F3 Knoxville

Super Saturday

THE SCENE: Freaking gorgeous and 66 degrees

Smurf Jack/SSH/Star Jack intervals followed by 5 OYO burpees

Indian Run to the playground


Super 21s from the playground to the parking lot. Pax could choose between pull-ups, dips, derkins, or squats on one side and Merkins, v-ups, Freddie Mercury, or LBCs on the other side. PAX were instructed to move between stations any way other than running or walking. Bear crawls, high knees, Bernie Sanders, etc. were used to mix it up.

After 30 minutes of fun we moved on to Wham-O lunges and then returned for a second set of Super 21s. This time we ran between stations.

We ca$hed out with ATMs and 20 box cutters.
Never forget that you are a leader, especially of your own actions. Don’t give in to comfort and complacency.
We missed Mayberry today, but we got a bonus Farva sighting so that was cool.

Route 66

THE SCENE: 65 and slight sticky

Baby arm circles x 10 forward & back, followed by 10 tempo Merkins and Failure to Launch

Route 66 classic with the follow rounds: SSH, Merkins, pistol squats, Freddie Mercury, ranger merkin, oblique crunch, alligator merkin, American Hammer, Rocky Balboa.

PAX that finished early got to start 11s with Merkins on one end, BBS on the other, and broad jumps in between.

Mountain Climbers x 25 IC

Plank Jacks x 25 IC

Box Cutter x 20 IC

Lots of chaos happens to us and it often puts us into situations you can’t control. You can, however, control your actions. React intentionally to this chaos and don’t let it control you. You can deal with the situation and be positive, or you can deal with it and be frustrated. The positive route is way easier.

Man Down

THE SCENE: Balmy 72 degrees

  • 20 x Imperial Walker IC
  • 15 x Tempo Merkin IC
  • 20 x American Hammer (4ct.) IC
  • 20 x Overhead Clamp IC (except I-Beam, who was deliberately out of cadence)

PAX counted off 1-4 and split into groups of 4 people each. One PAX from each group was designated “injured” and had to be carried by the remaining three. PAX rotate as needed while we headed for the Pav-A-Lon. We paused for 20 Iron Mikes (4 ct. OYO) while some of the folks rested their shoulders.

Once at the Pav-A-Lon, each PAX drew two cards from the card. The number designated the rep count and the suit designated the exercise as follows:

  • Hearts = Pull-ups
  • Clubs = Burpees
  • Spades = Dips
  • Diamonds = Diamond Merkins

Face cards = 10 and Aces = 11.

Between rounds PAX moseyed to the top of the hill and bear crawled back down.

We broke back into groups and carried our injured teammates back to the AO.

We cashed out with two rounds of ATMs!

Two FNGs today – good work guys!
I shared a story with the PAX of a college senior that was seeking guidance because she was stressed about decisions others were making for her. We talked about the importance of remembering that we are grown-ups that are not only capable of, but responsible for, our own decisions. It’s easy to get complacent and let others lead, but there comes a time when you need to step up and do your own thing.
TAP to the Junk clan – we missed you out there today, brother!
Truckin’ to the Pound coming up in September.

Heavy Things I Cannot See

THE SCENE: Upper 50s with a light breeze a.k.a freakin’ gorgeous

10 burpees OYO

9 burpees OYO

8 burpees OYO

7 burpees OYO

6 burpees OYO

5 burpees OYO

4 burpees OYO

3 burpees OYO

2 burpees OYO

10 burpees OYO

The PAX caught on to this quickly and whined consistently, but once you start Shock & Awe you can’t let off the throttle!
I requested the PAX bring some heavy things to play with today and they delivered a variety of coupons including medicine balls, a cannonball, some sandbags, dumbbells, and CMUs. We assembled into a straight(ish) line with every other PAX holding a coupon.

The PAX moseyed along until the poor soul carrying the 60# sandbag went silent. We then stopped to swap up who was carrying coupons. Each time we stopped to pass coupons we performed 40 reps of merkins, squats, dry docks, or star jacks at the Q’s discretion.

This continued until we reached the staircases. We dropped our coupons and Crawl Beared up the steps and then ran to the top. Once the 6 arrived, we bear crawled back down (including the steps, thanks to Mayberry’s good example) and picked up our coupons to continue towards the Pa-va-lon.

Inside the Pa-va-lon we performed 3 sets of the following

  • 10 x pull-ups
  • 15 x box jumps
  • 20 x dips
  • 25 x derkins

We picked up our coupons from here and rolled back to the AO with a few coupon swaps and then rocked a set of Shoulder Blasters for good measure.


I really regret we didn’t have time to shred our core. Guess I’ll make up for this on the next Q…



“The IMPACT (for good or bad) that a man has on his children cannot be underestimated

The quality of a man’s relationship with his children defines the quality of their relationships with everyone else for the rest of their lives. If he is absent, they will be distrustful. If he is capricious, they will be unjust. If he is cold, they will be withdrawn. But, if he is present, just and warm the HIM will have imprinted upon his children’s hearts a template of relational success upon which they can rely throughout their lives. They will in turn pass it on to their Shorties. In this way, the IMPACT is infinite.”

I discussed these words with the PAX and highlighted how important this relationship is. We often take the blessings of our 2.0s for granted amongst the stress and anxiety that comes with them, but it’s impossible overvalue how critical our relationship with our kids (and with our fathers, for that matter) really is.

Lot’s of new faces from the Aslyum and one PAX from Chicagoland. Thanks for trekking out to the Dog Pound, gents! Also, Shooter is welcome for the Phish reference in the title.

Fantastic Figure 8’s

THE SCENE: Shew, it’s sticky out there.

  • 5 burpees OYO
  • 10 Lunges (each leg, OYO, much to Mayberry’s dismay)
  • 15 Imperial Walkers (IC, for Mayberry)
  • 20 Squats IC (super slow, for the old people)
  • Little baby arm circles x 10 each direction

Mosey to the parking lot where a ~1,000 ft figure 8 course was laid out. The following exercises were performed throughout each lap:

  • 25 LBC’s (4 ct.)
  • 10 pistol squats (each leg)
  • 25 Hello Dolly (4 ct.)
  • 10 Oblique Crunches (each side)
  • Burpee broad jumps
  • Lunges
  • Bear Crawl
  • Stair climbs x 2
  • Gorilla Shuffle
  • Inchworm merkins
  • Crabwalks

La-Z-Boy lead through some more hello dollys, since we hadn’t had enough yet.

Be aware of who & what you spend your time on. I recently observed a man take a phone call during his daughter’s dance practice and act annoyed that the dance practice was interrupting his phone call. While there is a time and place to focus on work and to be diligent, there is also a time and place to be wholly present for our friends, family, etc.
Mayberry wore a weight vest (again) and still kicked our asses. That guy is a beast.
Don’t forget about F3 Convergence on Memorial Day. Also, a Murph workout at 9:00 a.m. organized by Abscess. Last, please sign up to Q! We are going to start trying to fill up the month’s schedule on the last week of the previous month. If you’re skeered, please reach out to a “veteran” Q or research the Q101 info on F3’s website. It’s not hard, it’s very rewarding, and everyone appreciates your efforts!