F3 Knoxville

Best Way to Stay Warm is Keep Moving

32 and Clear

Welcome & Disclaimer

SSH x30 IC
High Knees/Squats 8ct x15 IC
4ct Baby Arm Circles Forward x15 IC
4ct Baby Arm Circles Forward x15 IC
Shoulder Taps/Merkins 4ct x10 IC
Run to far parking lot and back

Mosey to side of parking lot where cones are set up


– There are six stations, each have an exercise to be completed and shuttle to run
– One Battle Buddy from each pair completes a shuttle while the other Battle Buddy completes the exercise. As soon as the shuttle is completed, tag your Battle Buddy and swap exercises.
– Two min each drill, 30 sec rest/transition

S1: Exercise = Diamond Merkins; Shuttle = Sprint (x2) (20 meters)
S2: Exercise = Star Jumps; Shuttle = Bear Crawl (15 meters)
S3: Exercise = Burpees; Shuttle = Lunges (10 meters)
S4: Exercise = Dry Docks ; Shuttle = Sprint (x2) (20 meters)
S5: Exercise = Froggy Squats; Shuttle = Bear Crawl (15 meters)
S6: Exercise = Burpees; Shuttle = Lunges (10 meters)

Mosey to hill near the road.

Hill Pyramids
Run hill doing exercises at the top and bottom using the listed rep progression.
Exercises: Bottom of hill – Dive Bombers
Top of hill – Narrow Squats
Reps:  5 – 10 – 15 –  20 – 15 – 10 – 5

Mosey back to SP and circle up

Flutter Kicks x30 IC
Side Crunches x25 IC each side
Hello Dolly  x30 IC
Freddie Mercury  x20 IC

Cash Out
Wide Merkins 4ct x15 IC

Number off (19, including 1 FNG) & Name-O-Rama

Being a HIM (High Impact Man) is a combination of courage and humility; boldness and restraint.  We are never on autopilot, our hearts and minds must always be engaged and seeking the best for others.

An example is when it comes to conflict.  It’s easy for us to look at others and begin pointing out where they are wrong.  Jesus gave us a different path (Matthew 7:3-5),

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”

Notice he doesn’t say ignore the speck in our brother’s eye, just that we have to handle our own business before helping others.  This takes humility, discipline and inner strength.  It’s not easy to admit when we are wrong or have missed the mark, especially in the presence of someone else who has done the same.  But the truth is someone has to lead!  Someone has to step up and do what’s right.  That’s what being a HIM is all about.

It was a chilly Friday morning, but the PAX showed up ready to work and we stayed warm.  Everyone worked hard, it was a great way to end the week.

Stairs, Circuits and Sprints

THE SCENE 30 and clear

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

High Knee / Squat (8 HK, 1 Sqt) on 8ct x15 IC
Merkins 4ct x20 IC
Baby Arm Circles Forward x12 IC
Baby Arm Circles Backward x12 IC

Mosey to stairs near the Sun Sphere


Jelly Legs
Start bottom of stairs.
R1: Hold squat position for 10 count, perform 10 squats, run stairs, at the top do 2 Burpees.
R2: Hold squat position for 20 count, perform 20 squats, run stairs, at the top do 4 Burpees.
R3: Hold squat position for 30 count, perform 30 squats, run stairs, at the top do 6 Burpees.
R4: Hold squat position for 40 count, perform 40 squats, run stairs, at the top do 8 Burpees.
R5: Hold squat position for 50 count, perform 50 squats, run stairs, at the top do 10 Burpees.

4ct Flutter Kicks x25 IC
4ct Shoulder Tap/Merkins x15 IC

Mosey to open field.  Number off into 3 groups.

Stations + Suicides
S1: Superman Swims / Ice Skaters
S2: Carolina Dry Docks / Froggy Squats
S3: Spiderman Pushups / Reverse Lunges

Complete 3 rounds of all 3 stations,
R1: 120 sec (change exercise at 60 sec)
R2: 90 sec (change exercise at 45 sec)
R3: 60 sec (change exercise at 30 sec)

After everyone has completed all 3 stations everyone lines up and does suicides after R1 = 1, after R2 = 2.

Hello Dollys 4ct x25 IC
Freddy Mercury 4ct 20 IC

Number off and Name-O-Rama

From Boyhood to Manhood
Luke 2:52 – “And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.”
Wisdom – Intellect
Stature – Physical
Favor with God – Spiritual: relationship with God the father
Favor with Man – Spiritual: relationships with others

9 PAX came out to World’s Fair for an intimate beat down.  The goal was to move nonstop for 45 minutes…mission accomplished!

Always an honor and blessing to lead the K-Town PAX

Escape the Asylum

THE SCENE 43 and clear

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

Burpees x10 OYO
Burpees x9 OYO
Squats x20 IC
Windmill Merkins x10 each arm IC
4ct Baby Arm Circles Forward x12 IC
4ct Baby Arm Circles Forward x12 IC
Diagonal Lunges x12 each leg IC

Mosey to open field on the other side of the Asylum (SP2).

Task Master
Split the group in to two teams. Each team has a task card. As a team they must complete each task in order as it appears on the list. Teams must move around the AO together completing the tasks with team weight (60# sandbag).

Task Card 1

  1. Perform 20 star jumps and 20 wide merkins where you are right now.
  2. Run to the stairs in front of the asylum and complete 8 stair runs (up and down is one rep, touch each step…no skipping) two at a time while rest of team planks. Switch until all are done. When everyone is done do 20 diamond merkins together
  3. Run to the other side of the asylum, the area known as the “basement.” Use the CUMs to complete 2 rounds of 20 curls, 20 4ct American hammers, 15 squat presses.
  4. Run to the trail at the bottom of Everest and complete 15 burpees, 40 BBS and 30 lunges (each leg is one rep).
  5. Run to the entrance of the park (Northshore entrance, not the one across from the cemetery) and complete 15 4ct shoulder taps, 40 merkins, 15 lunge jumps (both legs count as 1 rep), 20 4ct flutter kicks in the grass.
  6. Run to the open area to the right of the road and complete 4x 10 high knees + 2 tuck jumps, 20 Superman swims.
  7. Run to the hill and complete 7s of side lunges (both legs count as 1 rep) and 8ct body builders (start with 1 rep at the base and 6 at the top)
  8. Run to the field in front of the asylum and complete 40 smurf jacks (single count), 25 Dry Docks and 40 LBCs.
  9. Return to SP2

Task Card 2 (everything in task card 1 just in the opposite order after Task 1)

Mosey back to the SP1

Hello Dolly – x20 IC
Flutter Kicks – x20 IC

Number off and Name-O-Rama

“Spiritual warfare is not fighting darkness to restore wholeness.  It is fighting darkness to release virtue.” Larry Crabb

“Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good.” Rom. 12:21

Understanding that our world is marked conflict and struggle impacts our understanding and experience of the world.  For example:

  • When we find ourselves experiencing hard times we don’t need to be blindsided…it is normal. This world isn’t as it should be.
  • The good that is in the world is worth fighting for!
    • The love of a spouse
    • The love of our kids
    • The innocence of children
    • Relief and of the oppressed
    • The preservation of what is good, right and lovely.
  • The importance of vigilance and “training in righteousness!”
    • Not perfection, simply doing what’s right.

We have another compelling reason to lock shields with other like-minded men. Despite what we see in movies and on TV, men don’t survive war alone…they survive and thrive within a team…within a TRIBE.

Field Circuits

THE SCENE 63 and Clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

10-9-8-7-6 Burpees OYO
Forward Baby Arm Circles x12 IC
Reverse Baby Arm Circles x12 IC
Narrow Squats x20 IC
5 Burpees
Diagonal Lunges x10 each leg IC

Mosey to open field and line up at the first cones

– Partner with Battle Buddy of similar fitness level.
– There are six stations, each has an exercise to be completed on the spot and an exercise involving shuttles
– One Battle Buddy from each pair completes a shuttle while the other Battle Buddy completes the exercise on the spot.
– As soon as the shuttle is completed, tag your Battle Buddy and swap exercises.
– Two minutes at each station, 30 seconds to move to next station (1 cycle = 6 stations)

Station        Shuttle Exercise        Exercise on Spot
1                  Sprint (x2)                 Diamond Merkins
2                  Bear Crawls              Star Jumps
3                  Lunges                      Burpees
4                  Sprint (x2)                 Dry Docks
5                  Bear Crawls              Jump Squats
6                  Lunges                      Burpees

After first cycle…4ct Flutter Kicks x20 IC, 4ct American Hammers x20 IC
Repeat Cycle

Mosey to SP

4ct Flutter Kicks x25 IC
Hello Dolly x20 IC

Number Off and Name-O-Rama

We talk often of being a man of impact (HIM) at F3. Something that has been helpful toward this end for YHC is a definition of manhood I learned over a decade ago.  Definition of Manhood – Reject passivity, accept responsibility, lead courageously and expect a greater reward.  HIMs impact their world, they are men who move toward chaos and conflict and bring positive change.  To do this we must distinguish between interest and commitment.  We can show interest in something, but never act.  Commitment requires action, and often sacrifice.  I speak with a lot of guys who are interested in coming to F3, but when 5:00am rolls around they are more committed to sleep.  HIMs aren’t just interested in doing the right thing, they are committed to it.

This morning, the men in the COT have already won a victory…they committed to being there with their brothers in the gloom and came through.  That’s what being a HIM is all about…showing up.

Take stock of your world.  Is there an area where you need to move from interest to commitment?  Take the momentum of the morning and roll it over into home and work.  Leave a mark!

The men of WFP know how to show up and work hard!  We hit the ground running and didn’t let up until we started numbering off.  TClaps to everyone who came out to get better!

Keep Moving…

THE SCENE 58 and clear

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

– SSH x30 IC
– Windmill Merkins x10 IC
– Narrow Squats x20 IC
– Arm Circles Forward x15 IC
– Arm Circles Backward x15 IC
– Imperial Walkers x15 IC

Mosey to bottom of hill between the parking lot and the baseball field

Strength Sprints
Starting at the bottom of the hill…
– 20 Prisoner Squats
– Run to top of hill, do x15 4ct Mountain Climbers
– Burpee broad jump to the first cone, do x15 CMU Presses
– Alligator Crawl to second cone, do x15 Diamond Merkins
– Lunge to third cone, do x10 Jump Squats
– Run back to start

Rinse and repeat, AMRAP in 10 min

Mosey to pavilion and grab a Battle Buddy

Bench Work
3 Rounds, each round 2.5 min with 30 second break between rounds.  Battle Buddy 1 performs Exercise 1 while Battle Buddy 2 performs Exercise 2, then switch.  Rinse and repeat until time runs out.
– Rd 1: Exercise 1 = Step Ups x15/leg; Exercise 2 = Bench Dips
– Rd 2: Exercise 1 = Bulgarian Split Squats x10/leg; Exercise 2 = Let Me Ups
– Rd 3: Exercise 2 = Side Step Ups x10/leg; Exercise 2 = Decline Carolina Dry Docks

Mosey to bottom of hill near parking lot

Hill Sprints
At the bottom x10 Superman Swims
At the top x10 Jump Squats

Rinse and repeat x4

Mosey to SP and circle up for MARY

Flutter Kicks x25 IC on 4ct
Side Crunches x25 IC each side
Hello Dollys – x25

Number off and Name-O-Rama

“I have two types of problems, urgent and important.  Urgent are never important, and important are never urgent.” – Dwight Eisenhower

“Put first things first and we get second things thrown in: put second things first and we lose both first and second things.” – C. S. Lewis

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” – Jesus (Matthew 6:33)

Points to reflect on:
1.) Are you clear on what things are “important” and what things are “urgent” in your life?
2.) Where are you sacrificing the “important” for the “urgent?”

Another beautiful East Tennessee fall morning!  The PAX was quite but determined this morning.  We kept moving, worked hard and got better.  Can’t get much better than that!