F3 Knoxville

Ducks Don’t Care

THE SCENE: Mid 70s, mostly cloudy.

Cherry Pickers x10 IC
SSH x20 IC
TN Rocking Chairs x15 IC
LBAC x20 each way IC
Crab Kicks x15 IC
Cossack Squats x20 IC
Calf Killer (20 curb calf-raises, 5 sets punctuated by 25%, 50%, 75%, and AYG runs)

20/20/20 Merkins/BBS/Squats
1 lap around the ducks and frogs in the pond
2 laps
etc… You know, same as a Seabiscuit.

Flutter Kicks x20 IC
Left-Right-Middle Crunch x15 IC
Protractors for a bit
AMRAP merkins for the last 30s or so

10 strong this morning, including Speedo who continues to be on loan from F3 Tallahassee.
BOM cribbed from 2RC message this weekend…
Psalm 19 (NIV):
1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
3 They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
4 Yet their voice[b] goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.
5 It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber,
like a champion rejoicing to run his course.
6 It rises at one end of the heavens
and makes its circuit to the other;
nothing is deprived of its warmth.

7 The law of the Lord is perfect,
refreshing the soul.
The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy,
making wise the simple.
8 The precepts of the Lord are right,
giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the Lord are radiant,
giving light to the eyes.
9 The fear of the Lord is pure,
enduring forever.
The decrees of the Lord are firm,
and all of them are righteous.

10 They are more precious than gold,
than much pure gold;
they are sweeter than honey,
than honey from the honeycomb.
11 By them your servant is warned;
in keeping them there is great reward.
12 But who can discern their own errors?
Forgive my hidden faults.
13 Keep your servant also from willful sins;
may they not rule over me.
Then I will be blameless,
innocent of great transgression.

14 May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

This psalm seems to have an abrupt and significant change in subject matter right in the middle. It starts out reveling in the glory of God shown through creation, but shifts to praise of the laws and decrees of the Lord. This has led some to think that at some point it was actually two different psalms that somehow got stuck together. But this contrast is really a “therefore”. If God is the one who created the heavens and the earth, shouldn’t He be the one who knows best how we should live in them?

I tweaked my back this weekend and I wasn’t sure if I was going to have to significantly modify this morning so I didn’t plan anything too crazy. The ducks and frogs really didn’t seem to pay much attention to our running around their hangout.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Lost the Handle!

THE SCENE: Probably 75 or 90 or so.

Cherry Pickers x10 IC
SSH x25 IC
Hindurkins x10 IC
Rockettes x15 IC
Cossack Squats x16 IC (8 each leg)
Inchworm (walk hands out past head as far as possible, hold, walk back up) x5 or so
Head up to the Grinder and pair up for Broken Wheelbarrow.
6 cones set up about 7yd apart.
Broken wheelbarrow is missing a handle – partner holds just one leg, the other one just flops around…
5 merkins (still broken wheelbarrow) at each cone, swap legs at third cone.
After 6 cones, swap position with partner and head back.

At the pavalon:
20 Box Jumps
10 Hand Release Derkins

Split into 5 groups for 4 rotating stations, running group bumps to next station.
Stations alternate exercises until bumped:
10 Dips/Chest-Ups at the Scrapyard
15 Monkey Humpers/Pickle Pounders at Crowd Pleasers Corner
20 Merkins/Squat Jumps halfway up the hill
25 Mtn Climbers/BBS
Finished 2 rounds plus a mosey recovery lap.

Flutter Kicks x15 IC, hot swap on-the-fly to Slutter Kicks x15.
Left-Right-Middle LBCs x15 IC
Shoulder Taps for the last 20s or so.
18 PAX today! Looks like everybody but Woodshack came out…
It was touch-and-go whether I would make it this morning with my wonky eye from yesterday. A song kept going through my head, so we had a singing word today:

Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light

Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word
I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord
Thou my great Father, I Thy true son
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one

Broken Wheelbarrow is a tough one but a keeper. Takes so much more core!
Let’s help Drifter move next week – Right after Coffeeteria!.

Rolling Stones

THE SCENE: 72 and fairly overcast.

Cherry Pickers x10 IC
SSH x20 IC
Outhouse Run
Cossack Squats x8 IC each leg
LBAC x20 each way IC
Outhouse Run – Bernie back
Inchworm-Superman x5 OYO
Outhouse Run – Carioca back
1 burpee, just for fun! Then mosey to the pee rocks.

Pick out a nice, round pee rock and head to the grass. 4 cones, each with an exercise.
First lap around the cones: bear crawl and roll your stone (alternate fwd/back)
-10 HR Pufnstuf (Hand Release Merkins)
-15 Catalina Wine Mixer (15 each arm)
-20 Carolina Dry Docks
-30 Pickle Pounders

Next lap: Alternate fwd/back crab walk, carrying pee rock on your stomach.
-10 Knee Up/Down (10 each knee: standing, go to one knee, both knees, other knee, back to standing)
-15 Squat Jumps
-20 Donkey Kicks
-30 Monkey Humpers

Weighted hip thrusts until six arrives

20 curls, 20 OHP, 20 Tri
Return the pee rocks to the pile.

Next is 7s. One burpee beside the pee rocks, up and over the guardrail for 6 Hand Release Derkins on the guardrail. Etc.

Mosey to the tennis court for some sprints – About 5x back and forth.

Flutter kicks x15 IC, switch to Slutter Kicks without breaking cadence for 15 more.
Left-Right-Center LBCs x15 IC
Side Crunches x10 each side
Cash out with AMRAP merkins until time. (Well, it was a good thought anyway… only time for 1 or 2)

8 PAX came out for the Rolling Stones!
Sometimes you’re in the middle of a crap storm.  That’s us this week.  Nothing terrible or life-threatening, just a bunch of stuff piling on top of each other. I don’t have much today beyond an admonition to myself that may hopefully resonate with you.  Just keep trusting God with everything.  That means all of it, not “do what you can do and leave the rest to Him”.  He has it all, not just the stuff that you think is beyond you.
Never did Hand Release Derkins before.  I believe I actually preferred the burpees…

What a Difference a Year Makes

THE SCENE: Lovely.  No breeze, but not overly hot.  Probably high-60s and clear.

Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
Windmills x 15 IC
Cherry Pickers x 15 IC (OK, we really did 9)
SSH x 15 IC
Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
Plank Jacks x 15 IC
Hand Release Merkins x 15 IC
ISO Squat x 15 IC
Mosey to JUCOmanjaro
Monkey Humpers ’til 6 arrives
Loop-d-loop up the hill
Monkey Humpers ’til 6 arrives
Loop-d-loop down the hill
Monkey Humpers ’til 6 arrives

Mosey to the Strip (little strip mall parking lot)
Quarter Pounder….with cheese please!  Today, it’s Cake and Ice Cream!
25 yard sprint, 25 merkins, back shuttle to the start, 10 burpees (the cheese  Ice Cream)

50 yard sprint, 50 squats, back shuttle to start, 10 burpees

75 yard sprint, 75 MTN Climbers, back peddle to start, 10 burpees

100 yard sprint, 100 BBS, back shuttle to start, 10 burpees

Mosey back to AO Hey, we got done a little early! Once more up JUCOmanjaro to collect the cones.  At the top, you guessed it.  Monkey Humpers ’til 6 arrives.

Now mosey back to the AO

Slutter kicks x15, Hello Dollys x15, Side Crunches x10 each side.
Nothing profound today, just a “Thank You” to those here today and by extension to all my brothers in F3. This workout was a copy of the first one I attended at the Dog Pound a year ago today (thanks, Ratchet!). At that time, I believe I skipped about half the loops and didn’t even make it to the Big Boys on the tennis court. Since then, I’ve had an amazing experience of all three F’s over this past year.


Fun Behind the Schoolhouse

THE SCENE: Just a little humid. Getting light a lot faster than I expected. Should have set up on the splashpad instead of behind the building…

SSH x25 IC
TN Rocking Chair x15 IC
Al Gore Tuck x9 IC

Burpee Race:
Split into 2 groups. One group does 2 burpees then plank while other group runs a lap. Then switch. Next round is 4 burpees and plank. Keep increasing by 2 burpees each round until one group can’t complete burpees before entire running group completes the lap.

Mosey to the big parking lot behind the school for a game of Memory
PAX take turns flipping 2 cards. If the cards don’t match, all PAX do BOTH exercises.
If the cards match they’re removed, and PAX just do that exercise followed by running a lap around the parking lot.

The cards:
15 Merkins
15 Dry Docks
10 Iron Mikes (each leg)
10 Squat jump
10 Burpees
15 Monkey Hump 4ct
20 Mtn Climber 4ct
Bear Crawl to light pole, Crawl Bear back
20 Flutter Kicks 4ct
20 Big Boys

Didn’t complete the deck, but we came pretty close. So far only Bomb Shelter has finished the whole game!
Just mosey back to the AO
8 strong today!
Perspective… Part 2.  As I mentioned to the JUCO crew, when you’re on the mosey for a lap, you don’t even notice the distance from the game board to the light pole.  While you’re bear crawling to the pole, it looks a lot further.  While you’re crawling backward, the distance looks nearly insurmountable.  We all have areas and times in our life when we’ve got those different perspectives.  When you’re in a “mosey” stage, remember that not everyone is there.  Give grace to those who are at the backward bear crawl.
Always a pleasure to visit the Brickyardigans!  Filter joined us too so he could get his beatdown in early and get home for his 2.0’s birthday.  Kudos on not using that as an excuse to fartsack!
None this week.