F3 Knoxville

“Are You With Me?”

THE SCENE: Awesome weather.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Done and done. 

  1. 10 Tempo Squat – 4ct, IC
  2. 10 Tempo Merkins – 4ct, IC
  3. 10 Windmills – 4ct, IC
  4. 10 Cherry Pickers – 4 ct, IC
  5. Mosey to Playground


7s @ Playground: Pullups + Burpees=7. 1 Pullup+6 Burpees, 2 Pullups+5 Burpees, etc. (Still lose count at the tipping point: 3 Pullups + 4 Burpees, 4 Pullups + 3 Burpees!)

Brick Work @ Toy Box (until we get a proper name for all our equipment near the Recruiting Offices – CMUs, Cut Utility Poles, Tractor Tires, Concrete Boxes, Pull-up [some assembly required]:

  • One at a time, each PAX will Farmer Carry 2 CMUs (pinch grip) from Toy Box to parking lot curb. This will establish the time/# reps for each exercise. Everyone else rotates through these exercises:
    • Curls (vary grips – inside, outside, etc)
    • Single Arm Bent Over Row (alternating 10 each side)
    • Kettle Bell Swing
    • Thrusters (cuz we can’t get enough of these!)
    • Squat (vary stances – feet together, regular, wide sumo, etc)
    • Single Leg Dead Lift (alternating 10 each side)
    • Burpees
    • For variety, we threw in some Tricep Extensions, Calf Raises, or PAX choice
  • At time, Mosey back to Shovel Flag

After all that BRICKWORK, PAX Choice yielded 10 Windmills + 10 Cherry Pickers with a lot of moaning and groaning, and a last minute mad rush of Flutter Kicks, Hello Dolly, and Freddy Mercury.

Fantastic 4+1: Erector, Kickflip, Whipper, Snaggletooth and Jesus.

I’ve shared a prayer request with some of the PAX earlier in the week that I’ve had a few stupid moments in the last month (more than usual in quick succession): blow-up anger that terrified my family, open-mouth-insert-foot conversation with wife. I knew something was wrong and that I needed help. Since then, I’ve been able to see a counselor that has proved to be very fruitful and helpful to me. I came away with a question that is vital for marriage. What each partner wants to know is: “Are you with me?” In the midst of pain and fear, anxiety and sin, triggers and rush, each of us needs to know that the answer to this question is, “Yes. I am with you. I am for you.” When I get derailed, lose focus, or forget my priorities, I need to be asked, “Are you with me?” And when I feel scared or anxious, and I ask the question, I’ll need to be convinced that the answer is “Yes.”

With a little distance from Christmas, we may still remember this verse in the gospel of Matthew 1:23, quoted from the prophecy of Isaiah 7:14 – “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel (which means ‘God with us’).”

Because of Jesus (Emmanuel), whenever we ask God, “Are you with me?” the answer is forever “Yes. I am with you. I am for you.” Ask Him. (Rom 8:31-39)

This is why Jesus came – that we might be reconciled to God, adopted as sons. (Rom 5, Rom 8) He is a Friend who sticks “closer than a brother.”(Prov 18:24) He teaches us “how deep the Father’s love for us.” (I Jn 3:1) He fulfills God’s promise, “I will never leave nor forsake you.” (Deut 31:6, Heb 13:5) How important it is for us to ask the question of God – so that we are reminded afresh of His answer: “Yes. I am with you. I am for you.” This is the good news for us. This is the gospel.

Prayed for Rocket’s mom, Spotter’s mom, and people affected by tornadoes in Middle Tennessee.

Collecting snacks for Wesley House on Friday March 6, Convergence at JUCO on Sat, March 28, Hardship Hill on Sat, May 2

Project: Sore Baby Chest

THE SCENE: 50s and raining… It was great. Coulda been much worse, right?
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Welcome to F3, Free Workout, Not a professional, You’re here of your own volition, Scale/modify as needed, I have a cell phone in the event of an emergency. Done and Done.

Due to rain, we warmed up under the covered drive of the Senior Center.
1. 15 SSH – 4ct, IC
2. 15 Squat – 4ct, IC
3. 15 Arm circles – 4ct, IC (both directions)
4. 15 Moroccan nightclub – 4ct, IC
5. 15 Overhead clap – 4ct, IC
6. 15 Merkins – 4ct, IC
7. 5 Burpees – OYO
8. 10 Cherry Pickers – 4 ct, IC
9. 8 Project Motivators (AKA The Project-ivators – IT’S A THING)


Mucho Chesto @ Amphitheater: My kids think it’s funny that I don’t have any hair on my chest. They call me “baby chest” because they think all men should have hairy chests. (What are we back in the 80’s when Tom Selleck was the measure of a man?) So, as punishment, I mean, for exercise, PAX did 10 of each type of merkin: Regular, Wide, Diamond, Stagger Right, Stagger Left for a total of 50 merkins. Rinse-Repeat for a total of 100. Lots of groaning and ugly form in the 2nd set. Mosey over to Library Parking Lot.

Barak Obama @ Library Parking Lot: Named after the 44TH POTUS, PAX begin at one parking lot island, bear crawl 4 parking lines then do 4 merkins. Rinse/repeat to the other parking lot island. It was only light rain at this point so there was little to no complaining. That started when we bear crawled back 4 parking lines + 4 merkins back to the starting point. Mosey over to the Senior Center Parking Lot.

Apple Turnover @ Senior Center Parking Lot – We needed to grab gloves because my tender hands were revolting against me for all that bear crawling – on the asphalt – in the rain. Just in time for MORE BEAR CRAWLING. Apple turnover included PAX bear crawling 3 parking lines, and then flipping over to crabwalk (forward) 3 parking lines. We began from one parking lot island to the far parking lot island. When we made it there – we crawl-beared (that’s right, backward bearcrawling…) 3 parking lines, flipped over to crabwalk (backward) returning to starting point.

BONUS: Since we burned through our workout so quickly, with the extra time, we did 5 burpees at one end of the parking lot and sprinted to the other side. Then, 5 burpees and sprint back to the start. Rinse and repeat until I was completely gassed – I mean, until time ran out.

Mary @ Covered Drive of Senior Center: PAX Choice – LBCs, Rosalita, Freddy Mercury, Left Side Crunches, Right Side Crunches, Flutter kicks, and Big Boys with funky cadence, courtesy of Mailbox.

Lucky 7: Erector, Kickflip, Rocket, Samaritan, Mailbox, Slappy, Snaggletooth-Q



2 Corinthians 5:14-21 – “For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15 And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

16 So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 18 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20 We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. 21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”

I have the privilege of visiting fellow followers of Jesus who are incarcerated at the Morgan County Correctional Complex (MCCX). I am writing a letter to the governor of Tennessee on behalf of a friend for clemency. I believe that his life in prison testifies that he has paid enough of his sentence, that he is a true follower of Jesus, and that his life is better spent outside of prison walls with his family and as a contributing member of society, not as a threat or a parasite. He now can live and serve as an ambassador for Jesus, calling and imploring others to be reconciled to God, as he himself has been through Jesus Christ our Lord. What’s striking is how we can view someone in one way, when God sees him another way completely. While his prison sentence is justified, he now has a greater calling (a minister of reconciliation) to live beyond his past into a new eternal purpose as a new man.


The Project adding Thursdays so we’re all going to be Q’ing a couple times each month. Tuesdays will remain traditional bootcamp workouts, Thursdays will be heavy work: rucking, CMU, etc. Kickflip on Q – bring CMUs. Hardship Hill in May – JUCO has at least one team with another possibly in the works. Sign-up.

CMUesday @ The Project

THE SCENE: Bitter 24 degrees with wind. Just mean…
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Done. With cell phone just in case any of us were to freeze and fall over.
WARM-O-RAMA: heck yeah – lots of warm-o-rama…

  1. 15 SSH – 4ct, IC
  2. 15 Tempo Squat – 4ct, IC
  3. 10 Iron Mikes (each leg, 2 ct) – OYO
  4. High Knees running in place – 30 seconds
  5. 5 Burpees – OYO
  6. 10 Arm Circles (both directions)
  7. 10 Moroccan Nightclub – IC
  8. 10 Overhead Clap – IC
  9. 8 Tempo Merkins – 4ct, IC
  10. 8 Merkins – 4ct, IC
  11. 8 Cherry Pickers – 4 ct, IC
  12. 8 Project Motivators – IC
  13. Pick up CMU, mosey to Friendship Bell


CMU Work @Friendship Bell: 20 bicep curls, 20 overhead press, 20 tricep extensions, 20 squats, 20 BBS w/CMU (2 ROUNDS) – Take CMUs, mosey to K-2(5)

Doras @K-25: Partner 1 starts on 50 Burpees, 75 BBS, 100 merkins, 200 squats (all without CMU) while Partner 2 starts on Sprints w/CMU up the hill. Switch off with partner until rep count is complete. Mosey back to Shovel Flag. Whew!

PAX Choice: Freddy Mercury, and Little Baby Flutter Kicks – Finished for time.

4-STRONG: Erector, Kickflip, Chaco, and me, Snaggletooth.

God, Touch Our Hearts (John Piper)
Saul went to his house at Gibeah; and the valiant men whose hearts God had touched went with him. (1 Samuel 10:26)
Just think of what is being said in this verse. God touched them. Not a wife. Not a child. Not a parent. Not a counselor. But God.
The One with infinite power in the universe. The One with infinite authority and infinite wisdom and infinite love and infinite goodness and infinite purity and infinite justice. That One touched their heart.
How does the circumference of Jupiter touch the edge of a molecule? Let alone penetrate to its nucleus?
The touch of God is awesome because it is a touch. It is a real connection. That it involves the heart is awesome. That it involves God is awesome. And that it involves an actual touch is awesome.
The valiant men were not just spoken to. They were not just swayed by a divine influence. They were not just seen and known. God, with infinite condescension, touched their heart. God was that close. And they were not consumed.
I love that touch. I want it more and more. For myself and for all of you. I pray that God would touch me anew for his glory. I pray that he would touch us all.
O for the touch of God! If it comes with fire, so be it. If it comes with water so be it. If it comes with wind, let it come, O God. If it comes with thunder and lightning, let us bow before it.
O Lord, come. Come that close. Burn and soak and blow and crash. Or still and small, come. Come all the way. Touch our hearts.

There is something about the phrase “the valiant men whose hearts God had touched” that inspires me, and rouses a hunger in me. I have found myself in this new year more hungry for a deeper, more powerful, intimate closeness with God. I believe it’s the natural consequence of F3 and my purity group, and what God is doing in my family and church. At the beginning of the year, I felt God give me the word FOCUS. Makes me wonder about what this year will be like. Whatever else 2020 may bring, this hunger for greater friendship with God is a worthy and holy pursuit.

Talking about expanding The Project to include Thursdays and Saturdays – possibly another bootcamp, perhaps with more running while Tuesday with more reps/weights, or vice versa. Saturday option would be trail running with pain stations. EHing our local guys to jump in to The Project. Need more commitment for Qs as well as handing off shovel flag to an Oak Ridge local.

F3 Morristown Launch in April! And Hardship Hill coming up in May!

Millenial@The Project

THE SCENE: 33 and gloomy…

We used the 10 exercises that will comprise the workout: 1) SSH; 2) Lunges; 3) Merkins; 4) LBCs; 5) Mtn. Climbers; 6) Flutters; 7) Arm Raises; 8) Squats; 9) Oblique Crunches – 50 per side; 10) Burpees.

THA-THANG: (right out of the Exicon)
Millennial: Goal is a total count of 2000 as a team. The full pax does 100 reps each of a called exercise, then runs a 100m lap back to a point where they gather again for the next called exercise. There will be 10 cycles, which get you to your number. Teamwork matters. The first nine cycles end when the FIRST person gets to 100, which keeps the pax together. The last cycle, which is always burpees, is done together and usually with someone Q-ing or rotating the Q through the 100 burpees.  1) SSH; 2) Lunges; 3) Merkins; 4) LBCs; 5) Mtn. Climbers; 6) Flutters; 7) Arm Raises; 8) Squats; 9) Oblique Crunches – 50 per side; 10) Burpees. Named as year 2000 is within the time period around which the Millennial generation was born.

PAX Choice: Squeaky Bed Dolly, Freddy Mercury, 100 (interesting new exercise – ask Samaritan), Flutterkicks, and Hello Dolly (waddup girl!)

Erector, Kickflip, Salad Boy, Samaritan, Chaco, and Snaggletooth

CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM:Revelation 3:14-22 New Living Translation (NLT)
The Message to the Church in Laodicea
14 “Write this letter to the angel of the church in Laodicea. This is the message from the one who is the Amen—the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God’s new creation:

15 “I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! 16 But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth! 17 You say, ‘I am rich. I have everything I want. I don’t need a thing!’ And you don’t realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. 18 So I advise you to buy gold from me—gold that has been purified by fire. Then you will be rich. Also buy white garments from me so you will not be shamed by your nakedness, and ointment for your eyes so you will be able to see. 19 I correct and discipline everyone I love. So be diligent and turn from your indifference.

20 “Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends. 21 Those who are victorious will sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat with my Father on his throne.

22 “Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches.”

A recent death of a friend and brother in Christ is causing me to reevaluate my priorities. It makes me want to take hold of my loved ones and say the important stuff, and allow lesser “priorities” to take their proper place in the lower rungs of my heart and daily activities. Busy-ness and the “tyranny of the urgent” often displace what is truly important: for me, that is not being lukewarm in my relationship with Jesus, but seeing my poverty for what it is, hearing Jesus knock, and letting him come in and “sharing a meal together as friends.” And sharing this same conviction and desire for my loved ones and all with whom God would cross our paths.


How God thinks of you

THE SCENE: cool and wet

  1. 15 SSH – 4ct, IC
  2. 15 Tempo Squat – 4ct, IC
  3. 10 Arm Circles (both directions)
  4. 10 Moroccan Nightclub – IC
  5. 15 Tempo Merkins – 4ct, IC
  6. 5 Burpees – OYO
  7. 8 Cherry Pickers – 4 ct, IC
  8. 8 Motivators – IC
  9. Mosey to Senior Center Parking Lot


  1. Apple Turnover@ Senior Center Parking Lot: PAX would do a bear crawl for 3 parking lines, then flip to crab walk for 3 lines, alternating between bear crawl and crab walk for the length of the parking lot. PAX then return to beginning but crawl bear (backwards) 3 lines, then reverse crab 3 lines, etc. Mosey to Playground.
  2. 6Pack@ Playground: Like 11’s but 6s: 5 Pullup/ 1 Merkin to 1 Pullup/5 Merkins. Mosey to Amphitheater.
  3. Mucho Chesto@ Amphitheater: 10x Merkin / 10x Wide Merkin / 10x Diamonds / 10 Stagger Merkin Left / 10 Stagger Merkin Right. Rinse and repeat for a total 100 Merkins. Mosey to Library Parking Lot.
  4. Obama@ Library Parking Lot: Named after the 44th POTUS, Bear Crawl between the grass islands in the parking lot, but after every 4 hand moves PAX must stop and perform 4 Merkins. (The 4 and 4 for the 44) Mosey through half of Bissell Park and return to Shovel Flag.

MARY: PAX choice: BBS, Flutter Kick, Side Crunches (both sides), Star Crunches, Freddy Mercury


CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: Psalm 139:1-6, 10, 16-18, 23-24 (from The Passion Translation)

Lord, you know everything there is to know about me.
You perceive every movement of my heart and soul,
and you understand my every thought before it even enters my mind.
3–4 You are so intimately aware of me, Lord.
You read my heart like an open book
and you know all the words I’m about to speak
before I even start a sentence!
You know every step I will take before my journey even begins.
You’ve gone into my future to prepare the way,
and in kindness you follow behind me
to spare me from the harm of my past.[a]
With your hand of love upon my life,
you impart a blessing to me.
This is just too wonderful, deep, and incomprehensible!
Your understanding of me brings me wonder and strength.[b]

10 Wherever I go, your hand will guide me;
your strength will empower me.

16 You saw who you created me to be before I became me![g]
Before I’d ever seen the light of day,
the number of days you planned for me
were already recorded in your book.[h]
17–18 Every single moment you are thinking of me!
How precious and wonderful to consider
that you cherish me constantly in your every thought!
O God, your desires toward me are more
than the grains of sand on every shore!
When I awake each morning, you’re still with me.

23 God, I invite your searching gaze into my heart.
Examine me through and through;
find out everything that may be hidden within me.
Put me to the test and sift through all my anxious cares.
24 See if there is any path of pain I’m walking on,
and lead me back to your glorious, everlasting ways—
the path that brings me back to you.

When I don’t have a specific word to share, I like to go to the scriptures, especially to fill my mind/heart with what God thinks of me. Psalm 139 speaks to me that way. David was a shepherd boy, and a Warrior-King, but he was also an fervent worshiper and lover of God. The end of the chapter is an invitation, opening myself to God’s searching and examining me, to bring me back to Himself.