F3 Knoxville

Thrusting Pull Burps – Virtual Q


work out of the day – Virtual Q


Welcome one and all.


  • 10x SSH
  • 10x Cherry Pickers
  • 10x Windmills
  • 10x Mnt Climbers
  • 10x Rocketes

The Thang: Thrusting Pull Burps

I don’t ask you to do it all, just one more. Think of that during your WOD today. Just one more. Just one more. Just one more.

I’m consistently amazed by our attempts and then successes. Many Q’s I’ve thought of, I have not known ahead of time if it could be done but you men astound me… consistently. So i don’t doubt you will do it again. One time I asked you to bear crawl all the way up Jucomanjaro. You did it. One time I asked you to carry a CMU over a mile and up Jucomanjaro.. and you did it. One time I asked you to do over 200 burpees … and you did it. Today is similar and simple.

This is it:

  • 100 CMU Thrusting Burpees
  • 100 Burpee Pull ups

That is it. You can break it up however you want.

Cap & Tap

We’ll put a 45 minute Cap on it. Meaning you go until you either tap out, you hit the time limit, or you finish.


A 100 Burpee’s usually take about 10 minutes. The reps are double that with added weight and pullups. So I’m guessing some will finish in 3x the normal 100 Burpee time (~30 minutes). However strange things happen when you hit your max – usually speed drops way down – thus the 45 minute cap.


In crossfit sometimes what they would do when facing supper high reps is they do reps of 10 then 5 etc. And they do alternates. I’d recommend 10 of each then switch with small rests in between. At JUCO we’ll be doing it that way with a small stair climb in between. Meaning We’ll keep the CMU Thrusters down by the CMU pile (at the bottom of the stairs). We’ll do 10 Burpees with the CMU.


The CMU needs to be in your hands. Start standing up, holding the CMU. Go down to do a Merkin on the CMU. Pull your legs up, transition to do a thruster with the CMU. That is one.

Do 10 of those, then put your CMU down, leave it there, and run/mosey/walk over to the pull up bar (ours are approximately 50 yards from the CMU pile – up a few stairs).

At the pull up bar – Do a burpee under the pull up bar, then do a single pull up. (this pull up can be under or over handed – we recommend alternating). That is one rep. After 10 of those, run down to your CMU and start the next set of ten.

We also recommend keeping chalk on hand to count your reps (1 tally per set of 10). This will totally exhaust us and so our counting ability is usually impaired.. so use chalk if you got it.

Technically you can do all 100 burpee thrusters at once, take a 10 minute break, then do all 100 burpee pull ups. That might work out better. I don’t know. Its up to you, but it must be done within 45 minutes. I’m guessing that a slower pace with small breaks and alternates will be “easier”.. but as you know “I am NOT a professional”. If you take breaks try to limit them to 30 seconds or less. If you take breaks longer than 30 seconds, then your mind starts to tell you that you can and should stop. Fight against the urge to stop, even if you are down to single reps.

Just one more rep.
Just one more rep.
Just one more rep.


I believe the WOD to be hard enough to not need a mary. 🙂


I love all you brothers!! It’s an honor and joy .. every … single … time!! Forever grateful to you all!


Reach out to your brothers this week! If you complete the workout, ping me in Groupme and I’ll tag you in this post and record your time.


  1. Trolley 47:15
  2. Spotter 47:35
  3. Betty 48:30
  4. Ralph 48:50
  5. Mermaid 50:30

Irken/Dirken Biscuit


32 degrees, snow flurries at a NEW AO – Name TBD – Finally Named Shamrock




  • 20 SSH
  • 20 Cherry Pickers
  • 20 Mountain Climbers
  • 10 Crab Climbers
  • 20 Mountain Parkers
  • 10 Crab Parkers

The Thang: Irken Dirken Biscuit

Go tour the campus and for every incline do 10 Dips, 10 Dirkens, and 10 Irkens.
The inclines are small hills, benches, and stairs. There were also a few side tracks we took.

The first side track/warmup was a Mtn Climber + Lizard stair climb.

  1. Bear crawl up right beside the stairs
  2. Lizard crawl down the stairs = Stagger Merkins as you progress down the stairs crawling
  3. Lizard crawl UP the stairs = Stagger Merkins as you progress UP the stairs
  4. Reverse bear crawl down right beside the stairs

The second side track was a bear crawl stair loop with 10 Dirkens and 10 Irkens at the stairs.

The third side track was 10 Hill climbs and 10 Dirkens and 10 Irkens after the 10 hill climbs.

Then progressed to the Six picnic tables . For each picnic table do 10 Dips, 10 Dirkens and 10 Irkens.

Then mosey to pull up bar. Al Gore hold while your brothers take turns doing three reps of MAX # of Pull ups.

Almost out of time. Mosey around the campus and do 10 Dips, on the benches and marvel at the infinite workout possibilities on campus.


No time for Mary


Drive a Steak – Read out of Joshua 22 – Acknowledging there is ONLY one God, The Rubenites erected a controversial Alter to honor God. At first it was mis-understood, but then when explained, it brought Glory to God and was accepted. What steaks in the ground are you driving to educate your kids and future generations about what it means to be a Christian. This Catholic school invested heavily (driving a steak for future generations) in the combination of permanent “monuments” in which to teach future generations about Jesus. We are very grateful to have the privilege to be able exercise on this Holy ground and potentially call it the home of a new F3 AO.


Welcome two FNG’s – Chicken Wing (Sam) and Hoopti (Kyle). Please tell your friends about this new locations. Let’s make it a permanent addition to the flourishing F3 Knoxville group.

Gritty Tenderness


45 degrees, a little drizzly, before sun-up. Just like the gritty like it.


Was 30 seconds late to q-ing my own q… Oh the shame. Wanted to get the packaging tape gun to tape the cheatsheet to my forearm. Didn’t end up using it.


  • SSH
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Windmills
  • High Knees with Burpees

The Thang: Lots, Walls, Rails and Rocks

Starting in a line facing the wall but on the opposite of the parking lot from the wall.
All the traveling exercises progress towards the wall. Unless otherwise specified all exercises are 4 count.

  • 5 Burpee Broad Jumps
  • 5 Merkins
  • 5 Frog Jumps
  • 5 Diamon Merkins
  • 5 Inch Worms
  • 5 Werkins
  • 5 Lunges
  • 5 Plank Jacks
  • 5 Imperial Squat Walkers
  • 5 Pickle Pounders
  • 5 Broad Jumps
  • 5 Shoulder Taps
  • 5 Reverse Lunges
  • 5 Peter Parkers
  • 5 Bear Crawls
  • 5 Plank to Elbows
  • 5 Crab Walks
  • 5 Mtn Climbers
  • 5 R Bear Crawl
  • 5 Parker Climbers

At the Wall – Everyone get a CMU

  • 5 Curls
  • 5 Step Ups
  • 5 Presses
  • 5 Rocky Balboas
  • 5 Triceps
  • 5 Step Ups
  • 5 Thrusters
  • 5 Step Ups
  • 5 CMU Burpees

Bear crawl in a line up to Guard Rail. At the Rail

  • 10 Dips
  • 10 Dirkens
  • 10 Irkens
  • 10 Pick Pounders – Inclined
  • 10 Dips
  • 10 Dirkens
  • 10 Irkens
  • 10 Reverse Pickle Pounders (aka – Baby Makers)

Pick up two rocks

  • 10 Baby Arm Circles
  • 10 Seal Claps
  • 10 Overhead Seal Claps
  • 10 Baby Arm Circles Backwards
  • 10 Thors
  • 10 Star Toe Touches
  • 10 Dead Bugs

Mosey back to far corner of Parking Lot to start sequence again but this time with added Mosey to next Island destination as we Zig Zag through the parking lot Islands

  • 5 Burpee Broad Jumps
  • 5 Merkins
  • 5 Frog Jumps
  • 5 Diamon Merkins
  • 5 Inch Worms
  • 5 Werkins
  • 5 Lunges
  • 5 Plank Jacks
  • 5 Imperial Squat Walkers
  • 5 Pickle Pounders
  • 5 Broad Jumps
  • 5 Shoulder Taps
  • 5 Reverse Lunges
  • 5 Peter Parkers
  • 5 Bear Crawls
  • 5 Plank to Elbows
  • 5 Crab Walks

Finish off with 15 Burpees with CMUs at the Wall.


50 Freddy Mercuries


Grit & Tenderness – Grit by itself does not make a man. The Holy Spirit in us calls us higher. It calls us to a more complex and mature “High Impact Man”. A man that contains not only Grit but also tenderness and sensitivity. Sometimes these “goals”, “values” seem to be at odds with each other. How can I be a man of grit if I’m tender all the time and super sensitive to everything and everyone? How can I perform and compete in this EXTREMELY competitive and stressful – dog eat dog – extremely judgmental world if I’m not 100% Grit? It might just be impossible without the infinite spirit of God within us helping us. Today allow Him to reign you in when your Grit is too tough on others. Today allow Him to give you the grit to show up when you said you would and do what you said you were going to.

You are off to a great start – Your grit got you here before the sun in the cold and wet to push your body. Now don’t forget that counter-intuitive sensitivity you are to have towards others. Others might mislabel you as ALL grit or A**hole. Conversely others may mislabel you 100% weak and a push over. Do not listen to the labels. You know you are an infinitely more complex human being possessing endless amounts of gritty strength from the Lord of Hosts, and an infinite resource of tenderness to draw upon.

Lean on Jesus – He will help show the world how His amazing men can perplex the world with the combination of two contrasts.

    • 2-27-2020 This Thursday – New AO Christening at the Vatican – OTB – @ 5:30 –

The Vatican – F3 AO

9245 Fox Lonas Rd NW, Knoxville, TN 37923

    • This Saturday – F3Knoxville TRUEbadours: February 29

Growschool/Q101 next Saturday

F3Knoxville TRUEbadours: February 29
If you have not yet Qd and are interested but not sure how or you just want to fine tune your abilities Check this out. Our first F3 Knoxville Truebadours Convergence Q (Q101 + GrowSchool) will happen on Saturday, February 29th 7:00a, at the Asylum AO. Steam along with other F3Knox HIMs will be leading the charge. If you have questions please reach out to Steam or Abscess.


  • March 28, 2020 F3 Knoxville Convergence @ JUCO

The Sprinting Crab & Spinning Bear

THE SCENE: 38 degrees and clear.  Crispy



  • SSH
  • 25 Flutters
  • 50 Lunges
  • 25 Gas Pumps
  • Mosey
  • 25 Scissor Kicks
  • Spinning Crab walks
  • Walk
  • Sprint
  • Walk
  • Spinning Bear Crawl

Spinning Crabs & Sprints & Spinning Bears (Loop):

14 stations along the Sophmore hill large loop.  The stations start repeating at station number seven.

  1. 25 Flutters / Lunge to next station
  2. 25 Gas Pumps / Mosey to next station
  3. 25 Scissor Kicks / Spinning Crab walk to next station
  4. Prep -recover Walk to next station.
  5. Sprint to next station (this was about a 100 yard sprint)
  6. Walk recover to next station.
  7. Spinning Bear crawl.

Then the stations repeat but now you are at the other side of the four cornered loop.  This was an AMRAP. We averaged at about 1.5 laps.


My beloved deconstructed burpee crazyiness.   The burpee machine.

  1. Planks
  2. Merkins
  3. Frogs (in plank , bring feet to hands and back to plank)
  4. Squats
  5. Squat Jumps
  6. Star Jacks

These six stations are evenly fanned out around a light pole.  Two men at each station do the exercise until they are tagged.  The group at station one run to the light pole tag it and run to next group to start doing their exercise. Each time station one gets tagged we all take 5 steps backward.  Thus making the length and repetitions of the exercise longer because you don’t get tagged as often.


Read Psalm 103.

FNG Slip-n-slide Welcome!

Lake Quarters

Warm o Rama

  • Start Super slow to increasing to super fast on ALL these:
  • 10x Dancing Burpees (3 ct High Knee + Burpee on 4)
  • 10x Cherry Picker
  • 10x Ferris Wheel (4ct @ 9 , 12, 3, 6) Wide stance – huge stretch.
  • 10x Side 2 Side (4ct Toe Touch – like Speed Skater )
  • 10x Freddy Mercuries (4ct – long stretch)
  • 10x Moon Dancers (4ct – inverted Freddy Mercuries)
  • 10x 180 Leg Lifts (4ct 90, 180, 90, 0 )
  • 10x Merkin Rolls (3ct)
  • 10x Bruce Lee’s (Side Kick with rear elevated dismount) 4ct (1 side kick. 2-3-4 by 4 your foot is behind you after being spun back around behind you all the while in the air at the same level you kicked)
  • 10x Rocky Balboa’s (4ct punches – in fighter stance – Jab cross jab cross) @ rep 5 switch to Jab cross jab upper-cut.

Transition to Lake: Indian Race Run

The indian race run is like the indian run but with two races added. The last person in line sprints up to front and back to back and keeps going around back up to the front. So each person does two loops around the train. When that sprinter gets to the back the first time, the next person in line races him back up to the top. Upon reaching the beginning the first person stops and the second person begins his loop to the back where the next last person will race him up to the top. (Repeat).

The Thang – Big Quarters

An AMRAP around the lake for time 20 Minutes. At each quarter mark around the lake there is one exercise. Each one increases by 25.

  • @3 O’clock do 25 Burpees
  • @12 O’Clock do 50 Merkins (or 2ct Iron Mikes)
  • @9 O’Clock do 75 Flutter Kicks (single count)
  • @6 O’Clock do 100 LBC’s
    Start at 6 O’Clock with no LBC’s.

Transition to State Farm Stairs:

  • Merkin Centipede: In single file plank line. AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. Last person does merkin roll (from warmup) and sprints to the front of the line. As soon as the sprinters feet passes the next persons head, the next person Merkin rolls to the side to a sprint to the front. (Repeat).
  • Baby Merkin Centipede: Same thing but on elbows.
  • Sun Bathing Centipede: Same thing but in reverse plank (belly up – or stiff straight crab)

Mary – Thor Slappers

  • At top of small stairs do 10x Thors (BBS + 4 Hammers)
  • Run to top of big stairs
  • At top of large stairs do 10x Clap Jacks (clapping merkin + Star Jack)

Transition back to AO: Three lines with this JODY

  • F3 F3 – F3 Beatdowns are the best
    Always Free but you give up some rest
  • F3 F3 – Jesus Christ is His Name
    Givin Glory to Him is our Aim
  • F3 F3 – High Impact Men Givin glory to His Name
    Day by Day We give Christ the Fame
  • F3 F3 – I hope my wife don’t get mad today
    Cause I woke her up goin to F3
  • F3 F3 – We hope our wives don’t get mad today
    Cause I’ve gone to F3 five times this week
  • F3 F3 – Gettin up before dawn is what we do
    It don’t seem right if it ain’t in the gloom
  • F3 F3 – Iron Sharpens Iron Day by day
    Sprints and Burpees all the way
    Sprints and Burpees all the way
  • F3 F3 – God Help us Trolley’s on Q, 200 Burpees is what he wants us to do.


Jumping Into Risk