F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: 70 degrees F., 89% humidity, cloudy skies

Insert information about the warmup.

Mosey to the fountain area just past Mt. Crumpit.  Split into two groups of six.  One does Route #1 while other does Route #2.  Groups switch after completion of their route.

Modified Route 66 #1

1 WWII, Run to 1st Light Pole, 11 Merkins, Run to Start

2 WWII, Run to 2nd Light Pole, 10 Merkins, Run to Start

3 WWII, Run to 3rd Light Pole, 9 Merkins, Run to Start

4 WWII, Run to 4th Light Pole, 8 Merkins, Run to Start

5 WWII, Run to 5th Light Pole, 7 Merkins, Run to Start

6 WWII, Run to 6th Light Pole, 6 Merkins, Run to Start

7 WWII, Run to 5th Light Pole, 5 Merkins, Run to Start

8 WWII, Run to 4th Light Pole, 4 Merkins, Run to Start

9 WWII, Run to 3rd Light Pole, 3 Merkins, Run to Start

10 WWII, Run to 2nd Light Pole, 2 Merkins, Run to Start

11 WWII, Run to 1st Light Pole, 1 Merkin, Run to Start

Alternate 5 WWII and 5 Merkins until Recover is Announced.


Modified Route 66 #2

1 Burpee, Run to 1st Light Pole, 11 SSH, Run to Start

2 Burpees, Run to 2nd Light Pole, 10 SSH, Run to Start

3 Burpees, Run to 3rd Light Pole, 9 SSH, Run to Start

4 Burpees, Run to 4th Light Pole, 8 SSH, Run to Start

5 Burpees, Run to 5th Light Pole, 7 SSH, Run to Start

6 Burpees, Run to 6th Light Pole, 6 SSH, Run to Start

7 Burpees, Run to 5th Light Pole, 5 SSH, Run to Start

8 Burpees, Run to 4th Light Pole, 4 SSH, Run to Start

9 Burpees, Run to 3rd Light Pole, 3 SSH, Run to Start

10 Burpees, Run to 2nd Light Pole, 2 SSH, Run to Start

11 Burpees, Run to 1st Light Pole, 1 SSH, Run to Start

Alternate 5 Burpees and 5 SSH until Recover is Announced.


Mt. Crumpit 7’s

1 Dry Dock / 6 Box Cutters

Order of ascent to top of Mt. Crumpit.

Run – Bernie – Run – Bear Crawl – Run – Bernie


Note: A few completed both Route 66 versions and about half of the Mt. Crumpit 7’s.  None felt cheated.

Box Cutters, Flutter Kicks, LBCs
12 HIMs including FNG Veep – Welcome!
In 1989 I quit buying Exxon gasoline and motor oil although it was my product of choice before then.  I didn’t like the way Exxon handled the aftermath of the Exxon Valdez tanker spill along the Alaskan coast.  11 million gallons of crude oil along 1300 miles of pristine coastline with untold numbers of fowl and animals affected.  I didn’t think Exxon owned the problem.  Fast forward to 2010 and the BP Deepwater Horizon spill.  20 times the oil spill of the Exxon Valdez.  Although, not as readily available in this are, I continued to buy BP gasoline.  I liked the response I saw and I believed they were truly sorry for the accident. You see, we all make mistakes and, since companies are made up of people like us, companies make mistakes too.

Owning up to them and trying to mitigate the consequences is important to me.  I make purchasing decisions based on a lot of factors.  Most of them are private decisions and I don’t go public with them.  My boycott decisions can be long term, short term, forever, or a few days.  All can be reversed because I only have to convince myself and since most are private or limited broadcast, I don’t have to justify my change of heart.

Forgiveness is the key and I see far too little of that in our country and our world.  Sure, the offender needs to own up to the transgression and there needs to be remorse but the one offended needs to take the next step.

I’m certainly thankful that God shows us the way in these matters.  While we were hopelessly lost in our sin and transgression, He reached out to us by sending Jesus to suffer the consequences of our worldly actions.  He took the first step and made the next one, our step, so much easier and so much more healing in our relationship with Him.  For God so loved the world, and me, and you, that He took the first step toward forgiveness and everlasting joy for us.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.


THE SCENE: 74 degrees F, 82% humidity, partly cloudy skies.

SSH, Overhead/Out Front Claps, Imperial Squat Walkers, Plank Walk Outs


Meander mosey to Waxjob Hill

AMRAP:  8 Minutes Each Round/1 Minute rest

Round 1:  10 reps 3,4,5,6 Body Builder – Run Up Hill – 10 reps 1,2,7,8 Body Builder

Round 2:  10 reps 4 count Shoulder Taps – Bear Crawl Hill – 10 reps WWII Sit Ups

Round 3:  10 reps Carolina Dry Docks – Bernie Up Hill – 10 reps 4 Count Flutter Kicks

Mosey back to the Grinder

Round 4:  10 reps/leg Step Ups – Skip 40 yards – 10 reps Merkins

Box Cutters, Windshield Wipers, LBCs

Total of 21 including two young sons (Coconut and Nightmare) of 3 Rivers and FNG Palmetto (Darren Macy)
There was a lot of turbulence in the 1960’s.  They were marked by assassinations, a nuclear war threat, the Vietnam War, war protests, racial tensions, and a growing drug culture. I entered high school in 1966 into a newly expanded, air conditioned building in a small town 45 miles southeast of Houston, TX.  Lamar Consolidated High School was being integrated with the closing of A. W. Jackson, an African-American only high school.  With a student population of almost 2,000, things went very smoothly from my teenage perspective.

We are presently in a period that has some resemblances to the 1960’s when it comes to racial tensions.  In the 50 years since my graduation from high school, there have been far too many incidences that remind me of the deep rooted inequality and prejudices that still exist in our country.  Each time these incidences occur and at various other times I pull out a small clip from my wallet.  It is from March of 1970 and it has been in all of the wallets I have owned over the past 50 years.  It is a short letter to the editor of Newsweek magazine. It is titled, Absurdity and Insanity:

Well, I suppose that all of those white rioters in Lamar, S.C. (NATIONAL AFFAIRS, March 16), will go home, wipe the dust off their cars, shine up their “America, Love It or Leave It” signs, watch the evening news and be disgusted with the young revolutionaries, go to church on Sunday and, when election time rolls around again, vote for George Wallace who will protect them against all of these damn dissenters.         BOB MAYHAM

Given the events around the death of George Floyd, I decided to do a little research about the Lamar SC Riots and came upon an article about some of the black students riding the buses the day two of the buses were overturned by white rioters.  The article concerned a 50th anniversary gathering of several students.  Mary Timmons was 16 years old at the time and was in one of four buses stopped.  Hers was not overturned but I can only imagine the fear she must have felt.  A quick search on Facebook and I sent her a photo of the Newsweek clip and a personal note on Facebook Messenger.  I wrote on May 28th:

Dr Timmons.   I was reading about the terrible tragedy in Minneapolis with the merciless death of George Floyd. Similar travesties happens far, far too often. Each time I pull out this little short letter to the Newsweek editor from March 1970. I have carried it in my billfold since my senior year in high school, 50 years ago.  I was sharing this clip with a Facebook friend and giving her some background about it. Today in a Google search about the Lamar Riot I came across an article with your name in it. I thought I would share it with you. Much has happened in the past 50 years. Progress has been made but the rate of change has not been fast enough. You obviously endured great pain 50 years ago. May God’s grace continue to engulf you and help you be a light to others.

It wasn’t until June 8th that I receive the following:

Thank you so much Bob.

We never know whose lives we touch as we going through. God always has a purpose beyond our imagination. What we go through is not about us, but to help strengthen others during their time. I am so happy to be a witness in this hour we are in. I never thought fifty years later we would be facing the world of change. What is so beautiful is we have the world standing with us.

I was touched by her words.  Perhaps this time around we will get it right as a society, as a country, as incredibly blessed creatures of a loving God.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.


THE SCENE: 67 degrees F, 90% humidity, sprinkles turning to partly cloudy.

SSH, Overhead Claps, Cherry Pickers, Imperial Squat Walkers


With a CMU, run to the first light pole and perform 12 exercises indicated

Light Pole (LP) #1:  Floor Press (leave CMU at light pole)

Run back to starting point, run to LP #2 (pick up CMU on the way)

LP #2:  Floor Press, Bent Rows (leave CMU at LP #2)

Run back to starting point, run to LP #3 (pick up CMU on the way)

LP #3:  Floor Press, Bent Rows, Curls

Repeat above sequence until all listed exercises are completed.

LP #4:  Floor Press, Bent Rows, Curls, Lawn Mowers

LP #5:  Floor Press, Bent Rows, Curls, Lawn Mowers, Triceps Extensions

LP #6:  Bent Rows, Curls, Lawn Mowers, Triceps Extensions, Incline Merkins

LP #6:Curls, Lawn Mowers, Triceps Extensions, Incline Merkins, On The Shelf

LP #5:  Lawn Mowers, Triceps Extensions, Incline Merkins, On The Shelf, Upright Rows

LP # 4:  Triceps Extensions, Incline Merkins, On The Shelf, Upright Rows, CMU Swings

LP #3:  Incline Merkins, On The Shelf, Upright Rows, CMU Swings, Squat Press

LP #2:  On The Shelf, Upright Rows, CMU Swings, Squat Press, Blockees

LP #1:  Upright Rows, CMU Swings, Squat Press, Blockees, Decline Merkins

Box Cutters, Protractors, LBCs

11 HIMs plus Lactose and Pigpen
The small group I’m in with my church had a Zoom meeting last week with Petra and Tom Damms of Dignity International in Prague, Czech Republic.  They provide Christian ministry services to refugees detained in an area camp.  Most are seeking political asylum and some are escaping imprisonment and/or death.  The goal for the majority is to reach Germany but the Czech Republic is in the way and that government is not too sympathetic to their plight.  Some are granted visas but most are turned back and deported.  The whole process can take as long as three years for each refugee to learn their fate.

During the conversation, Tom and Petra were asked what kept them going physically and emotionally.  Part of the answer was anticipated.  Part was not.  Faith in God and the desire to be the hands and feet of Jesus was the obvious.  “Surrender” was not, yet proved the be the most convicting to me.  Petra said she used to pray for wisdom and to know God’s will.  Now she prays for surrender.  She believes she knows God’s will for her and that He has given her the wisdom to determine what her response is to be.  She now prays that she surrenders herself fully to God to carry on His mission.

What a powerful thought!  I looked up what that should look like to those who believe in God and what that should mean.  This is what I found.

Surrender means to yield ownership, to relinquish control over what we consider ours: our property, our time, our “rights.” When we surrender to God, we are simply acknowledging that what we “own” actually belongs to Him. He is the giver of all good things. We are responsible to care for what God has given us, as stewards of His property, but by surrendering to God, we admit that He is ultimately in control of everything, including our present circumstances. Surrendering to God helps us to let go of whatever has been holding us back from God’s best for our lives. By surrendering to God, we let go of whatever has kept us from wanting God’s ways first.

Please God, help me surrender to You.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Turn Your Eyes

THE SCENE: 62 degrees F, with soaking rain

SSH, Knees to Chest, Cross Arm Swings, Quad Stretch, Reverse Lunge, Imperial Squat Walkers

Run to AO end and back to pavilion

Bernie to AO end

Skip back to pavilion


Tabata 60 seconds/20 seconds – 2 Rounds

Incline merkins

Flutter kicks


Box cutters

Tempo Squats


WWII Sit-ups

Bulgarian Split Squat

Shoulder Taps

Step Ups


Run to AO end and back to pavilion

Bernie to AO end

Skip back to pavilion

Freddie Mercury, LBCs, ABCs

12 Total, no FNGs but Lactose joined us


Most of you have probably heard about Advocare, a dietary supplement company.  You may know that this multi-level marketing company was determined by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission to be operating as a pyramid scheme. Subsequently, Advocare switched from multi-level marketing to single-level direct selling.  Many highly compensated Advocare employees were released in July 2019.  Julie and I knew a few of those impacted and it could have been a devastating  blow to their well being.  Suddenly $30,000 to $60,000 per month income was gone.  Think about that.  Yes, that’s more money than most of us imagine to ever earn on a regular basis but losing it would certainly be traumatic.

I remember talking to one of those involved and I will always remember her words, “You know there’s a reason the windshield is bigger than the rear view mirror.  You need to focus your attention on what’s ahead of you … not what’s behind you.”

Those words fit very well with a present I bought Julie for her birthday last year.  In black script letters, printed on a white 20″ x 30″ canvas poster are the chorus lyrics from a 1922 hymn by Helen Lemmel.

“Turn your eyes upon Jesus

Look full in His wonderful face

And the things of earth will grow strangely dim

in the light of His glory and grace.”

Prayers for Taylor, Snorkels niece.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Top to Bottom

THE SCENE: Clear skies, 35 degrees F., 78% humidity.

SSH, Knees to Chest, Arms across Body, Quad Stretch, Arm Circles (1st Forward, 2nd Backward), Spine Openers (two rounds)

Bear Crawl and Crab Crawl across the grinder.


Top to Bottom 21-15-9

Dry Dogs – Merkins – Shoulder Taps (perform 21, 15, and then 9 of the three exercises in sequence)

Run a Lap (about 1/4 mile)

Hollow Holds (30 seconds) – Tuck Ups – WWII Situps (perform 21, 15, and then 9 of the three exercises in sequence)

Run a Lap (about 1/4 mile)

Step Ups – Air Squats – Iron Mikes (perform 21, 15, and then 9 of the three exercises in sequence)

Run a Lap (1/4 mile


Did THA- THANG until time was up
9 total HIMs including three FNGs.  Welcome Peach, Shorthorn, and Walk-On
The sweet spot is often utilized in business training sessions.  It is the area of intersections of three circles.  An example of the three circles might be 1.) What We Want, 2.) What They Want, and 3.) What We Can Do.  The sweet spot, where the three circles intersect, is the place of mutual benefit and capability for the parties.  There has been another example floating around lately.  It has to do with COVID 19.  The three circles are People taking COVID 19 seriously, People worried about expansion of authoritarian government policies, and People very concerned about impending economic devastation.  In this case the sweet spot is ME.  That is the place where I am during this time in history.  I don’t want to let any one of the circles to be bigger than the others and I want the sweet spot to be as big as possible.  I think all three issues are huge problems and all three need to be balanced in thought and efforts.  There certainly has been a lot of air time given to the treating this flu seriously as there is a lot of effort going toward opening up the economy.  An area that lagged the attention I believe it needed was the overstretch of government rules and regulations.  It has gained some steam with protesters showing up in various places around our country.

The three circles devoted to COVID 19 would get me on my pulpit in social media and I used to to make my point.  At least I did use it.  Not any more.  Now when I thing about it I think that Jesus is the one I should be concerned about.  I should not worry about government officials exerting too much on me.  I need to let Him exert His authority over my life.  Do I let His light shine on me, in me, and through me to others? That is what Jesus wants.  That needs to be all I want.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.