F3 Knoxville

Week of 10.23.2017

I pray you are enjoying another beautiful East Tennessee weekend!  We have a lot going on for the next few weeks.

Take a minute to read about everything, make your HCs and let’s enjoy this incredible fall weather.

New Website

Our website is live…www.f3knoxville.com!

We are working hard to get all existing PAX registered on the website.  Along with weekly emails we are working to having all the Q registration run through the website.  This will be a HUGE help for scheduling and communication.

For all this to work, we need your help.  If you haven’t done so, head over and register on the website using the link below.  You will NOT get spammed.  Your email address will NOT be shared with anyone.

To get registered, click this link and input the 4 pieces of requested info: https://f3knoxville.com/signup/ It’s that simple, takes about 60 seconds.  So take that minute right now, click the link and get set up!

This Week’s Workouts


– Bootcamp Workout, Lakeshore Park (The Asylum), 5:30am-6:15am – Proton on Q

– Bootcamp Workout, Pellissippi College (JUCO), 5:30am-6:15am – Bartman on Q


– Bootcamp Workout, Concord Park (The Dog Pound), 5:30am-6:15am – Waxjob on Q

– Bootcamp Workout, World’s Fair Park (Big Ball), 5:30am-6:15am – ? on Q

– Bootcamp Workout, Lakeshore Park, (The Asylum), 5:30am-6:15am – ? on Q

– Bootcamp Workout, Springbrook Park (The Bomb Shelter), 5:30am-6:15am – La-Z-Boy on Q

– Bootcamp Workout, Lakeshore Park (The Asylum), 5:45pm-6:30pm – Roadshow on Q


– Bootcamp Workout, Lakeshore Park (The Asylum), 5:30am-6:15am – Ribbed on Q

– Bells & Ropes, Concord Park (The Dog Pound), 5:30am-6:15am – ? on Q


– Bootcamp Workout, Concord Park (The Dog Pound), 5:30am-6:15am – Shooter on Q

– Bootcamp Workout, World’s Fair Park (Big Ball), 5:30am-6:15am – Steam on Q

– Bootcamp Workout, Lakeshore Park, (The Asylum), 5:30am-6:15am – Cap’n Crunch on Q

– Bootcamp Workout, Springbrook Park (The Bomb Shelter), 5:30am-6:15am – Moses on Q

– Bootcamp Workout, Lakeshore Park (The Asylum), 5:45pm-6:30pm – Bandwagon on Q


– Bootcamp Workout, Lakeshore Park (The Asylum), 5:30am-6:15am – Bartman on Q

– Rucking, Bob Leonard Park (The Truck Stop), 5:00am-6:00am – I-Beam on Q


– Bootcamp Workout, Lakeshore Park (The Asylum), 7:00am-8:00am – Crawdad on Q

– Truckin’ to the Pound!, meet at Bob Leonard Park (The Truck Stop) at 6:00am – Mayberry on Q

– Bootcamp Workout, Bob Leonard Park (The Truck Stop), No Workout – Head to Truckin’ to the Pound

– Bootcamp Workout, Springbrook Park (The Bomb Shelter), No Workout – Head to Truckin’ to the Pound

***THREE OPEN Q’s…if you can take Tuesday morning at either Big Ball or the Asylum or Wednesday morning at the Dog Pound let me know by replying to this email ASAP AND to to the calendar on the website to sign up (https://f3knoxville.com/q-calendar/?/list/calendar/range/week/date/20171015)***

October CSAUP Event – Truckin’ to the Pound – NEXT SATURDAY!!!

Our first official F3 Knoxville CSAUP Event is just a couple of weeks away!  This event is free and open to all men in Knoxville.

The event will start at the Truck Stop AO at 6:00amSaturday October 28.  The PAX will travel to the Dog Pound AO (approximately 9 miles total), stopping for 4 mini-Qs along the way.  We will make the journey together…it will be epic!  Mark the date on your calendar and plan on spending the morning pushing your limits and having a great time in the process.

F3 Knoxville 2-Year Anniversary – Saturday, November 4 (TWO WEEKS)

Celebrate F3 Knoxville’s 2nd anniversary with a workout in the morning and a fun afternoon of fellowship!

F3 Knoxville launched on a damp Saturday morning on November 7 2015.  Over the past two years, literally hundreds of men have come out to the gloom to get better.  We have exercised in the heat, the snow and the rain, and watched the sun come up.  Men have grown physically and spiritually, and lasting friendships have been made.  This PAX has continually inspired the rest of F3 Nation, and is only getting stronger.

On Saturday November 4, we want to celebrate.  We will have a convergence workout at the the Asylum that morning, bringing all the PAX together.  That afternoon, we will get to fellowship with each other while having a potluck dinner (see instructions below), an “awards” ceremony and a fun game for the wives and kids.  The festivities will be from 2:00pm to 6:00pm at McFee park (933 McFee Rd. Knoxville, 37934)

This is going to be a family event so bring the whole crew…girlfriend, wife, kids, friends or someone that you just met today!  The F3 “Awards” nomination form is attached in an excel doc below. Please take a minute to fill it out and email it back to Tank.  Even if you can’t make it to the gathering, please take a minute to fill it out and send it to Tank!

For the Potluck, La-Z-Boy has put together an online sign up sheet. Please click below or cut and paste to sign up to bring something. The link to the sign up is: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0d45ada82faafe3-f3potluck

I, Cap’n Crunch, want to personally encourage and exhort you…come out and be a part of what you have built!  Even if it has been a while since you’ve seen the gloom, take this weekend as an opportunity to hit the restart button.  Looking forward to seeing everyone at McFee Park on the 4th.  Reach out to someone you haven’t seen in a while, let them know they are missed and we are holding their spot in the COT.  No man left behind, no man left the same!

A Battle Fight, an Adventure to Live, a Beauty to Rescue…and More

“Deep in his heart, 

every man longs for a battle to fight, 

an adventure to live, 

and a beauty to rescue.” 

– John Eldredge, Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul


I still remember reading those words from John Eldredge for the first time over 15 years ago.  They unlocked something in me and launched me on a journey that still inspires me today.  Since I first read those words, I have had countless ups and downs.  Times where I felt like I was winning, but more times where I felt like I was confused and lost.  Through it all, my awareness of a larger story kept me stumbling forward.

I went back and looked at a journal I had when I first read Wild at Heart.  I found something interesting.  While the battle, adventure and beauty spoke deeply to me, I always thought there was something missing.  I went so far as to add it to my notes on the book in my journal.  I did so because I realized something, I can never be the man I want to be, was made to be, alone.  Along with a battle, adventure and beauty…I need a brotherhood!  I need men who are different from me, but fell the same stirring that I do to lock shields with.  Men that I can encourage and support, and that can encourage and support me.  I can’t fulfill my destiny alone, no one can. We were never meant to.  Once we awaken to the story God is inviting us into he wants us to unite with others on the same journey.

After nearly 15 years of searching, I found my tribe.  The men of this PAX inspire me to stay in the fight, to embrace the adventure and to love selflessly my beauty.  There are countless other sad clowns in our city that need the same.  We must never become complacent.  When we misstep, recommit and get back in the fight.  When we see a brother falling back, circle around and help him.  We don’t have to escape our world to life fully, we have to embrace it and draw strength from the men on our left and right.

I look forward to enjoying the cool fall mornings with the men of this PAX.  Have a restful evening, and then let’s get after it in the morning!

Strength and Honor,

Cap’n Crunch

Week of 10.2.17

Happy October brothers!
This is going to be a killer month.  We have a couple of big events this month: the launch of a new AO in Alcoa and our first CSAUP Event!  We are also ramping up for the GROWRUCK05 event in Chattanooga in November.  We have several guys rucking before every workout and special rucking workouts on Friday mornings.  Rucking is great exercise and can take your training to a whole new level.
Momentum is building, here is how you can jump in the flow this week…
This Week’s Workouts
   – Bootcamp Workout, Lakeshore Park (The Asylum), 5:30am-6:15am – Barbie on Q
   – Bootcamp Workout, Pellissippi College (JUCO), 5:30am-6:15am – Toto on Q
   – Bootcamp Workout, Concord Park (The Dog Pound), 5:30am-6:15am – Shooter on Q
   – Bootcamp Workout, World’s Fair Park (Big Ball), 5:30am-6:15am – Rascal on Q
   – Bootcamp Workout, Lakeshore Park, (The Asylum), 5:30am-6:15am – Frenchie on Q
   – Bootcamp Workout, Lakeshore Park (The Asylum), 5:45pm-6:30pm – Lillydipper on Q
   – Bootcamp Workout, Lakeshore Park (The Asylum), 5:30am-6:15am – Bandwagon on Q
   – Bells & Ropes, Concord Park (The Dog Pound), 5:30am-6:15am – Ratchet on Q
   – Bootcamp Workout, Concord Park (The Dog Pound), 5:30am-6:15am – Tank on Q
   – Bootcamp Workout, World’s Fair Park (Big Ball), 5:30am-6:15am – Abort on Q
   – Bootcamp Workout, Lakeshore Park, (The Asylum), 5:30am-6:15am – Dimples on Q
   – Bootcamp Workout, Lakeshore Park (The Asylum), 5:45pm-6:30pm – Snag on Q
   – Bootcamp Workout, Lakeshore Park (The Asylum), 5:30am-6:15am – Elvis on Q
   – Rucking, Bob Leonard Park (The Truck Stop), 5:00am-6:00am – I-Beam on Q
   – Bootcamp Workout, Lakeshore Park (The Asylum), 7:00am-8:00am – Cap’n Crunch on Q
   – Bootcamp Workout, Bob Leonard Park (The Truck Stop), 6:00am-7:00am – Woodshack
**** Alcoa/Maryville Launch Date – TWO WEEKS – Saturday 10.14.17 ****
It is almost here!  The launch date for Alcoa/Maryville is in two weeksSaturday, October 14 at 7:00am.  The AO will be Springbrook Park Rec Center.
It’s time for the hard press on EHs.  If you know someone in the area that needs to overcome the fartsack reach out to them.  Let them know the details, join them in the gloom on Saturday the 14th, offer to drive by and pick them up…WHATEVER IT TAKES!  Being a part of something as it launches is a special thing.  Let’s make sure that every sad clown we know in the area knows that F3 is in town!
October CSAUP Event – Truckin’ to the Pound – 10.28.17
This month we have our first official F3 Knoxville CSAUP Event!  This event is free and open to all men in Knoxville.  The event will start at the Truck Stop AO.  The PAX will travel to the Dog Pound AO (approximately 9 miles total), stopping for 4 mini-Qs along the way.  More details will be coming soon.  For now, mark the date on your calendar and plan on spending the morning pushing your limits and having a great time in the process.
GROWRUCK is a uniquely crafted F3 event.  It is a one-of-a-kind event that integrates leadership, teamwork, and fellowship like only F3 and GORUCK can.  Think of it like a men’s/leadership retreat on steroids.  It is a custom event tailored for F3 men and designed to equip us to be the best men we can be for our family, friends and community.
This fall, Chattanooga will be hosting GROWRUCK05 over the weekend of November 18-19.  Festivities will include a hangout gathering on Friday night (11.17), with the real event beginning on Saturday morning (11.18).  A group of our PAX will leave from Knoxville early Saturday morning and participate in the following:
  • 7:00am-8:00am – F3 TN Convergence – Dredd and OBT
    • The regions represented there will be Knoxville, Johnson City, Chattanooga, Nashville, Franklin, Memphis and Alpharetta.
  • 8:30am-9:30am – GROW School – Dredd and OBT
    • The focus is on leadership and growth both personal and corporate.
  • 5:30pm-6:00am – Custom GORUCK Tough
    • This is where we put all we learned that morning into practice.
This an event for F3 men only facilitated by GORUCK.  GORUCK Toughs are 12 hour, over night team-based events designed to test you physically and mentally.  For more information on GORUCK Tough CLICK HERE.  For more info on “rucking” check out the following articles from Men’s Health and Breaking Muscle.
This is a TEAM EVENT!  Don’t let the unknown hinder you from something that could be a major catalyst for change in your life.  We have weekly scheduled ruck training workouts to help men prepare.  If you don’t have a ruck…no problem!  F3 Nation has a “Lend-A-Ruck” program where you can borrow one to train and use for the event for free.  Also, we have several guys in the PAX who are familiar with rucking and have participated in GORUCK events before.  You have plenty of time and opportunity to get ready.
The cost of the event is $150, but DO NOT let that be a factor.  We have scholarships and if someone wants to go we will do whatever we can to make it happen.  This type of event only happens maybe once every 5 years, we will be talking about this for a long time.
Pfieffer is our GROWRUCK Q.  If you have any questions contact him on GroupMe or in-person!
Take a Risk…LIVE!

As men, I sincerely believe there is something written deep within our souls that calls our for adventure.  That adventure takes on different forms based on the personality, experiences, gifts and skills of each man, but it is there.  In Falling Forward, John Maxwell says,

“In life, there are no safe places or risk-free activities. Helen Keller, author, speaker, and advocate for disabled persons, asserted, ‘Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.’”

“Everything in life brings risk. It’s true that you risk failure if you try something bold because you might miss it. But you also risk failure if you stand still and don’t try anything new. G. K. Chesterton wrote, ‘I do not believe in a fate that falls on men however they act; but I do believe in a fate that falls on them unless they act.’ The less you venture out, the greater your risk of failure. Ironically, the more you risk failure—and actually fail—the greater your chances of success.”

No matter what form the adventure takes in our lives, there are a few fundamentals that equip us for the journey.  Resilience, courage, ingenuity, leadership…these are things that all of us can grow in.  Leadership of people begins with leadership of self.  Leadership of self starts with commitment and follow through.  Each day we have the opportunity to grow physically, mentally, relationally and spiritually.  It starts with the courage to commit and then the effort to follow through.
Make the HC to get out in the gloom this week and get better.  Make the HC to do what you can to support others to do the same.
Once again the Sky Q has given us a new week, let’s make it count!
Strength and Honor,
Cap’n Crunch

Week of 09.25.2017

Good afternoon PAX,
I hope your weekend is ending on a restful note.  We have a great week ahead, check it out…
This Week’s Workouts
   – Bootcamp Workout, Lakeshore Park (The Asylum), 5:30am-6:15am – Cap’n Crunch on Q [WVLT on site]
   – Bootcamp Workout, Concord Park (The Dog Pound), 5:30am-6:15am – Mayberry on Q
   – Bootcamp Workout, World’s Fair Park (Big Ball), 5:30am-6:15am – Abort on Q
   – Bootcamp Workout, Lakeshore Park, (The Asylum), 5:30am-6:15am – Music City on Q
   – Bootcamp Workout, Lakeshore Park (The Asylum), 5:45pm-6:30pm – Abscess on Q
   – Bootcamp Workout, Lakeshore Park (The Asylum), 5:30am-6:15am – ? on Q
   – Bells & Ropes, Concord Park (The Dog Pound), 5:30am-6:15am – Ratchet on Q
   – Bootcamp Workout, Concord Park (The Dog Pound), 5:30am-6:15am – Shooter (VQ!) on Q
   – Bootcamp Workout, World’s Fair Park (Big Ball), 5:30am-6:15am – Steam on Q
   – Bootcamp Workout, Lakeshore Park, (The Asylum), 5:30am-6:15am – ? on Q
   – Bootcamp Workout, Lakeshore Park (The Asylum), 5:45pm-6:30pm – Lillydipper on Q
   – Bootcamp Workout, Lakeshore Park (The Asylum), 5:30am-6:15am – Ear Wax on Q
   – Rucking, Bob Leonard Park (The Truck Stop), 5:00am-6:00am – I-Beam on Q
   – Bootcamp Workout, Lakeshore Park (The Asylum), 7:00am-8:00am – Crawdad on Q
   – Bootcamp Workout, Bob Leonard Park (The Truck Stop), 6:00am-7:00am – Gibbler on Q
*** We have two open Qs at the Asylum this week, Wednesday and Thursday.  If you would like to take on of those Qs respond to this email and let me know ASAP! ***
2nd F Events
2nd F Gathering THIS FRIDAY NIGHT 9/29 – Cornhole Tournament (Take 2)
Cornhole Tournament Take Two will be held THIS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 from 7pm to ?? at Tank’s house. If the weather is bad we can do basement games again.
Tank’s M will provide appetizers and non-alc beverages. (BYOB) Wives are welcome to come and have fellowship together or even play cornhole as well.  We can have everyone chip in a few bucks to a pot for the winners of the tourney.
A GroupMe Event is up to RSVP.
If you have a set of cornhole boards bring them.
Weekly Lunches
Check GroupMe to see who is going:
    • Wed: Whole Foods – Papermill
    • Thurs: Brown Bag – Hardin Valley
Alcoa/Maryville Launch Date – Saturday 10.14.17
It’s getting closer!  The launch date for Alcoa/Maryville is Saturday, 7:00am on October 14 2017.  The AO will be Springbrook Park Rec Center.  Here is how to get involved:
  1. If you are interested in being part of the launch team let me (Cap’n Crunch) know and I’ll connect you with Moses.
  2. If you know men in the Alcoa/Maryville area reach out to them and let them know F3 is coming.  Share your story and invite them to come out and get better.
Start making those EHs and let’s make sure that every sad clown in the Alcoa/Maryville area knows F3 is coming.
Truckin’ to the Pound (CSAUP Event) – Saturday, October 28
Next month we have our first official F3 Knoxville CSAUP Event!  This event is free and open to all men in Knoxville.  The event will start at the Truck Stop AO.  The PAX will travel to the Dog Pound AO (approximately 9 miles total), stopping for 4 mini-Qs along the way.  More details will be coming soon.  For now, mark the date on your calendar and plan on spending the morning pushing your limits and having a great time in the process.
GROWRUCK05 is Coming!
GROWRUCK is a uniquely crafted F3 event.  It is a one-of-a-kind event that integrates leadership, teamwork, and fellowship like only F3 and GORUCK can.  Think of it like a men’s/leadership retreat on steroids.  It is a custom event tailored for F3 men and designed to equip us to be the best men we can be for our family, friends and community.
This fall, Chattanooga will be hosting GROWRUCK05 over the weekend of November 18-19.  Festivities will include a hangout gathering on Friday night (11.17), with the real event beginning on Saturday morning (11.18).  A group of our PAX will leave from Knoxville early Saturday morning and participate in the following:
  • 7:00am-8:00am – F3 TN Convergence – Dredd and OBT
    • The regions represented there will be Knoxville, Johnson City, Chattanooga, Nashville, Franklin, Memphis and Alpharetta.
  • 8:30am-9:30am – GROW School – Dredd and OBT
    • The focus is on leadership and growth both personal and corporate.
  • 5:30pm-6:00am – Custom GORUCK Tough
    • This is where we put all we learned that morning into practice.
Again, this an event for F3 men only facilitated by GORUCK.  GORUCK Toughs are 12 hour, over night team-based events designed to test you physically and mentally.  For more information on GORUCK Tough CLICK HERE.  For more info on “rucking” check out the following articles from Men’s Health and Breaking Muscle.
This is a TEAM EVENT!  Don’t let the unknown hinder you from something that could be a major catalyst for change in your life.  We have weekly scheduled ruck training workouts to help men prepare.  If you don’t have a ruck…no problem!  F3 Nation has a “Lend-A-Ruck” program where you can borrow one to train and use for the event for free.  Also, we have several guys in the PAX who are familiar with rucking and have participated in GORUCK events before.  You have plenty of time and opportunity to get ready.
The cost of the event is $150, but DO NOT let that be a factor.  We have scholarships and if someone wants to go we will do whatever we can to make it happen.  This type of event only happens maybe once every 5 years, we will be talking about this for a long time.
Pfieffer is our GROWRUCK Q.  If you have any questions let him know:
Never Stop Growing
“Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, 
and let each new year find you a better man.”
– Benjamin Franklin
In whatever state this email finds you today, I want to encourage you to keep pushing forward!  Growth requires us to consistently challenge ourselves, to never be satisfied with status quo.  If you find yourself sidetracked or maybe even sidelined, don’t give up!   You are one commitment away from getting back on track.  It won’t be easy, but what in life worth doing ever is?  The struggle is worth over coming so that we can be the best we can be physically, mentally, relationally and spiritually for our friends and loved ones.
Getting up early, pushing ourselves physically and stretching ourselves spiritually isn’t easy.  It costs us comfort and convenience to be sure, but we get back what we put in ten fold.  When you put in the work physically, you get stronger, loose weight and feel better.  When you stretch yourself spiritually you become more of who you were made to be and are able to overcome the destructive habits and patterns that have held you down.  And when you engage relationally you see that you are not alone, that you have a band of brothers ready to challenge you and support you as you do the same for them.
Make the HC to get out in the gloom this week and get better.  Make the HC to do what you can to support others to do the same.  It’s a new week…make it count!

Strength and Honor,

Cap’n Crunch

Cones of Discomfort

THE SCENE: Its May…whatever

13 HIMs escaped the fart sack today to join the PAX in the gloom.
Mosey to Tennis Court for a Suicide Pyramid: 5 Squat Jumps + 5 Clarkins + 5 Regular Squats

Mosey to Parking Lot for Wheelbarrow Merkins w/ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 at each parking spot

Mosey across road to skate park for station training:
1. 20 Mtn Climbers

2. 20 Flutter Kicks

3. 20 Squats

4. 20 BBSU

5. 20 Star Jacks

6. Rinse and Repeat

Run to the track for a mini Seabiscuit: at each corner 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats

Indian Run back to AO
Power T Flutter Kicks x 20, Peter Parkers x 4, Hello Dolly x 25
13 HIMs escaped the fart sack today to join the PAX in the gloom.
A story of perspective-
My son was a young cub scout selling popcorn for his Pack outside a small-town Walmart. The rain was pouring down and it was cold and miserable. As a bit of advice, I told him that he was going to hear 10 “no’s” for every “yes”. After about 13 no’s, he came to me and said, “I’ve had 13 no’s, so a yes is going to happen at any time!” This is a cute story about how we should perceive a difficult situation. So often we think about the “no’s” instead of the “yes” that is about to come. God has promised us all an incredible “yes”, so always try and keep this perspective in your life. Reflect on Romans 8:18 – I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.