F3 Knoxville

Eat better than that

THE SCENE: Quite pleasant, actually. Clear, cool and not too humid.

SSH x30 IC (last 10 or so slooow)
Cherry Pickers x5 IC
Cossack Squat x14 IC
Hindurkins x10 IC
Hand Release Merkins x10 OYO
Failure to Launch x7 IC
Asphalt Kissers x10 IC

Start out on the grinder.
Half the PAX hold Peter Parker (up position) while the other half run to the other end. Drop to 6″ while they run back.
Swap places and repeat.
Swap again, this time with other leg
And once more to round it out.

Blacksnake lap around the park

10x Tempo Squats IC upon return, then mosey to Waxjob hill

Buddy up.
Groucho walk down the hill
10 burpees each
Wheelbarrow back up.
20 Squat Jacks for the front man, 20 merkins for the back
Repeat, swapping places for the wheelbarrow.

Repeat above, mosey instead of Groucho, partner drag instead of wheelbarrow, and BBS/Monkey Humpers at the top

Back to the grinder for a miniature Let’s Make a Deal
6 cards with reps, 6 exercises. Flip top card of each. Can swap to next card (reps, exercise, or both), but if flipped you can’t go back to the first.
Ended up doing:
40 Star Jacks
30 4-ct Monkey Humpers
50 Dry Docks
25 LBCs
15 Mtn Climbers
35 Squats

We have time left on the clock! 7s: Hand Release Derkins and Pullups

30 Flutter Kicks IC
15 Side Crunches IC
10 left-right-middle crunches IC
2 rounds of Row your Boat
20 box Cutters IC
Peter Parkers

8 strong… Not bad for fall break
I just installed some cabinets in my basement. I ordered online from Home Depot, and when they came in I started having second thoughts. They looked pretty flimsy, and wobbled pretty bad. However, once I screwed the six units together, they became much more solid. Then, after I anchored them to the wall studs and put a countertop on them, they were rock solid. As a PAX, we support one another, and strenghten one another as we lock shields. But our ultimate support comes from the anchor in Christ.
I didn’t eat well or hydrate last night, and I really felt it this morning. By the end of the beatdown I could barely mosey across the grinder. Not a good feeling! Nutrition and Hydration!
F3 Brolympics in November, 3rd F in December!

Let’s Make a (Bad) Deal

THE SCENE: Still way too warm for late September, daggummit!

SSH x26 IC
TN Rocking Chair x15 IC
Asphalt Kissers x10 IC
Imperial Squat Walkers x15 IC
LBAC fwd and back x15 IC
OHC x20 IC

Wouldn’t be CMUesday without CMUs! Head over and grab one.

Each corner of the parking lot has 3 cards. One has a number of reps on each side. One has an exercise on each side. One has a traveling exercise on each side.
Only one side of the card is visible… Content of the other side is unknown.
PAX take turns choosing for each card to take what’s face up, or make a deal and switch to the unknown side…

Station 1:
Tricep Extensions/(Squat Thrust), 30/(45), Crawl Bear/(Inchworm Merkins)
Choices: Kept the Tri’s, Snitch switched the reps to 45 (groans all around), traded Crawl Bear for Inchworm Merkins (pushing CMU ahead)!

Station 2:
CMU Big Boys/(CMU Merkins), 30/(60), Twist Lunge/(CMU-icide)
Choices: Kept the reps and the exercise, but flipped over Twist Lunge to reveal the CMU-icide (suicide with CMU carry)

Station 3:
On the Shelf/(One-hand OHP), 30/(20), Pregnant Crab/(Blockee Broad Jump)
Choices: Kept On the Shelf, missed a reprieve by keeping the 30 reps. Nobody liked the Pregnant Crab idea… Until we found out what was on the other side.

Station 4:
Burpee Hop-Over/(8-Count Blocky Builder), 25/(10), CMU-icide/(Bunny Hop)
This one was the spirit-breaker. After the Blockee Broad Jumps, nobody wanted to touch the Burpees. But we ended up with the 8-Count Blocky Builders instead! 25 showing… Nobody brave enough to make the deal that would have cut the reps to 10. Let’s knock ’em out! Everyone happy to run the CMU-icide, so Bunny Hops remained hidden.

One lap completed! Time for another lap, this time with the excercise/rep combos that were NOT chosen last time:

Station 1:
Squat Thrust revealed. Only 30 since we did 45 last round… Snitch gets apologies from the PAX. Interminable Crawl Bear dragging the CMU.

Station 2:
Merkins on the CMU – 60 of ’em! That’s a lot… If you need a breather, take a mosey down the parking lot and back.

Had to call time halfway through Station 2… Back to the pile with the CMUs

Flutter kicks x30 IC.
Cash out with LBCs OYO until time.
11 strong this morning. Welcome to Frat Boy from F3 Fort Mill!
Isaiah 1:18
“Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord:

though your sins are like scarlet,

they shall be as white as snow;

though they are red like crimson,

they shall become like wool.”

Most of the deals I offered today kinda sucked. Some just worse than others. And you didn’t know what you were going to get. God lays it all out there. Here’s His deal: Trade your sins for His righteousness through Christ!

Pray for Helga’s family as he heads off to “play army” for a month!
Brolympics coming in November!

Bloom ‘n’ Idiot

THE SCENE: Mid 60’s. Mix of clouds and sun reflected off the moon.

SSH x25 IC
TN Rocking Chair x10 IC
Hindurkins x10 IC
Monkey Humpers x10 IC
Asphalt Kissers x10 IC
LBAC x15 each way IC

Mosey over to the playground
Max strict pullups. When chin can’t get over the bar, hold bent-arm hang until fatigue and gravity tag team you to the ground.
Run a lap around the parking island, head to the corner of the soccer field

Figure 8:
Traverse the field in a figure 8 pattern – 8 legs, 8 corners.
For the traverse legs, alternate between mosey and bear crawl.
At each corner, alternate between 20x 4-ct Monkey Humpers and 20x Merkins

Back to the playground – Repeat max pullups and bent arm hang

Mosey to the concrete bleachers – 10x Triple Step-Ups

Broad Jump/Bunny Hop all the way up the hill, Bear Crawl back down

25x Flutter Kicks IC
10x Side Crunches each side IC

Just two today… Driftwood (Bloom) and Waxjob (Idiot)
Short word today… Isaiah 6:8 – And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for cus?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.” Listen for his call. Volunteer!
The lactic acid burn of Monkey Humpers is really something else… Especially after the squat thrusters of the IPC yesterday.


THE SCENE: Slightly tolerable. Mid to upper 70’s and plenty humid.

40x SSH IC
40x Squats IC
40x LBAC (20 each way)
40x Calf Raises OYO
20x Asphalt Kissers IC

Mosey up to the near field.
4x suicide of 40ft, 40 cubits, 40yd, and 40m. 10x squat jumps between each suicide.
Mosey down the hill to beside the baseball field
40x 4-ct LBCs IC
Trot onto the field, run 40 bases, do 40 8-count body builders. Any order.
(Most everyone did 4 body builders after each lap)
Mosey to the Watt Rd field
Bear crawl 40yd, 5x 4-ct Asphalt Kissers
Crab walk 40yd, 5x 4-ct Asphalt Kissers
Crawl bear 40yd, 5x 4-ct Asphalt Kissers
Walk crab 40yd, 5x 4-ct Asphalt Kissers

Mosey back to the concrete bleachers
Pick up flying EH along the way!
40x Box Jumps OYO

40’s on the hill beside the bleachers… Start with 5 BBS at the bottom, 35 Merkins at the top. Then 10/30, etc.

Ran outta time about halfway through… Wanted to make sure to get in some Mary:

40x 4ct Flutter Kicks
40x 4ct Side Crunch (20 each side)

9 PAX this morning, including flying EH Swayze
Today is my 40th birthday, and there’s no way I’d want to start it other than out getting better with some like-minded HIMs. Looking at the number 40, though, it’s a number that represents testing, trial, or refinement. Jesus spent 40 days and nights in the desert. The Israelites wandered for 40 years in the desert. The flood was 40 days and nights of rain. Most of us are somewhere in the neighborhood of that 40 year mark… If today were the end of your 40 years in the wilderness, would you be found ready to enter the Promised Land?
Great to have Lillydipper and Pele clown car their way over here. And it’s always fun when a flying EH actually lands. Makes for some great mumblechatter between the huffing and puffing!
Convergence next weekend! Everyone at Big Ball 7am sharp! Also, save the date 9/14 for Truckin’ to the Pound. Be on the lookout for more info…

Interior Obliques Anyone?

THE SCENE: Nice and warm… Rain amount varied from zero to “all of the rain.”

SSH x25 IC
TN Rocking Chair x15 IC
Let’s go ahead and get the Wettening out of the way:
20x Superman Swims IC
15x Cobra Merkins (each side) IC
Donkey Kissers x15 IC
Cossack Squats x16 IC

Lemur Hop from AO to CMU pile (hands forward on the ground, hop feet up between hands, lift hands and rise to Al Gore position and hop forward w/knees bent)
Overhead Carry back to AO
Plyo Box Merkins x15 OYO
CMU Kettlebell Swings x25 OYO
CMU overhead pass: Circle up close, place CMU outside right foot. With left hand, reach across body and lift CMU. Press overhead, then set down outside left foot (next PAX’s right foot). R&R. Don’t hit anyone with CMU. Switch directions and arms after apx. 10 reps.

Head over to the curb:
40 Calf Raises OYO with CMU
Bear Crawl dragging CMU across parking lot
40 Calf Raises OYO with CMU
4×1 Lunge w/ CMU twist, blockees back across parking lot
40 Calf Raises OYO with CMU
Crawl Bear (/swim… raining pretty hard) dragging CMU
40 Calf Raises OYO with CMU

Back to AO:
25x Lawn Mower (each arm)
10x Upright Row
20x Bent Over Row
10x 4-ct CMU American Hammers

Just enough time for some Row Your Boat – Pretty appropriate given the conditions.
5 thoroughly moistened PAX
Psalm 150:
1 Praise the Lord!
Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty heavens![a]
2 Praise him for his mighty deeds;
praise him according to his excellent greatness!

3 Praise him with trumpet sound;
praise him with lute and harp!
4 Praise him with tambourine and dance;
praise him with strings and pipe!
5 Praise him with sounding cymbals;
praise him with loud clashing CMUs!
6 Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!

OK, so I changed that last word a bit… We should praise God whatever we are doing, wherever we are, with all that we have!

I don’t know which exercise did this, but I need more of it: Something made the muscles over my kidneys sore. I had to look ’em up… I think they’re the “internal obliques”
3rd F event next month, with convergence at Big Ball preceeding!