F3 Knoxville

It’s Only Cold If You Stop Moving…


19, Clear and Windy




SSH 4ct x30 IC
Tempo Squats 4ct x15 IC
Imperial Squat Walkers 4ct x15 IC
Tempo Merkins 4ct x15 IC
Baby Arm Circles Fwd 4ct x12 IC
Baby Arm Circles Bkw  4ct x12 IC

Mosey to path near pavilion and connect with a Battle Buddy for the morning.


Burpee Loop
Run the marked loop, stopping at each cone.  At the first cone do 2 burpees, add 2 burpees at each consecutive cone (ending with 10 total at last cone).

Mosey to parking pavilion.


Bench Work
Grab a bench with your Battle Buddy.  We will do 4 Rounds, each round 2 min with 30 second break between rounds.  One man do exercise 1 while the other does exercise 2, then flip flop until time is up.

Rd Exercise 1 Exercise 2
(Done until Partner finishes Ex1)
1 Step Ups x10/leg Bench Dips
2 Bulgarian Split Squats x10/leg Incline Merkins
3 Side Step Ups x10/leg Decline Carolina Dry Docks
4 Reverse Pickle Pounders x15 Bench Dips

Mosey to parking lot.


Stand at the orange cone with your Battle Buddy.  There are six drills which each have an exercise to be completed on the spot and an exercise involving shuttles.  One Battle Buddy from each pair completes a shuttle while the other Battle Buddy completes the exercise on the spot. As soon as the shuttle is completed, tag your Battle Buddy and swap exercises.

Two minutes each drill, 30 seconds rest in between each set.

Drill Shuttle Exercise Exercise at the Cone
1 Sprint Diamond Merkins
2 Bear Crawl Star Jumps
3 Lunges Burpees
4 Sprint Carolina Dry Docks
5 Bear crawl Squat Jumps
6 Lunges Burpees

Circle up for Mary.


Flutter Kicks 4ct x20 IC
Side Crunches, Rt. 4ct x10 IC
Side Crunches, Lf. 4ct x10 IC
Hello Dolly 4ct x15 IC



12 PAX, 1 FNG (Headlamp)


Memento Mori (Latin: “remember that you have to die” is the medieval Latin Christian theory and practice of reflection on mortality, especially as a means of considering the vanity of earthly life and the transient nature of all earthly goods and pursuits.

Psalm 90:12 – “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.”

Life is a gift and stewardship, given to each of us for the benefit of others.  We are blessed as we are a blessing where we are.  Choose to live fully today, choose to be a life-giver wherever you are.


Every since day one the men of Alcoa get it!  They never disappoint and are poised to leave a huge mark in 2018.  TCLAPs brothers…onward and upward!!


Submitted by Cap’n Crunch

It’s Christmas Time at the Asylum

23 and Clear


SSH x30 4ct IC
Merkins x15 4ct IC
High Knees x15 4ct IC
Squats x15 4ct IC
Baby Arm Circles Fwd x15 4ct IC
Baby Arm Circles Bwd x15 4ct IC

Mosey along Greenway to the base of the Asylum and road


F3 Christmas Tree

Start with the base of the tree, Route 66.

Along the Greenway at the front of the Asylum.  At the first light pole perform a Candlestick Burpee (at the end of the burpee, jump up like a candle, with hands straight up hands clapped above your head).  Add 1 rep at each successive light pole until you get to 11 reps.  When finished, run back to the beginning and plank until the 6 arrives.

Mosey to the rock pile behind the Asylum.  Grab a rock and perform the following exercises.  In between each round, run down to the tree and back:

  • Round 1 (x15 reps of each): Narrow Squats, Bent Over Rows, Forward Lunges, Overhead Press, Jump Squats.
  • Round 2 (x20 reps of each): Narrow Squats, Bent Over Rows, Forward Lunges, Overhead Press
  • Round 3 (x25 reps of each): Narrow Squats, Bent Over Rows, Forward Lunges
  • Round 4 (x30 reps of each): Narrow Squats, Bent Over Rows
  • Round 5 (x35 reps of each): Narrow Squats
  • The Star: 40 Merkins.

Mosey to the front of the Asylum, stop at the orange cones.


Elf Runs
In order for the big guy to have a successful night, the elves have to be ready to move fast and do some work.  Elf runs are one of their key off-season training tools.

Set up like suicide runs with a baseline and 5 cones in a row.  Run to the furthest cone and back, do 10 merkins. Then run to the second furthest cone and back do another 10 merkins. Rinse and repeat for each of the cones.

Mosey to hill on the right side of the Asylum.


The Grinch’s Legs
We all want the strength the Grinch gets when he saves Cindi on the sleigh right?  Perform the following, then run to the top of the hill and touch the curb

  • Jump Squats x10
  • Side Lunges x 10 each side
  • Reverse Lunges x10 each leg

Rinse and repeat.

Mosey to the SP


American Hammers x20 4ct IC
Hello Dolly x20 4ct IC
Side Crunches Rt x20 4ct IC
Side Crunches Lf x20 4ct IC




Deuteronomy 30:19 – “This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live

This morning got up and enjoyed the crisp air with great men under a beautiful sunrise because we have a Creator who loves us and loves show us that love through his creation.  Every day we have the opportunity to enjoy those gifts, but we must make the choice to embrace them.  Seize every moment you can to pour life, love, grace and truth into those around you.


Tuesday Throwdown

42 and Clear




SSH x25 IC
Tempo Merkins x12 IC
SSH x25 IC
Tempo Squats x12 IC
Baby Arm Circles Fwd x12 IC
Baby Arm Circles Bkw x12 IC
Imperial Squat Walkers x12 IC


Partner up. For this routine, one person performs the exercises while the other jump ropes.

Routine:  Run to far cone perform x20 reps, run back to first cone perform x15 reps, run to the second farthest cone and perform x10 reps, run back to first cone perform x5 reps.


  1. Wide Merkins
  2. Narrow Squat
  3. Superman Swims

Mosey to pavilion.


Table Work
With your partner, gather around one of the picnic tables.  Perform 4 rounds as outlined.  Each round is 2 minutes long with a 30 second break between rounds:


Exercise 1

Exercise 2
(Done until Partner finishes Ex1)


Step Ups x10/leg Bench Dips


Bulgarian Split Squats x10/leg Let Me Ups (Wide Grip)


Side Step Ups x10/leg Decline Carolina Dry Docks


Foot to sky x10/leg Let Me Ups (Close Grip)

Mosey to intersection of old trail and new trail near the water (just down from Cardiac Hill).


Route 132
Start at intersection of the new trail and old trail.  At the first light pole, perform the 1 Dry Dock and 1 Jump Squat.  Continue up the path pausing at each light pole to do the exercises while increasing 1 rep each light until you get to 11 reps of each exercise.

Mosey to the base of Cardiac Hill.


Cardiac Mary
Start with 10 BBS then run up Cardiac.  At the first switchback perform 15 4ct Flutter Kicks.  At second switchback perform 10 BBS.  At the top of trail, where the trail meets the road, 10 BBS.

Mosey to SP.


Cash Out


5 PAX, 1 FNG (Dorothy)


The secret to growth is movement.  Whether it’s physical, mental, relational or spiritual it’s not enough to talk about change, you have to put it into action!

James 1:19-25
“Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.
But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.”


Intimate crew this morning, but the 5 HIMs gave it 100% and crushed the morning!  It was great to meet Dorothy, glad he could make it in from Albany.  Hopefully work will bring him back soon.


There and Back Again

The Scene
35 and windy


The Thang
Buy In:

  • 50 Mountain Climbers
  • 40 crunches
  • 30 ruck presses
  • 20 ruck curls
  • 10 ruck burpees (ruck off)

Ruck to movie theater (2.6 miles) along the Greenway.

At the theater, perform 21-15-9 (3 rounds of each exercises: 21 reps, 15 reps, 9 reps)

  • Zerker Squats (ruck in front)
  • Overhead Press
  • Ankles-to-Knees
  • Ruck Curls
  • Burpees (ruck off)

Ruck back to SP (2.6 miles).  Along the way stop twice for 20 Merkins & 20 Squats.


At the SP, Buy Out:

  • 50 Mountain Climbers
  • 40 crunches
  • 30 ruck presses
  • 20 ruck curls
  • 10 ruck burpees (ruck off)


Go home and enjoy a warm cup of coffee!

Wednesday Funday

34 and Foggy




SSH x25 IC
Tempo Merkins x15 IC
Tempo Squats x15 IC
Baby Arm Circles Forward x12 IC
Baby Arm Circles Backward x12 IC

Two laps around the parking lot and line up along the curb.


Run from one curb of the parking lot to the other.  At start point do 1 Jump Squat, at the far curb do 10 BBS.  Subtract 1 rep from squats and add 1 rep to BBS each time until you get to 10 Jump Squats and 1 BBS.  Once you finish, hold plank until everyone finishes.

Circle up.

Start with 1 exercise, adding another exercise until all 5 exercises are completed in succession. Then, work back down until only the last exercise is left. 20 seconds (20s) per exercise:

– Exercise 1 then 20s rest
– Exercises 1 and 2 then 20s rest
– Exercises 1, 2, 3 then 20s rest
– Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4 then 20s rest
– Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 then 20s rest
– Exercises 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 then 20s rest
– Exercises 5, 4, 3, 2 then 20s rest
– Exercises 5, 4, 3 then 20s rest
– Exercises 5, 4 then 20s rest
– Exercises 5


  1. Burpees
  2. Dry Docks
  3. Narrow Squats
  4. Diamond Merkins
  5. High Knees

Mosey to base of hill near the parking lot.

Merkin Hill
Run up and down hill doing the following:

  • Start at bottom of hill with 10 Merkins, run to top
  • Top of hill 9 Merkins, run to bottom
  • Bottom of hill 8 Merkins, run to top
  • Top of hill 7 Merkins, run to bottom
  • Bottom of hill 6 Merkins, run to top
  • Top of hill 5 Merkins, run to bottom
  • Bottom of hill 4 Merkins, run to top
  • Top of hill 3 Merkins, run to bottom
  • Bottom of hill 2 Merkins, run to top

Top of hill 1 Merkins, run to bottom.  Once you finish, hold plank until everyone finishes.

Circle up again in the parking lot for Mary.


American Hammers x20 IC
Hello Dolly x20 IC
Superman Swims x15 IC
Side Crunches, Rt. x20 IC
Side Crunches, Lf. x20 IC
Flutter Kicks x20 IC


34 PAX


Our mission is simple, “Plant, grow and serve small men’s workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership.”  I believe all of us want to be better leaders, and that’s good…but not enough.  Desire with out action changes nothing.  If we want to be better leaders, we need to lead!  In big ways, small ways and every way in between.  That is one of the many things F3 gives us, the opportunity to lead.  The opportunity to grow.  Again, opportunity changes nothing unless it is seized.  The more we practice leading the more confident we are when the opportunity arises.  Today, seize every opportunity to lead presented to you.  That is how HIMs do it!


2nd F at SoKno Taco Cantina
Powell launch THIS SATURDAY!
3rd F event – Kid workout in Mechanicsville

Submitted by Cap’n Crunch