F3 Knoxville

You Olympics

AO: shamrock
Q: Stitch
PAX: slappy, Swifty, Dumpster Dive (Brad Burnette), LeBling, Crawlspace, Cobbler, Anchorman, Nadia (Aaron Jacques), Oscar Meyer, Skidmark, Stiff Arm
FNGs: None
Grady Corns
Fat Guy/Little Coat
Imperial Walkers

Mosey to the track

25 Merkins
25 Squats
25 Hello Dolly’s
25 SSH
5 Burpees
1 Lap around track

Mosey back to COT

Wiffle Ball at the COT for 15 mins. 2 Teams. 3 pitches for each hitter. Tag, force or hit the runner with the ball = OUT. Batting team does the number of Burpees for each out they have. Defense does a Burpee for every run scored. HR = Hit ball over the parking lot.

It’s Back to School week! Summer is coming to a close for many and that means schedules and busyness are ramping up. Shopping, supplies, new classes, new activities, new routines, running from here to there. It can be overwhelming not only for our kids but for us.

Often, at times like this, we knuckle down and become uber self reliant. We plot and we plan and grind it out. We fill up our schedules, allowing them to dictate our rhythms or lack thereof. We almost create this sense of pride in our busyness.

“In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.” Isaiah the prophet wrote about Judah wanting to flee from the Assyrians and trust in Egypt for their protection. Egypt! The original oppressor. Instead of trusting in God’s sovereignty and plan, they created their own. “Stubborn children”, “adding sin to sin”, and “suffering shame and humiliation”.

They were unwilling. Isn’t that the human condition? I know I’m guilty of this. But “therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him.”

So, a different time, place, people, and set of circumstances for sure! But, the same God still exists, 2700 years later. Do we stop? Do we listen and learn? When life comes at us faster than we are ready for it, do we rush to avoid or control it?

I challenge you today to be quiet. Wait. Breathe! Don’t max out your schedules. Make time for what’s important. For me, that’s time with God. It’s not my strength, but he’s so patient and gracious to me, it doesn’t have to be. What has he already revealed to me and how is that calling me to use wisdom and discernment? Be intentional to spend time with your spouse, kids, and friends. And, like Mermaid said last week, take care of yourself, seek help and reach out when you need it.

[westhillsotb] 5 Things

AO: westhills-ruck-otb
Q: Steam
PAX: Single (Ryan Chambers), Mermaid, Brick, Humper ( Sam Hartness )
FNGs: None
– SSH: 15×4
– Rockette: 10×4
– Apollo Ono: 10×4
– Little bit of this (arm across)
– Little bit of that (arm over)

IP — Moto Hill 3x (w/out weight)
– Base: 10 lunges
– Top: 1 burpee
– Rinse and repeat 2x

Ruck through the park with 4 Reps Checkpoints
– 20 merkins
– 20 squats
– 20 curls
– 20 chest presses
– 20 rows
Route —> footpathapp.com/routes/1978308a-2def-45b8-9020-64166c01a53b

COT — QSource 3.4 (Vision)

Sur-Ser Continuum. A Survivor is too busy trying to live through the day to think of anything outside of himself. A Sad Clown is too consumed with trying to achieve a perfect balance between what he takes and what he gives to do anything but daydream of a better place. Only the Servant, the person whose Purpose it is to seek Advantage for others, has the capacity to transcend his own material and spiritual needs long enough to put Vision into action.

TPQ — Are you surviving or serving?

[the-pulpit] 952 Parking Spots…plus a few I missed

AO: the-pulpit
Q: Voodoo
PAX: Trojan, Smoked Pickle, Leland Robbins (Geiger), Neon, Betty, FNG Neon’s 2.0 – “Link”
FNGs: 1 FNG Neon’s 2.0 – “Link”
Moseyed to front parking lot for some stretching. We also introduced Oak Ridge Hwy to the Monkey Humper.

Visited each section of the parking lot where the PAX guessed the number of spots. Each section was assigned an exercise, and the reps determined by how far off the PAX guess was from the actual number of spots.

Workout attached.

Found a few parking spots I missed as we made our way around campus.

Shared a situation with my 2.0s where I didn’t initially want to engage with them while they were playing. I ultimately did, and could immediately tell how that improved their mood. Reminder that they won’t always want to play with their dad (mine are young), and we should take advantage of those opportunities while we can.

Ruck miles because were old and injured

AO: the-farm
Q: Gibbler , I-Beam, Lightweight, Mayberry, Gibbler
PAX: Gibbler, I-Beam, Lightweight, Mayberry
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH and cherry pickers

THE THANG: rucking and more rucking and listening to all of us complain about the idiots in life that surround us.

MARY: none. We’re married. We don’t need abs.


COT: coffee time to meet Bartman

Rock, Paper, Scissors

AO: brickyard
Q: Bail Bonds
PAX: Gmail, Spellcheck, Otis, Herbie, Gordie, DoorKicker, Sugar Smacks (2.0), Jester (2.0), Amp
FNGs: 1 Amp
Cherry pickers
Arm circles, to and fro
OH Claps
Seal Claps
Tempo Squats
Tempo Merkins

Mosey to football field.
Run a lap around the track
10 burpees to buy-in
Get a partner
Play rock, paper, scissors for 15 minutes.
The loser runs to the 50 yrd line and back.
The winner does the following until the runner gets back:
Round one, 1st 15 minutes:
1. Flutter kicks
2. Triple threat lunges
3. Mtn Climbers
Run a lap around the track
Round two, 2nd 15 minutes
1. Squat Jumps
2. Shoulder taps
3. X-factors
Run 2 laps around the track, one forward, one backwards.

8 Birthday managers for Sugar Smacks (2.0)

Mosey to AO for COT.

No time

Dad Camp this weekend

Psalms 20:7
Don’t put our trust in ourselves and the things of this world.
Trust in the name of Jesus for help through life’s trials and tribulations, and victory over the enemy!