F3 Knoxville

Let the legs loose

AO: asylum-am
Q: Gibbler
PAX: Gibbler, Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Sawdust, P3, Matlock (Bill Maddox), Fabio (Joe Hamilton), Hot Tub (John Muller), Cinco (Scott McGuire), Rainbow, Tropicana, Hands, Double Wide, @grandslam, @breaststroke, @loves, @ginger daddy, @buttonfly
FNGs: None
WARMUP: ssh and windmills and cherry pickers

THE THANG: mosey to freshly paved parking lot for merkins and squats and big boys. We added in dry docks froggy squats and hello dolly’s as well. Followed by three rounds of sprints on the soccer field.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: it’s a smooth Q when Cosmo 2isnt around to screw it up. Sign up for dad camp.

COT: Andy Rooney quote on DDay

Birthday Girl

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Toretto
PAX: Title IX (Christian Prescott), Mr Jinxy, Drum Major, Dr Phil, Pusher, Lilydipper, Switchhitter (Tony), Pele (Jon Lindberg), Curveball, Lizzy, Brick, Dain Bramage (Will Olson), Glamper, High Heels
FNGs: None
SSH, mountain climbers, Circle run, butt kicks, high knees, stretch as needed

Station 1;
Partners alternate between 50 yard run and AMRAP SSH, no cheat merkins and big boys

Station 2;
Partners alternate between hill runs and AMRAP derkins, dips and lunges

Station 3;
Burpee/ imperial Walker 7’s

Circle Mary

bluegrass-pm-otb officially launched at Bluegrass Elementary
westhills-ruck-otb officially launched at West Hills Park

Moment of silence for those who fell on D-Day

Farmer Carry w/ a side of running

AO: brickyard
Q: Gmail
PAX: FixerUpper, Appleseed, Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Herbie, Natty, Bail Bonds, Strings (2.0)
FNGs: None
Cherry Pickers
Tempo squats & Merkins
Thai Fighters
Partner up
One partner carry both CMUs 800m
Stay together but other partner Bernie
Every time CMUs drop, both partners run 400m before resuming to finish the 800m
then switch partners
15 Flutter Kicks
10 partner Merkins (smacking hands at the top)
10 Aust snow angels
5 CMU side bends (each side)
none today
That song called “open the gate” by zack bryan had me thinking about the not so good things we sometimes inherit from our fathers. my challenge was to step outside ourselves and try discerning what those are and asking the question if these things we want to stop here or do we want to pass these to our children and those whom look up to us.

[juco-rush] There is no I in sprint

AO: juco-rush
Q: Cheap Ride
PAX: Tooth Fairy, Erector, Trash Panda (JUCO), Butterknife, Shrubbery
FNGs: None
WARMUP: 1.5 to track

THE THANG: 3 sets of three :15 sprints
~300m recovery between each, ~700m recovery between sets

MARY: 1.5 from track



[the-pulpit] A Game of Chance

AO: the-pulpit
Q: Sawdust
PAX: Neon, Trojan, Betty, Ike, Smoked Pickle, Voodoo, @Tricycle
FNGs: None
– Betty, Smoked Pickle & Sawdust did a :pre-ruck: for 1.6 miles before we started.
– SSH started, but shifted to Motivators
– Tempo Merkins
– Cherry Pickers
– Windmills
– Awkward Rockettes (Bunny-style)
– Tie-Fighters
– X-Wings
– Burpees (5 because the PAX didn’t agree when the Q asked if everyone was warm)

– Ran over to the Gridiron for a Route 66 on Merkins
– Ran to the top of the Fieldhouse Turf to start our game of Chance.
– The PAX were divided into two teams. One team would work a list of exercises and then stack a cone when the list was complete. The other team would run to a location based on the roll of the :game_die: . When the running team returned, the exercise team would stop on their list and roll the :game_die: to find out where they would run. The first run team would start the exercises while the other team ran. The second run team would return to the exercise list where they left off and repeat the cycle for 4 total rounds of exercises, or until the Q called to recover.
– The Exercise List:
– 10 – Burpees
– 15 – Seal Jacks (4 – Count)
– 20 – LBCs (4 – Count)
– 15 – Peter Parkers (4 – Ct)
– 10 – Sumo Squats (4 – Count)
– 15 – Hello Dollys (4 – Ct)
– 20 – Merkins
– 15 – V-Ups
– 10 – Lt. Dans
– 15 – Gas Pumpers
– 20 – Side Crunches (10 EA)
– 15 – Boxcutters (4 – Count)
– The Run List
1. Stairs, stairs & more stairs
2. All rise in the Courts
3. Where is the flag?
4. Don’t sit on the benches
5. Up, Up & Away to the top
6. Tap the ram

MARY: No time for her.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: One team did get a lot of bad rolls of the :game_die:. So unless you’re really needing “5” at the Craps table, you might need to stick to cards.

COT: Reject passivity. In the beginning Adam failed to stand up for Eve which caused the serpent to tempt us in the beginning. We as HIMs should stand up for what we know to be right, do not stand idly by, but follow the path He has laid for us.