F3 Knoxville

May Metric 5K

AO: the-project
Q: Munge
PAX: Mathlete, Munge, Ocho, OBrother, Tuba (Dylan Cox), Moonlighter, Flying Dutchman, Old Bay, Traxis
FNGs: None
– Side Straddle Hops
– Lunges
– Tempo Squats
– Cherry Pickers
Made up the May metric by doing 12 laps around the Friendship Bell track; extra .1 mile made up moseying to the bell
No time for Mary
Dragon Boat tonight
“Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth” (Col. 3:2 ESV).

Sometimes referred to as seeing things from the divine perspective
Good thing we often fail to do merely out of default
Dilemma: difficult to actively pursue this mindset and be about other things
Need to make it a discipline, automatic
Danger: easy to make God whatever we want him to be, idolatry
Need to abide in the word to have an accurate understanding of who God is
Examples of thinking, feeling, doing with the divine perspective; exercise, work, identity, compassion

The Last Q (of my 20s)

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Steam
PAX: Windex, Brick, Lizzy, Kung Blue, High Heels, Drum Major, Tenderfoot, Pusher, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Colonel (Alex Wallace), Switchhitter (Tony)
FNGs: None
– SSH: 20
– Squat: 20
– BAC (F): 20
– BAC (B): 20
– Merkin: 20

(Mosey to the roundabout on the right side of the Coliseum)

(1) 20s Part 1
– 2 POC: roundabout + big tree around the corner
– 5 Xs — 20 reps each (1ct) = 100 total reps
– Ping pong style
– Xs (on notecards)
– Dips
– Star Jacks
– Incline Merkins
– LBCs
– Decline curb squats

(Mosey across Orchard Street)

(2) The Triangle of Power (facing the water)
– POC: Shaded tree, open chapel, front of the superbowl
– Shaded Tree: 20 Mountain Climbers (2ct)
– Run counter-clockwise
– Open Chapel: 20 Plank up/downs (4ct)
– Run counter-clockwise
– front of the super bowl: 20 BBS
– Run counter-clockwise
– Only do this 1x

(Mosey to the bottom of Picketts Charge)

(3) Up + Over
– 2 POC: Base + BSIA Lookout
– Base: 10 man-makers
– BSIA Lookout: 10 man-makers

(Mosey back to the flag)

– 30 seconds of stretching

– Summer Convergence: UnCOVEred on 7.13.24
– Check out the uncovered-summer-convergence channel for more info

Reflecting on my 20s and F3’s role in my life

This is my last day in my 20s. Over the past decade, my life has changed and evolved drastically. Some of the big, definitive things that come to mind from this decade for me are (in no particular order):
— Graduating college
— Graduating the Knoxville Fellows thanks to G-6
— Finding F3
— Going through an excruciating coming out of Egypt season
— God calling me back to sonship and inviting me to be loved by Him and accept His grace and mercy
— Losing friends
— Losing family members
— The hardcore pursuit of the military and the mourning of that season and fight coming to an end
— Professional flailing
— The global pandemic
— Going through severe depression and isolation
— Investing into lies vs. truth
— Addiction
— Redemption
— Restoration
— Finding friends that I can call brothers
— By the grace of God, creating a new family with my wife Megan
— Waged a brutal war against my flesh
— My hard-heartedness slowly being chiseled away
— Re-introduced to what a healthy family can look like
— Being baptized
— Coming to the understanding that even though I left turned away from God in countless ways, He never turned away from me

– 2 Timothy 4:17 — But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me, so that I might fully preach the word and all the Gentiles might hear it. So I was rescued from the lion’s mouth
– This is where my name comes from — God rescuing Daniel from the lions’ mouth in Daniel 6 in the Bible
– If you let him – He will stand by you, strengthen you, and equip you with everything you need – even if it doesn’t feel like it sometimes

– 1 Corinthians 13:11 — When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put aside childish things.
– In many ways I still feel like a child
– In many ways I feel like a man
– In every way I still need to rely on God and that He truly is a good, good father. I’ve got nothing else.

I’m so grateful for all of you, and for F3. The gift it has been in my life for 8 years has defined, shaped, and molded me into who I want to be going into the next decade and beyond. Thank you all for being a part of this journey with me.

Skatepark Beatdown

AO: thequacken
Q: Z-Pack
PAX: FixerUpper, Wedding Singer, Magic Mic (Jarrett Woodall)
FNGs: None
Overhead Claps IC
Tempo Merkins IC
Squat and Reach IC
Mosey to Skatepark

AMRAP – 8 station circuit of exercises positioned throughout the skatepark
1 – Blockees – 10 reps
2 – Wall Climb – Climb over tall, sloped wall doing a Merkin after climbing over – 10 total merkins
3 – on the low curving wall – box jumps down the length of the wall, jumping a little further each time
4 – Flutter Kicks – 15 reps on 4 count
5 – Dips using a hand rail – 20 reps
6 – Decline Merkins off a small ledge
7 – CMU Thrusters
8 – Dumbell Curls
Then Bear Crawl the length of the skatepark and start over at 1 – Blockees!


Dragon Boat Race
“Uncovered” Convergence at The Cove in July or August

Inky Johnson – Overcoming Adversity, Accepting Circumstances

Broad Shoulder Birthday Q

AO: asylum-am
Q: Tropicana
PAX: Cosmo 2, Dung Beetle, Gibbler, Grandslam, Hot Tub (John Muller), Matlock (Bill Maddox), P3, Pac-man, Rainbow, Sawdust, Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), TRC/Crab legs, WaxJob, Wham-o
FNGs: None
1 burpee
2 squat jumps
3 cherry pickers
4 Tn Rocking chairs
5 pike ups
6 Abe Vagotas
7 Dry docks
9 BBQ squats
10 Mericans
1 burpee
56 total

Pair Up

Plank hold
Run to cone 7 Mericans
Run back
Switch 4 rounds

Squatting rifle hold
Run to cone. Bernie back

Lunging rifle hold
Run to cone. Crab back

Rifle surrenders
Run to cone. Bear crawl back.

Mountain climbers
Run to cone 7 Mericans
Run back
4 rounds

Plank with CMU on back
Rifle Carry to cone and back

Side plank
Farmer carry

Wheel barrow races

56 total Mericans
MARY: No Time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Asylum Shirts coming soon. Dad Camp

COT: Fathers and Husbands need broad shoulders to stand strong and resilient amid family chaos and conflict. We need other men to help us build and maintain those broad shoulders.

Tree Biscuit

AO: brickyard
Q: Gmail
PAX: Appleseed, Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Natty, Herbie, Strings (2.0)
FNGs: None
SSH, Tempo Merkins & Squats, Windmills, Arm circles, this and that and a whiffle ball bat
Tree Biscuit:
tag a tree, do a burpee
we completed 172
Yes we did – Snow angels, shoulder taps, J-los, flutter kicks

Gal 5:17 For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh, for these are in opposition to one another