F3 Knoxville

Waked and Baked/Just 3 More

AO: the-equalizer
Q: Bookman
PAX: Snowbird, Bookman, Cheney, Ribbed, Stripped
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSHs, Cherry Pickers


Heavy Day has been postponed until Friday.

We met at the splashpad/dispensary. Turns out that the only pipes that seem to work there aren’t kid friendly.

However, we nefariously did a Tabata as prescribed that would have made Choir Boy proud.

Incline Merkins
Iron Mikes
Freddies Mercury – and done to Another One Bites the Dust!

MARY: Just 3 more to go. Some stretching as well

ANNOUNCEMENTS: RoCo Convergence in Dec

COT: What are your motives? A.B.A.Y.

Misty Tabata

AO: the-farm
Q: Lightweight
PAX: Aladdin, Bartman, Choir Boy, Mahoney, Madoff, Pew-pew
FNGs: None
We did
Tabata style 20/10 x 8
Alternating Pike to Merkins
Plyo Glute Bride
Side lunges to Jump
Freddie mercuries
Imperial squats walkers
Big boy situps
Bobby hurleys
See newsletter

COT: being honest with feedback should include positive as well as critical comments

CMU Mile

AO: shamrock
Q: Pom Pom
PAX: Anchorman, Pom Pom, slappy, Honeydew, Mermaid, Toretto, Flower Pot, Baby Boomer, Skidmark, Lizzy, Squatter, Stitch
FNGs: None
– run in circle (jog, shuffle, butt kicks, high knees, jog)
– Baby arm circles forward/back x 10 ic
– Tempo Squat x 10
– Moroccan night clubs x 10 ic
– Side straddle hops x 20 ic

CMU mile
– lap 1: one hand at a time. If you need to switch, set it down where you’re at and take a lap. Then you can switch. Only can run if you put the CMU down
do work until everyone is done
– lap 2/3: carry the CMU around the circle however you want. Every 2-5 mins, will stop and do 10 burpees
do work until everyone is done
– lap 4: carry the CMU any way you want. If you need to adjust, 5 burpees then continue
– 5 cherry pickers to finish out

hard skills

Not merely a difficult task. Rather, things that should be running at full speed at all times without thinking. Things that are hard-wired into our routine, into our lives. Hard skills are repped and repeated so many times that they should run in the background flawlessly. These skills are what we must find to be top performers in our lives. A few hard skills that we can focus on are:
– good attitude at all times
– being a good family leader
– pursuit of faith

Double Dora

AO: the-project
Q: Haggis
PAX: Mathlete, Chicken Bone, Patch Adams, Ocho, Flying Dutchman, OBrother, Tom Tom, Munge
FNGs: None
Q showed up a minute or 2 behind schedule so Ocho helped to get disclaimer and crew to SSH
Q entered with IW Tempo Merkins and Don Quixote

The Thang

Mosey over to bell with heavy items for Double Dora

100,200,300 is Merkins, Squats and LBC for Pax 1
Rd 1 Pax 2 had choice of weighted carry for 30 yards with R arm farmer carry, l arm carry, r shoulder carry, l shoulder, front carry and back carry with r suicides. All pax chose option 1

Rd 2 as the rain started we completed the suicides.

Fun was had by all

Mary : No time

COT: Q shared 7th birthday of Bone Marrow Transplant on Sunday and reiterated how when you battle through all the ups and downs of life it’s important to have support from family friends and everyone in between. It’s a joy to be a part of F3 and grow each day.

52 Card Beatdown

AO: thequacken
Q: Z-Pack
PAX: Tiny Dancer, Wedding Singer, FixerUpper, DoorKicker (Jud), Prairie Dog, Z-Pack
FNGs: None
Squat and Reach
OH Claps
Baby Arm Circles
Seal Claps
Ring of Fire Squats
Ring of Fire Merkins

52 Card Beatdown
:heart: = Burpees
:diamonds: = Decline Merkins
:spades: = Squats
:clubs: = Lunges
The card number is the number of reps. Jacks are 11 reps, Queen 12, and King 13.
Ace = 25 SSH, 4 count

We were 5 cards short of completing the deck. We took a few short breaks to tell dad jokes.

No, ran out of time

Gobbler Challenge at the Quacken one day next week, stay tuned.

Proverbs 17:22 – “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”
Ecclesiastes 3:4 – “A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.”
Life is hard. We walk through various trials and things get very serious. Sometimes we need to take a break and lighten up. So tell some jokes, find something funny to read or watch and just laugh. Its good for your soul.

Dad Joke – My friend was showing me his tool shed and pointed to a ladder. “That’s my stepladder,” he said, “I never knew my real ladder.”