F3 Knoxville

Modified Falcon

AO: the-farm
Q: Choir Boy
PAX: Aladdin, Choir Boy, Einstein, Lightweight
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Mainly some stretching

THE THANG: We did the Falcon workout, but our flying squirrels were modified to basic burpees, and we switched CDDs for curls so we didn’t have to carry a coupon with us the whole time. We finished the four rounds of exercises, but we did not have time for the last run. If someone claims to have done 104 flying squirrels, then I will need to see video evidence to believe it.

MARY: No time


COT: Prayers for Falcon, his wife, his 4 kids, and F3 St Louis

Cinco de Rucko

AO: asylum-am
Q: Matlock (Bill Maddox)
PAX: Coolio (Greg Fox), bluebird, Gibbler, Rugby
FNGs: None
WARMUP:get out of car. Look for Sawdust

THE THANG:turn left. Walk 4.089 miles

MARY: joined the boys

ANNOUNCEMENTS: there were several

COT:It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.


AO: shamrock
Q: Eliza
PAX: Baby Boomer, Base Salary, Borg, Brick, Eliza, I-Beam, Jon Boat, LeBling, Mathlete, Mermaid, Oscar Meyer, slappy, Stitch, Waxjob, Voodoo, Skidmark, Crawlspace, Curveball, Pom Pom (Grayson Vaughn), Toretto, Dumpster Dive
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Cherry Pickers, Various Stretches, Twinkle Toes

THE THANG: Posted from the f3 nation slack

BuyIn:  Together In-cadence 14 SSH

4 Rounds:
F Flying Squirrels ( 026 Reps)
A American Hammers ( 026 Reps HW)
L Lunges ( 026 Reps EW)
C Curls ( 026 Reps)
O One Lap (400m recommended)
N No Cheat Merkins ( 026 Reps)

Pick up six after 4th round

BuyOut:  Together In-cadence 14 SSH

Warm-up and Mary to be chosen by the Q.


MARY: no time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Thunderhead hike, Hardship Hill

COT: Prayers for Falcon and his family

[mountainbiking] Outnumbered

AO: mountainbiking
Q: Tank (Chris DeFranco)
PAX: Abscess, Sambo, Billy Goat, Toebox, Tank (Chris DeFranco)
FNGs: None
Rain held out for the e-bikes to outnumber the real bikes. 😥

Sharps Ridge: started out looping around Lincoln trail and then heading up Sharp Shin to bomb down Nightfall. Climb up SS again and take Firebreak east to the road. Take the road all the way to the overlook where they are building a new lookout that looks like an unbelievable drop with the city of Knoxville in the background. (See picture) there we had the BOM. And afterwards continued down the road where the ebikes split off I went down the connector trail where the real bikes stayed on the road and we met at the cul-de-sac. Once there th ebikes took Knightfall again down and looped around on the new extension of Lincoln to the parking lot. The real Bikes took Independence to the cars.


COT: I told the story that I heard about a bike manufacturer that decided to sell most of their bikes online. They were having about a 60% damage rate during shipping. One of their employees had ordered a TV and it was delivered to his house and he noticed how well it was being taken care of. The people were very cautious with it. He went back to his company and they decided to put a picture of a television on the outside of their box. It did have a mountain biker on the television, but it still made the box look like a television. Their damage rate went down to less than 10% after that.
This makes you think of how people treat each other. If they think that we are valuable, they will treat us so, if we are thought of is not valuable, then we are treated often times poorly. God does not see us that way. He sees us as a valuable and lovable human being, no matter what we look like or where we come from or what we’ve done. Often times people think that they need to clean their life up before they can come to God. That is definitely not true. God will clean you up once you come to him.

OG Reunion Ruck

AO: the-farm
Q: I-Beam
PAX: Mayberry, Einstein, Toto (James Smith), Lightweight, Waxjob, Driftwood (Gary Bloom), Frosty, Wall Ball (Rob Harlow), Bartman (Jason Draper), Butters, Biscuits
FNGs: None
Ruck loops with PT and sandbags.