F3 Knoxville

If You’re Honest

AO: dogpound
Q: Madoff
PAX: Lightweight, Earmuffs (Dan Studt), La-Z-Boy (Zac Smith), Aladdin, Mayberry, I-Beam
FNGs: None
15 SSH
1 Burpee
10 Rockettes
1 Burpee
5 Knox Cherry Pickers
1 Burpee
Slow mozy to Matterhorn, up the hill, and to the pavilion

Tabata – 8 rounds 20 sec work 10 sec rest – 1 min jog to gate and back/rest
Mozy, no stops, back to AO
(I clocked 1.78 miles for the day)

Birthday Rounds
Burpees, Imperial Walkers, Squats, Tie Fighters, BIG Arm Circles

Escape Haw Ridge, Leadership meeting invite, and convergence for GTE

Be honest with others but more importantly be honest with yourself. Honest about what you need to work on to improve. Encouraged all to look inward and find something we can improve about ourselves, if we look honestly at ourselves.

Keep After It

AO: the-project
Q: Ocho
PAX: Papa Lock, Mathlete, Biohack, slappy, Munge, OBrother, Flying Dutchman, Icey Hot, Tom Tom, Erector
FNGs: None
On a 53 degree beautifully dark and rainy morning in the gloom, 11 brothers gathered to see if we still have what it takes. The question hung in the air as the men gathered under the Ocho Memorial Overhang at the Ocho Memorial Sr Center.

After the preliminaries were pronounced, we warmed up our arms and shoulders. Then we leaned out into some Willie Mayes Hayes.

When we were starting to get stretched, we moved the pack to the back porch.

For our workout, we committed to 9 exercises for 40 second durations followed by a 20 second rest between each exercise. After completing the 9 exercises, we prep for 20 seconds and then started over. We worked that circuit 4 times.

Some people call that a “Tabata” or something. We just called it repetition and consistency.

The exercises were:

At the end we saved 4 precious minutes to spend with our girl, Mary. We (by which I mean I) decided to call out exercises that hit any muscle group we’d missed in our Thang. It was glorious. We worked our backs with some basilisks. We did some side crunches to hit those obliques. We tested our coordination and mental resilience with some Projectivators. And we ended the round with a particularly sinister round of shoulder burn.

Haw Ridge, Haw Ridge, Haw Ridge, Haw Ridge…and something about a banana hammock…

Galatians 6:9
And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

My word was a simple encouragement to not give up on doing good. As men, and particularly as men of faith, we must not let off the gas. We must do the same simple (right and good) things over and over. It’s our liturgies that are making us, not we who are making our liturgies.

Just Another CMUesday

AO: asylum-am
Q: Rainbow
PAX: Hands, P3, Grandslam, TRC/Crab legs, Matlock (Bill Maddox), Rainbow, Hoodless
FNGs: None
WARMUP: 20 SSH, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Tempo Merkins, Michael Phelps and some this and that.

THE THANG: mosey to open air church for circuit of 25 curls, OH press, Lawn Mowers R and L, and CMU press. Performed 2 rounds then run a lap. X2

Then mosey to pavilion. Had some pay workout in our regular spot so we settled in on the side for a partner workout. Partner 1 farmer carry while partner 2 did Abs. 3 rounds of this with LBCs, F Mercury, and Hello D’s

MARY: ended with flutters and LBCs in cadence as well as the famous closer of pickle pounders abs monkey humpers


COT: it’s Holy Week Men! Turn off the noise and focus in on what Christ has done for us

Brick Arms

AO: brickyard
Q: Natty
PAX: Appleseed, Gmail, Gordie, fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), Natty
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, chinooks, OH claps, OH Press, seal claps, mortician night clubs, army cherry pickers, baby arm circles then 5 burpees oyo

THE THANG: 10 stations and 5 MOT’s b/w each with a boogaloop. These exercise all involve bricks.
1. 6 count bricklayers (squat to ground, stand straight, curl, OH press, curl, sqt) x 25
2. 100 lat arm raises
3. 25 t-plank mkns
4. 100 bent over flys
5. 75 OH kettle swings in a sqt
6. 100 bent over rows
7. 100 curls
8. BBS
9. 4 ct double brick press oot, in, OH, down)
10. Tricep extensions

Mot: all holding bricks while running in a boogaloop
1. Rifle carry
2. Airplane
3. Active curls
4. Arms out front
5. Standard run

No time


COT: don’t stay silent when you should speak up, as Jesus did

THE Quarter Pounder

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Steam
PAX: Pele (Jon Lindberg), Drum Major, Pusher, Lilydipper, Rooney (Carl Whipple), Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Glamper, High Heels, Abacus, Lizzy
FNGs: None
– 10 (slow) Baby Arm Circles F
– 10 (slow) Baby Arm Circles B
– 10×4 Cherry pickers
– 10×4 Rockettes
– 10×4 Windmill
– 10×4 SSH

1 — 30 Rep Buy-In OYO
– 15 merkins
– 15 squats

2 — Rock Quarter Pounder
– Get a rock
– 25 curls
– Bear hug rock to the wall
– 10 rock squats
– Rifle carry back
– 25 overhead presses
– Bear hug rock to the wall
– 10 rock squats
– Rifle carry back
– 25 rock BBS
– Bear hug rock to the wall
– 10 rock squats
– Rifle carry back
– 25 rock tricep curls
– Bear hug rock to the wall
– 10 rock squats
– Rifle carry back

3 — Rock Quarter Pounder Part 1
– Same thing as Rock Quarter Pounder #1, but all 4 Xs are at 100 reps total, and you must make a rock rifle carry route 4x

(Mosey to the Overlook)

4 — Core 4 (Continuous)
– 50 flutter kicks
– 50 LBCs
– 50 Reach For The Stars
– 50 Gas Pedals

120 seconds to get back to the start point

5 — 30 Rep Cash Out OYO
– 15 merkins
– 15 squats

– EFHR coming up in two Fridays
– GTE April 26-28 — knoxville-gte-2024
– EVEN IF you’re not doing the ruck/whole thing, I HIGHLY encourage you to show up for the King Builder (Saturday workout) convergence at the Asylum + Grow School afterward at Bearden High School. World-class leadership training.

Word: A Lot Can Happen In 7 Days
Domino (F3 Smokies) shared this pic on Facebook and I thought it was really cool. Check out the pic in this message thread. I encourage you to read through each of these Scripture passages and realize just how much can happen in 7 days. From joy, to “how did we get here?!” to betrayal and death, to the ultimate example of love and sacrifice, to victory and the resurrection, truly, a lot can happen in 7 days.

– Joy
– Celebration
– Hosanna

– Pain
– Mocked
– Berated

– Betrayed
– Handed over to be crucified
– Sacrifice

– Death to life
– Victory
– “Why are you looking for the living among the dead?” -Jesus

Prayer Requests
– Pray for Ruby (Lilydipper’s mother-in-law) as she just went into hospice. An incredible woman who is closer to being on her way home.