F3 Knoxville

Old City Hill Reps

AO: bigball
Q: Swanson
PAX: G-6 (Rick Kuhlman), Postman (Scott Colby), Magic Mic (Jarrett Woodall)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: arms and legs

Mosey to old city hill behind crown plaza
10 rounds up the hill
5 cones set at various distances from the top. Complete exercise on the cone that you are at when you cannot run the hill any longer
25 burpees
25 squat jumps
20 downhill mountain climbers
20 Bonny Blair’s
15 merkins

Walk to AO

Set goals, go together

Ye O T B

AO: the-farm
Q: Waxjob
PAX: Mayberry, Driftwood (Gary Bloom), Waxjob, Windex
FNGs: None
20x SSH
5x Cherry Pickers
10x Tempo Merkins
15x LBAC each way
10x Tempo Squats
5x Burpees
5x Burpees
Made our way around the park using various methods of locomotion for various numbers of light poles…
Inchworm Merkins
Bear crawl
Burpee Broad Jump
Crab walk

5x Easy Ups at each light pole on the way down the Causeway.
At the base of the Causeway, a little Dora action:
100 Merkins
200 BBS
300 Squats
while partner runs to the top of the Causeway and back.

After Dora, over to the stairs for some Toe Merkins:
5 on each stair. First set of stairs straight, second set toes out, third set toes in.

Next some explosive work – 3 sprints up the stairs with about 50% effort on the way back down in between.

Some more light pole locomotion back to the (imaginary) flag for some Mary.
Following all 4-ct with no rest:
30x Flutters
10x Gas Pumpers
10x Box Cutters
10x Freddie Mercs
10x LBCs
None to speak of
Whatever you do, in word or in deed, do it all in the name of the Lord.

1st Q In My 30s – Track WOD

AO: shamrock
Q: Steam
PAX: Pom Pom, Base Salary, Curveball, Commission, Caveman, Dumpster Dive (Brad Burnette), Mermaid, Crawlspace, Skidmark, Lizzy, Smoked Pickle, Lil’ Spice, DeVito, Flower Pot, Stitch, Gringo, Twitch
FNGs: None
– Mountain Climber: 15×4
– Merkin: 15×4
– Imperial Walker: 15×4
– Rockette: 15×4
– 3 burpees

(Mosey to the track – via side entrance by the baseball field)
– Whiteboard on track

(1) Cash In Lap
– 15 iron mikes
– Run to the opposite side
– 15 dry docks
– End up back here

(2) 6 Laps
– 6 total laps
– Reps at each end of the track
– 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 = 6x
– Each round will have 1 X for both ends of the track. So in 1 full lap, you’ll hit two rep stations
– 1 — Burpees (5)
– 2 — Squats (10)
– 3 — Merkins (15)
– 4 — LBCs (20)
– 5 — Imperial Walkers (25)
– 6 — American Hammers (30)

(3) Cash Out Lap
– 15 Apollo Onos
– Run to the opposite site
– 15 Apollo Onos
– End up back here

Last lap — mosey the curves, sprint the straightaways

(Mosey back to the flag for Mary)

Core 4
– Flutter Kicks: 15×4
– Hello Dolly: 15×4
– LBC: 15×4
– Box Cutters: 15×4

– Summer Convergence: UnCOVEred on 7.13.24
– uncovered-summer-convergence for more info
– Summer SWOLEstice — see Mermaid’s post in the f3knoxvillemain channel from yesterday
– Marine Corps Mud Run — August 31 in Maryville
– See Lizzy for more info

“I wish the ring had never come to me,” said Frodo.
“So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.

– Time is the only non-renewable resource — invest it well
– The investment of time we make in F3 furthers the mission, and we see the ripple effects in and outside of F3
– F3 has been a part of my life for close to a decade – and has changed, shaped, and molded me drastically. It’s a gift and privilege to be out here with you men.

Ruck – To The Top of Fountain City

AO: thequacken
Q: Z-Pack
PAX: FixerUpper, Hobie, Spellcheck, The Six
FNGs: None
Lap around the track at Ftn City Park

>From the AO we walked up to Belcaro Drive and then back down. Fixer brought a 40 lb sandbag that was passed around. I read Ephesians 5:25-29 as we started the ruck. Among other things, we talked about how to care for our M, respectively. T-Claps to The Six for pushing himself on this hilly ruck.


Dragon Boat race tomorrow
“Uncovered” convergence coming up in July or August

Caring for your M. A few things we talked about.
– Consistently praying for your M
– Being intentional to have regular dates with you M, especially if you have kids at home
– Marriage is a picture of Christ and the Church, as Christ laid down his life for the Church, husbands are called to lay down their lives for their wives. How are we individually laying down our lives for our wives?

P3’s Obstacle Tester

AO: asylum-am
Q: P3
PAX: Hands, Sawdust, Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), Rooney (Carl Whipple), Grandslam, Tropicana
FNGs: None

Quick set of SSH, Tie fighters, Cherry Pickers, Shoulder/Tri stretches, Downward/Upward Dog


Set up a figure 8 course around the asylum. Underestimated the set-up time and came into the parking lot on two wheels at 5:28am.

5 Stations creating a figure 8 around the coliseum and Everest

Station 1:
One partner works while second partner Holds BOTTOM of a plank, then switch

2 sets
10 Heavy Lawnmowers (each side)
10 Iron Mikes (each side = 20 total)

Station 2:
One partner works while second partner performs AMRAP of Air Squats, then switch

2 sets
20 Merkins
50 Single count LBCs

Station 3:
One partner works while second partner performs AMRAP of Flutterkicks, then switch

2 sets
20 Jump Squats
20 Carolina Dry Docks

Station 4:
One partner works while second partner holds a Plank, then switch

2 Sets
30 Big Bois
10 Lt Dans

Station 5:
One partner works while second partner performs AMRAP of Supermans, then switch

2 Sets
10 Man Makers
15 Alternating Lunges (each side = 30 Total)


Race Hands back to the AO (not important who won)


Get your new Asylum Shirts!!


One day an old Cherokee man sits down with his grandson to teach him about life.
“A fight is going on inside of me,” he says to the boy. “It’s a terrible fight between two wolves. One is evil – he is full of rage, jealousy, arrogance, greed, sorrow, regret, lies, laziness, and self-pity.”
He continues, “The other is good – he is filled with love, joy, peace, generosity, truth, empathy, courage, humility, and faith. This same fight is going on inside the hearts of everyone, including you.”
The grandson thinks about this for a few minutes, and then asks his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”
The old Cherokee simply replies, “The one you feed.”

Finished by picking up the course supplies while Hands yelled words of encouragement from the intersection at Northshore