F3 Knoxville

If you’re not right, you’re left

THE SCENE: 74, muggy

10 x Hairy Rockettes, 10 x Tempo Squats, 10 x Cherry Pickers, 10 x Tempo Merkins, 20 x SSH

Mosey to the future home of FIA, parking lot by the duck pond track.

Perform 20 squats, 20 merkins, and 20 BBS then run a lap around the pond. (3 rounds for some)

Mosey to the CMU pile and grab a coupon.

On the grass hill next to the stairs. Perform the following sequence:

  • 10 CMU OHP
  • 10 CMU Squats
  • 10 CMU Thrusters
  • 10 CMU Swings
  • Run to the top of the grass hill and back down.

We completed three-five rounds of the above sequence.

Mosey back to the shovel flag.

Imperial Walkers x 20, Flutter Kicks x 20, Freddie Mercury x 20, 10 x BBS OYO
17 HIMs for a good old fashioned Friday beatdown
I HATE being wrong and I’m sure most guys do, but I hate it to a fault. There are many times that I do not take a stand on a subject because I’m afraid of being wrong. Conversely, there are many more times that I do not take a stand on a subject because it is a matter of opinion and I understand that both sides may be right. I encouraged everyone to focus on matters of salvation and scripture and to take a stand when you have scripture to back you up. Also, try to avoid taking a stand in matters that are opinion and do not factor into your salvation. Lean towards the option that will point the most souls to Christ and will glorify God.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Collecting clothes for the Mend House.

Doing Squat

THE SCENE: Neutral

Cherry Pickers, SSH, Tennessee Rocking Chair, Tempo Merkins, Tempo Squats

Mosey to large west side parking lot.

Perform 3/4 quarter pounder with exercises performed at three different light poles across the parking lot. Sprint to first light pole and perform 25 merkins, bernie back. Sprint to second light pole and perform 50 squats, bernie back. Sprint to third light pole and perform 75 SSH, bernie back.

Mosey back to the coupon pile while performing 3 burpees at every sign along the way. (45ish burpees total)

Grab a coupon and mosey over to stadium hill.

Perform 25 reps of CMU exercises at the bottom and 25 squats at the top of the hill for three rounds:

  • Curls
  • OHP
  • Tricep Extensions

Put the coupons back and mosey over to the courtyard.

Perform 20 box jumps/step ups, 20 squats, & 20 lunges before sprinting around the sidewalk in the grass courtyard. After each round, increase the distance of your sprint by running down to the next cut through in the courtyard. Performed three full rounds.

Mosey back to the AO.

No time.

21 HIMs
Discussed the story of Job. He had everything taken away from him due to nothing he himself did. However, Job refused to give up on God. Job’s three friends come to him three different times with some not so great advice. 

It’s easy for us to think we know what the answer to other’s problems is and to inadvertenly offer some not so great advice ourselves. Job’s friends had no idea why Job was in the predicament he was in, but made their own assumptions and gave advice based on those. Let’s strive to understand that we do not always see the full picture when others are struggling and we may have a different perspective than they do.

The one piece of advice that we can always give with 100% certainty is to look to God for strength and support.

Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Leg Demolition Day

THE SCENE: Low 70’s and clear

Cherry Pickers, Windmills, LBAC x fwd/bck, Tempo Merkins, Tempo Squats

Starting at the entrance to the AO off of Fox Lonas:

Perform 20 squats, 20 merkins, and 20 BBS then lunge to the next speedbump. Once at the speedbump, sprint to the next one. Repeat till time was called. (3 full rounds)

Mosey to the CMU pile and grab a coupon.

On the grass football field, line up facing the small hill to the softball field. Perform the following sequence:

  • 10 CMU OHP
  • 10 CMU Squats
  • 10 CMU Thrusters
  • 10 CMU Swings
  • Bear crawl to the softball field fence and mosey back.

We completed five rounds of the above sequence.

Mosey down to the small parking lot across from the shovel flag lot.

Performed 11’s with Bobby Hurley’s on one end and Diamond Merkins on the other.

Called time before we finished.

Just enough time to knock out a handful of Imperial Walkers

17 HIMs with one FNG. Welcome Bekky!

At our church’s family retreat this last year one of the speakers discussed the differences in the needs of men and women, specifically as they relate to marriage. The top 5 emotional needs for men and women are very different and when we don’t take that into consideration in our marriages it is easy to neglect the needs of our spouses. Below are the top needs identified by the author of His Needs, Her Needs:

Become aware of each other’s needs and learn to meet them.

  • Men’s 5 most basic needs from his wife:
    • Sexual fulfillment
    • Recreational companionship
    • An attractive spouse
    • Domestic support
    • Admiration
  • Women’s 5 most basic needs from her husband:
    • Affection
    • Conversation
    • Openness and honesty
    • Financial security
    • Family commitment

Love seeing the growth out at Shamrock! Kudos to Mermaid for keeping the ball rolling and pushing the AO.
Dad Camp later this summer. CSAUP at Dog Pound in July.

Burpin’ Bernie is still kickin’ butts

THE SCENE: 40ish, just about perfect.

  • 10-Cherry Pickers
  • 10 – Windmills
  • 10 – Hairy Rockettes
  • 15 – lbac forward/backward
  • 10 – Tempo Merkins

Mosey to the hill adjacent to the large parking lot.

11’s with Diamond Merkins at the bottom of the hill and squat jumps at the top

Mosey to the large parking lot for the return of an old friend.

Burpin’ Bernies

The large parking lot has 10 parking rows. Starting on the West side of the parking lot, run to the first row (Level 1) and perform 1 burpee, Bernie back to the start and perform the level 1 exercise, run to the second row (Level 2) and perform 2 burpees, Bernie back to the start and perform the level 2 exercise. Complete until finished with level 10.

  1. 10 – Carolina Dry Docks
  2. 20 – Monkey Humpers
  3. 30 – Plank Dips
  4. 40 – Merkins
  5. 50 – Smurf Jacks
  6. 60 – Flutter Kicks
  7. 70 – Shoulder Taps
  8. 80 – Air Squats
  9. 90 – Freddie Mercuries
  10. 100 – Side Straddle Hops

In total there were 550 reps of the level exercises and 55 burpees. We ran 3/4 mile forwards and 3/4 mile backwards. I think we had 4-5 HIMs finish all ten levels.

No time.

14 HIMs. One FNG, Welcome Glass Joe!

Be considerate of others opinions and beliefs. They are often based or constructed around personal experiences that we may have never had. It’s essential during this time of uncertainty to repect those around us even if we do not agree with them. This is not the time to be pedantic by trying to always be “right”. Ultimately, the only thing that matters in this life is that we lead others to Christ. Let’s let our Christian lights shine in a way that points to the things above and does not push others away due to things of this world.  


It’s been great to see the JUCO HIMs come back out in force.


Everything’s Heavy after 150 CMU Thrusters

THE SCENE: 30* with some dusting of snow, beautiful morning for some heavy work

SSHx10, Hairy Rockettesx10, Windmillsx10, LBAC fwd/bck x15, Tempo Squatsx10
Mosey to the recruiting center.

1st Thang: Knockout the February F3 Knoxville challenge. 150 CMU Thrusters for time.

2nd Thang: A tabata circuit with 20sec on/10 sec rest. Perform 4 sets of an exercise before moving to the next. Stations were:

  1. 20lbs slam ball: Side throw into the wall, switch sides after each set.
  2. 30lbs Ruck Push-ups
  3. 30lbs Weighted sit-ups inside the big tire allowing for more ROM on the sit-up
  4. 50lbs Ammo Can single-arm rows, switch arm each set.
  5. 20lbs sledgehammer swings on the smaller tire, switch sides each set
  6. Small brick lateral and front raises
  7. 30lbs Single-arm DB snatch, switch sides each set
  8. 60lbs Sandbag over the shoulder toss

We had time for everyone to get in one full circuit with 4 sets of each exercise.

Moseyed back to the shovel flag.

Never heard of her.
4 HIMs, almost 3 until Snaggletooth came in on two wheels at the last second.
I shamelessly bragged on my Mom. She was diagnosed with a recurrence of breast cancer in January 2020 after being cancer free for 10+ years. When she first felt a lump she had it biopsied to see if it was cancerous. One of her good friends from church also had a lump and was awaiting results of a biopsy. My mom told me that during that time she prayed to God asking that if one of them had to have cancer, she wanted it to be her. My Mom knew that she could handle it, as she had already been through it once and her friend is younger and still has kids living at home. My Mom has never failed to impress me with both her faith and her love for those around her, but that statement really touched me. I’m hopeful that I can reflect that type of love for others in my day to day life.
The 150 CMU thruster buy-in this morning definitely made the weights feel heavier. I’m thankful that the Army recruiting center has allowed us to use their toolbox (2 big tires, weighted ammo can, pull-up bar, etc) and thankful that Kickflip had the initiative to ask. Looking forward to some more Heavy Thursdays in my future.
Snacks for Wesley House. Convergence at JUCO on 3/28.