F3 Knoxville

Keep it Simple, Make it Hurt…

54 and clear

Welcome & Disclaimer

SSH x30 (IC)
Mosey to far side

Windmill Merkins x15 (IC)
Imperial Squat Walkers x12(IC)
BAC Fwd x10 (IC)
BAC Bkwd x10 (IC)
Mosey back to SP

Circuit Circus
Divide up and head to 4 Stations
S1: Side Lunges / Dry Docks
S2: Rocky Balboas on the benches / Bench Dips
S3: Iron Mikes/ Superman Swims
S4: Shuttle Run (run to cone, 1 burpee, rinse and repeat adding 1 burpee each time)

Completed rounds of all 4 stations,
R1: 120 sec (change exercise at 60 sec except for shuttle run)
R2: 90 sec (change exercise at 45 sec except for shuttle run)

Mosey to far side near Sunsphere.  Divide into two groups

HIIT & 30s
Group 1: HIIT (8 Intervals)
– R2 1: Ranger Merkins
– Rd 2: Squats

Group 2: 30’s on Stairs
– Bottom: Flutter Kicks (4ct)
– Top: Squat Jumps

When Group 1 finishes switch

Mosey back to SP

Number off and Name-O-Rama (22 PAX)

3 Overlooked Qualities of a HIM: Humble, Teachable & Flexible

Humility is the quality of having a modest view of one’s own importance, rank or abilities. It includes a recognition that you don’t have all the answers, that you may be wrong at times and that others may have better insights, wisdom and abilities in certain areas than you do.
Proverbs 18:12 – Before destruction a man’s heart is haughty, but humility comes before honor.

Teachability is the quality of being able, willing and eager to learn from others. It includes an appreciation for the gifts, abilities and experiences of others and a recognition that you can benefit and grow by listening to and learning from them.
Proverbs 19:20 – Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future.

Flexibilty is the quality of being able to easily modify your own opinions, goals and actions. It includes the ability to adapt to new information, change course, compromise on non-moral issues, and value other’s interests as highly as your own.
Proverbs 22:3 – The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.

The PAX at Big Ball never disappoint!  We pushed hard an nonstop for 45 minutes and got better.  Great morning with great men…

We need each other

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

Warm-up: Cherry Pickers x 20, Side Straddle hop x 25, Arm circles forward and backwards x 10, Michael Phelps, Carolina Drydocks (4 count) x 20, Imperial Squat Walkers x 20

Mosey to CMU pile and do 20 Block Burpies

Mosey to playground and do 50 big boy situps

Mosey to wall of pavilion and do 1 minute wall seat

Mosey to picnic tables –half of group do 20 table horizontal pull-ups and half do 20 pull-ups in dugout—–switch. Then do 15 at each station, then 10 at each station.

Mosey to stairs: calf raises: both feet x 25, left foot x 25, right foot x 25, both pointed out x 25, both pointed in x 25

Mosey to baseball outfield: run forward to halfway point and do 2 burpies, run backwards to end line and do 10 burpies, run sideways to halfway point and do 2 burpies, then turn other way sideways to end and do 9 burpies. Always 2 burpies in middle and 10, 9, 8, to 1 on ends (did have to modify)

Mosey to hill behind baseball field at bottom of Cardio Hill. 11’s Merkins to and bottom—- bearcrawl up and crab walk down (ran out of time and had to audible)

Run up cardio and back to AO.

Circle up for BOM: message—-John 15:5. We are all dependent on God and He made us interdependent on each other. Introduced John Veit (Sparty). He told PAX about his struggles. Proud of PAX for overwhelming love and support!

This is the Day

Pax: (33)

The Scene: Foggy

The Thang:

5:30 COT

  • Toe Touches X20
  • Side Straddle Hop X25
  • Mountain climbers X20
  • Slow squats X20
  • Merkins X20

Mosey to lower parking lot- Stop on the way for CMUs

3 sets of the follow with CMUs

Blockies X10

  • Rows X25
  • Curls X20
  • Overhead press X20
  • Quick Mosey
  • Repeat X3

Drop off CMUs

Mosey to the top of the hill (running trail)

  • Plank 30 seconds

Mosey to the Everest with your battle partner

  • Single leg lunges X300
    • Partner runs Everest
  • Flutter kicks X 30
    • With entire PAX

Mosey to back to the parking lot

Stop half way for 20 Cherrie pickers

Mosey back with two lines. Each group in the back sprinted to the front until we return to the main parking lot

1 minute of the iron cross.

Count-O-Rama: 33


BOM: Psalm 118:24

This is the day that the Lord has made;     let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Flinstone 30s, Pyramids & Grinders

30 and Breezy

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

– Running Squats x10 (8ct IC)
– Windmill Merkins x10 (IC)
– Reverse Lunges x12 each leg (IC)
– Arm Circles Forward x12 (IC)
– Arm Circles Backward x12 (IC)

Mosey to back side of the Asylum
– Stop at front parking lot, ATMs & Flutter Kicks x25 (4ct)

Flintstone’s 30s
Every man select a rock (or two)
Individual 30’s on the back hill with rock (going up and down by 5s from x5 to x25 at the top and bottom)
– Double-hand Arm Overhead Press at top x5
– Dead Lifts or Sumo Squats at the bottom x25 (w/ rock)

Mosey to field on Northshore side of the Asylum at the base of Grinch Hill.  Once there, partner up.

Battle Buddy Pyramid
Battle Buddy 1 runs to second cone and does 2 exercises while Battle Buddy 2 does shuttle runs to first cone.  Rinse and repeat.

Each person will do two sets of the exercises in the following order: x5, x10, x15, x10, x5.  We had 2 Rounds:
Rd 1
– Burpees
– Dry Docks

Rd 2
– Narrow Squats
– Wide Merkins

Mosey to SP

Battle Buddy bear crawls to the cone and does 2 reps while Battel Buddy 2 is doing squats then runs back.  Switch.

Each round increase by 2 reps until each man does a total of 10 reps.
– Rd 1 = Diamond Merkins
– Rd 2 = Side Lunges (both legs = 1 rep)

Number off and Name-O-Rama (31 PAX, 2 FNGs)

Character vs. Reputation

“Character is the distinctive qualities that make a man who he truly is deep down inside. Your character is made up of all the qualities that have been deeply ingrained in your mind and spirit. It is your character that determines how you respond to life’s challenges and irritations, to both your victories and defeats. Your reputation is what others think of you; your character is what you truly are. Reputations can be manipulated; character can only be developed. While you have some control over how others see you, you have total control over your true character. The specific character traits that you develop, and live by, determine what kind of man you are.”
– Bohdi Sanders, Men of the Code: Living as a Superior Man

Wearing the F3 means something.  It means you are CHOOSING to be a man who pursues more than the status quo.  That you ACCEPT responsibility to REJECT passivity and LEAD.  You live by a code, I am Third…God, Others, Me.  Character is built through adversity.  Each morning we get out and work hard pushing ourselves and each other to get better physically, mentally and spiritually.  With each workout our character is shaped a little more.

“Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”
Romans 8:3-5

It was chilly, breezy morning, but we kept moving.  We carried rocks, ran hills, bear crawled, did burpees…all giving 100% with a smile.  It was an honor and blessing to lead this morning.  And just think…we get to do it all again next week!

1st Hump Day of 2017

45 and clear

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

– SSH x25 (IC)
– Windmill Merkins x10 (IC)
– Arm Circles Forward x15 (IC)
– Arm Circles Backward x15 (IC)
– Diagonal Lunges x10 each leg (IC)
– One lap around the parking lot

Mosey to bottom of hill between the parking lot and the baseball field

Strength Sprints
Starting at the bottom of the hill…
– 20 Narrow Squats
– Run to top of hill, do x15 4ct Mountain Climbers
– Burpee broad jump to the first cone, do x15 Dry Docks
– Alligator Crawl to second cone, do x15 Diamond Merkins
– Lunge to third cone, do x10 Jump Squats
– Run back to start

Rinse and repeat, AMRAP in 10 min

Mosey to gate near Asylum

Route 55
Run to the top of the hill stopping at each cone to do the following exercises adding one each cone:
– Burpees
– Dry Docks
– Froggy Squats
– Wide Merkings
– Star Jumps

Mosey to SP and circle up for MARY

– Flutter Kicks (4ct) – x25
– Side Crunches x20 IC each side
– Superman Swims x20 IC
– American Hammers (4ct) – x15 IC

Number off and Name-O-Rama (2 FNGs!)

Isaiah 40:30-31
Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Hope – (verb) to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence; to believe, desire, or trust

Other things that we hope in:
– Money
– Power
– Popularity
– Relationships
– Success

The problem is those are all fickle and fading.  There is one true constant in all creation, the creator.  And he has called us his sons.  Place your confidence, belief, desire and trust in HIM…and you will find both strength and rest.

The PAX crushed the workout this morning!  Everyone was giving 100% and making sure their brother was doing the same.  No better way to kick off 2017!