F3 Knoxville

The Coolest Dudes Have May Birthdays

AO: shamrock
Q: Curveball
PAX: Eliza, Anchorman, Curveball, Crawlspace, Toretto, LeBling, Jon Boat, Tinker, Stitch
FNGs: None
– SSH 20
– Willie Maze Haze IC
– Little baby arm circle IC 20
– Reverse baby arm circle IC 20
– Grady Corns 20

Mosey to CMUs Then Circle up and Colt 45. (Curls)
15 from half way to top
15 from bottom to half way
15 full curl

Mosey to Top of Hill divide into two groups. While one group does the exercise, the other holds the move halfway (activated holding waiting). Then the groups switch. 3 or 4 times each exercise.

– 10 CMU Press
– 5 Shoulder Press
– 5 Curls
– 5 Dips

Boot Hill (at the same hill) – Partner up.
Hold Al Gore while partner down and up hill. 5 or 6 times.

Triangle – Work your way around the points of triangle. Around 3-4 times
– 4 Burpees
– 10 LBCs
– 10 Flutter Kicks

Charles Bronson – with CMUs instead
Start with 3 points of contact first two 50 yards apart in a line, the last another 10-30 yards past.
50 CMU Press, sprint to 2nd point, then bear crawl to 3rd point.
50 CMU Press sprint then bear crawl
25 Overhead Press sprint/crawl
25 Overhad Press sprint/crawl
25 Curls sprint/crawl
25 Curls sprint/crawl
25 Triceps sprint/crawl
25 Triceps sprint/crawl
50 SSH sprint crawl
R/R if time allows.

MARY: No time for Mary.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hardship Hill, Thunder Mtn.


INSP TV is celebrating May as the month that 9 actors were born. Actors that were famous for being in westerns. The Art of Manliness website has a list of the greatest western films ever made. 20 of the 35 films in their list had stars that were born in May.

Those Stars are:
Glenn Ford Birthday: May 1 – Shares birthday with Crawlspace
Gary Cooper Birthday: May 7
Bruce Boxleitner Birthday: May 12
Henry Fonda Birthday: May 16
Jimmy Stewart Birthday: May 20 – Shares my birthday
James Arness Birthday: May 26
John Wayne Birthday: May 26 – 180 Movies 80 Westerns
Clint Walker Birthday: May 30
Clint Eastwood Birthday: May 31 – I played with 3 of his kids while I was on vacation in Carmel CA.

Are cowboys heroes? I don’t know. But here are some fun lists that make being like them, a good choice.

Cowboy Code of Conduct
– Live each day with honesty and courage.
– Take pride in your work. Always do your best.
– Stay Curious. Study hard and learn all you can.
– Do what has to be done and finish what you start.
– Be tough, but fair.
– When you make a promise, keep it.
– Be clean in thought, word, deed, and dress.
– Practice tolerance and understanding of others.
– Be willing to stand up for what’s right.
– Be an excellent steward of the land and its animals.

10 Cowboy Qualities That Require Zero Talent
1. Put your left foot in the stirrup. It all starts there.
2. Quit when it’s done, not when you’re tired.
3. Laugh at yourself.
4. Hang out with people you want to be like.
5. Learn by watching… not talking.
6. Quit making excuses for why you can’t.
7. Life’s a story. Live it, remember it, tell it.
8. Care for things that can’t care for themselves.
9. Avoid mad females with or without babies.
10. Don’t talk about it. Do it.

And some info on the 9 stars.
Glenn Ford Birthday: May 1
Birthplace: Sainte-Christine-d’Auvergne, Quebec, Canada
Fun Facts: As a high school student, Glenn Ford took a job working for Will Rogers, who taught him horsemanship. Later, when he lived in Beverly Hills, he illegally raised 140 Leghorn chickens—until local law enforcement ordered him to stop.

Gary Cooper Birthday: May 7
Birthplace: Helena, Montana
Fun Facts: Gary Cooper was good friends with Ernest Hemingway for over 20 years. Hemingway said that he based the character of Robert Jordan on Cooper in his novel, For Whom the Bell Tolls.

Bruce Boxleitner Birthday: May 12
Birthplace: Elgin, Illinois
Fun Facts: Bruce Boxleitner got his big break when he was cast opposite James Arness in the epic television series, How the West Was Won. He’s also the author of two science fiction novels.

Henry Fonda Birthday: May 16
Birthplace: Grand Island, Nebraska
Fun Facts: As a young boy, Henry Fonda dreamed of being a journalist—but he caught the acting bug as a young man. In 1981, Fonda won his only Oscar for Best Actor in On Golden Pond, which was a final professional and personal triumph.

Jimmy Stewart Birthday: May 20
Birthplace: Indiana, Pennsylvania
Fun Facts: Jimmy Stewart was a man of many talents: he played the accordion and never took an acting lesson. When he started as an actor, he became roommates with another young hopeful: Henry Fonda.

James Arness Birthday: May 26
Birthplace: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Fun Facts: James Arness’s younger brother was Peter Graves, from the Mission Impossible TV series. During World War II, Arness also served in the 3rd Infantry Division at the same time as Audie Murphy.

John Wayne Birthday: May 26
Birthplace: Winterset, Iowa
Fun Facts: Born Marion Robert Morrison, the Duke won his only Oscar for True Grit, which was a professional triumph. Showing his sense of humor, Wayne also made a cameo appearance on The Beverly Hillbillies!

Clint Walker Birthday: May 30
Birthplace: Hartford, Illinois
Fun Facts: Clint Walker was the tallest actor in Hollywood during his era—at 6’6’ tall! He had a twin sister named Lucy, and his daughter, Valerie, became one of the first female pilots in the world in 1968!

Clint Eastwood Birthday: May 31
Birthplace: San Francisco, California
Fun Facts: Eastwood has won five Oscars including Best Actor and Best Director for the Western, Unforgiven. He says he got his biggest break when James Garner had him cast in his TV show, Maverick—which helped Clint later land the part of Rowdy Yates in Rawhide!

Prayers for Jon Boat as he travels abroad.

[the-pulpit] Hill Work

AO: the-pulpit
Q: Voodoo
PAX: Leland Robbins (Geiger), Commission, MessyHobbs, Rougarou, Smoked Pickle, Sawdust, Betty, Ike
FNGs: None

Mosey to hill behind the tennis court. Partner up. While one partner runs up the hill, the other stays put and holds an exercise. Rotate until everyone completes each exercise
-V Up
-Wall sit

PAX claimed the grass hill was too wet so we moved over to the road to complete two more rounds.

Move to the CMU pile and completed three rounds of:
-OH press
-Tri ext
-big boys

A few rounds on the turf before moseying back to the flag

Lunch Friday (5/10) at the Creekside food park (corner of Schaad/Western). 11:30

Spoke about the F3 brother in St Louis who recently passed during his first beatdown and the need to focus on eternal things.

FALCON Tribute

AO: thequacken
Q: Z-Pack
PAX: FixerUpper, Evan Wilson
FNGs: None

Abe Vigodas

Cherry Pickers IC


Little This, That, These, Those – Shoulder Stretching

Michael Phelps

Baby Arm Circles IC

Tempo Merkins IC

Mountain Climbers IC

The Thang: FALCON Tribute


4 Rounds:

F – Flying Squirrels (026 reps)

A – American Hammers (026 reps)

L – Lunges (026 reps)

C – Curls (026 reps)

O – One Lap (lap around the church)

N – No Cheat Merkins (026 reps)




Hardship Hill on 5/27/2024

I read to the PAX about the sad day that Jason Richards passed away at an F3 workout. I read about his love for his family of four children and a wife who is fighting cancer. I read about the dedication to his community and to youth sports especially the Jr. Football Program. Reading about this man and the circumstances of his life at the time of his death leaves me thinking why. Why God, would you take this man now when his family needs him and he is making a positive difference in his community? God only knows why. I’ve seen the goodness of God in my life. I read about it in scripture. I experience it in my salvation. When circumstances in life cause me to question God, “why?” I have to remind myself of God’s goodness. I come to him and prayer and struggle with trials and injustices. In those times God’s spirit helps me to walk by faith and know that God is working out all things for the good of those who love him.


AO: dogpound
Q: Madoff
PAX: Junk (Sam Yoakum), Lightweight, Unibráu (Nick Robinson)
FNGs: None
15 SSH
10 3-point planks
CMU carry to backbone – Farmer Carry each arm, front carry, rifle carry, shoulder carry

American KB Swings
Hanging knees raises

No Cheat Merkins – BBS
Pull-Ups – Squat to Brick
Recover back to AO with CMU

Hardship Hill

COT: Spoke about Luke 17 and the message about offenses.

Jesus Warns of Offenses – Luke 17
17 Then He said to the disciples, “It is impossible that no [https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%2017:1-6&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-25653a]offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come! 2 It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should [https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%2017:1-6&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-25654b]offend one of these little ones. 3 Take heed to yourselves. If your brother sins [https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%2017:1-6&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-25655c]against you, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him. 4 And if he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times in a day returns [https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%2017:1-6&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-25656d]to you, saying, ‘I repent,’ you shall forgive him.”

Another CMUesday in the books

AO: asylum-am
Q: Waxjob
PAX: Rainbow, Charmin (John Willis), P3, Sawdust, Tropicana, Matlock (Bill Maddox), Cosmo 2, Grandslam, Waxjob, Tecmo, Steak Knives
FNGs: None
A lovely break in this week’s rain left us a mostly dry AO. Welcome to downrange PAX Steak Knives from F3 Cape Fear!
15x SSH IC
5x KNOXVILLE Cherry Pickers IC
10x Tempo Merkins
15x Mountain Climbers IC
10x Travoltas each side IC
15x TN Rocking Chairs IC
10x LBAC each way
10x Overhead Claps
Nobody’s warmed up yet.
5x Burpees OYO
Still nobody warmed up
5x Burpees OYO
Still not warm
5x Burpees OYO
Now everyone’s warmed up!

Extremely short mosey to the base of Baby Everest, where we find a list of 6 exercises:

Up/Over Merkins
Curls (long way)
Lawn Mowers

All exercises 20 reps. Format is to do one exercise, followed by one trip up Baby Everest. Then 2 exercises and 2 trips. Then 3 exercises and 3 trips. Now, here comes the tricky part… 4 exercises, 3 trips. 5 exercises, 2 trips, 6 exercises and 1 final trip up Baby Everest.

Pax had the choice to start at the top or bottom of the list. Bottom was selected.

30x Flutter Kicks IC
20x LBCs IC
30 Sec Plank

Hardship Hill coming up!
Thunderhead Hike hosted by F3 Smokies
See Newsletter for details

Much post-event discussion about the recent GTE-46 – SEND ME! revolved around the time spent under an 800lb log. Not one man in the entire group quit. Everyone’s DFQ was different. For me, the DFQ started before I signed up. I’d already made the decision that no matter what came along, I was going to finish. I think setting my mind and making that decision so far in advance was a mental preparation for the darkest hours and the toughest challenge. Quitting had already been eliminated as an option about a month before. There are many decisions like this that you may have time beforehand to make the decision so that in the heat of the moment, you’re able to stand tall and DFQ.