Rockettes, 10 Tennessee Rocking Chairs, 6 Baby Arm Circles Forward and 4 Pterodactyls Forward, 6 Baby Arm Circles Backward and 4 Pterodactyls Backward.

THE THANG: Mosey up Mini Cardiac and stop at left of crosswalk. We will do 10 Imperial Walkers.
Mosey on trail and part of Dragon Tail then on grass up to Haslam’s Rock. We will stop to do 20 American Hammers.
Mosey to Coliseum. We will stop to do 20 Flutter Kicks
Mosey to Circle where main road converges with main park roadway. We will stop to do 20 Rocky Balboas.
Mosey to parking lot at entry of park at Northshore. We will stop to 20 Hello Dollies
Mosey to the large pavilion and go to section with picnic tables. We will divide into teams of two for Doras. While one partner runs completely around the pavilion, the other will do exercises at the picnic tables. Partners then switch. Here are the exercises that each team does at the picnic tables:
100 Picnic Table Pull-ups

100 Incline Merkins

100 Bench Dips

Mosey past playground area to soccer fields’ parking lot. We will do suicide run to end of parking lot, stopping at each crosswalk to come back and do 15 Baby Crunches before running to the next crosswalk.
Mosey to Muscle Beach. Each man will do 25 reps on two exercises of choice.
Mosey to the Bros Bowl. We will stop to do 10 Tempo Squats.
Mosey to the west end of the Caribbean parking lot. We will run to the east end of the parking lot stopping at every island to do 5 Big Boy Sit-Ups
Mosey back to the AO.

MARY: Stretches

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence at Roco this Saturday. Polar Bear Plunge on January 1.

COT: Waving Goodbye

Deanna Dikeman is a photographer who lives in Columbia, Missouri. Her parents lived in Sioux City, Iowa and Dikeman visited her parents every year, frequently more than once each year. What do loved ones do when you leave their home after a visit? They often stand outside the house and wave good bye. In 1991, Dikeman decided she would take a photograph of her parents each time they waved good bye. Her father died in 2009 at the age of 91. Her mother continued to wave goodbye until she passed in 2017. What remains are beautiful memories and a very moving series of photographs that were featured in an article in The New Yorker in March of 2020. I encourage you to look it up. If you don’t remember Deanne Dikeman, just Google “woman who took pictures of parents waving goodbye.”

If you had photographs of your loved ones waving goodbye to you each time you left then, what would that look like? I think of those waves goodbye from my parents and grandparents as well as my wife’s parents. I don’t have a history of photographs but I do have a history of wonderful and touching memories. I hope that those of you who are fathers will create such memories for your own children when they are old enough to live away from you.

I like how, in F3, we spend some time after a workout chatting with our brothers and then telling them goodbye when they leave from the workout or leave from our Board Meeting. I couldn’t help but think of Colonel’s young son, Fist Bump, when I thought of waving goodbye . . . all of us waving good bye and him enjoying that so much and waving back to us. Gents, there is something special in knowing, whether it be family or brothers in F3, that we mean something to someone, that they are sad to see us go if it is going to be a while before they come back (like when Switchgrass has had to leave us for months to go off for service in the National Guard), and that they look forward to seeing us again. So . . . thank you, Lord, for good byes.

12 Pains of Christmas

AO: the-project
Q: Biohack
PAX: Munge, Ocho, Mathlete, Chicken Bone, Patch Adams, Flying Dutchman, Tom Tom, slappy, Biohack
FNGs: None
12 reps of each:
-Tempo Squats
-Tempo Merkins
-5 Cherry Pickers

Mosey to the Y12 hill and do the following exercises, building up the first just like the song. After each set, run up and down the hill.

1. Burpee
2. Imperial Squalkers
3. Basilisks
4. Merkins
5. Big Boys
6. Lunges
7. Side straddle hops
8. Prone rows
9. Diamond merkins
10. Heels to heaven
11. Squats
12. Burpees



Advent is a four-week season dedicated to reflective preparation for the arrival, “advent”, of Jesus www.christianity.com/wiki/holidays/the-christmas-bible-story-nativity-of-jesus-in-scripture.html at Christmas time as well and Christ’s expected return in the www.crosswalk.com/faith/bible-study/things-to-know-before-the-second-coming-of-christ.html. During this important event on the church calendar, each week of Advent focuses on a different theme – hope, peace, joy, and love. Christians from all denominations and backgrounds celebrate Advent in different ways but all focus on the anticipation of waiting for the arrival of Jesus.

“The celebration of Advent is possible only to those who are troubled in soul, who know themselves to be poor and imperfect, and who look forward to something greater to come.” ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer

12 Days of Big Ball Christmas

AO: bigball
Q: Magic Mic (Jarrett Woodall)
PAX: Postman (Scott Colby), G-6 (Rick Kuhlman), Passport (Ryan Matthews), Go For Two, Sourpatch
FNGs: 1 Sourpatch
The usual

Moseyed to the Christmas Tree

12 Days of Christmas

1 lap (to and from Big Ball)
2 mucho leggos
3 left center right center
4 toe tap merkins
5 flutterkicks
6 inchworms
7 Smurf jacks
8 hr merkins
9 box cutters
10 derkins
11 Get ups
12 burpees

Retrieved the flag from an unexpected FNG


Met Sourpatch, heard a bit of his story, and closed in prayer