F3 Knoxville

The Gaunlet

THE SCENE: Mid 40’s and wet

5 hillbillies
5 burpees
5 merkins
5 calf raise squats
Mosey to the grassy area at back of the park.
(Gauntlet run is 5 staggered cones across field 30 yds apart with 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 calf raise squats at each cone)
Run the gauntlet, sprint back
Scissors x 25
Run the gauntlet, sprint back
Iron boys x 25
Run the gauntlet, sprint back
Captain Thor 5:20
Warrior 1
Warrior 2
Reverse warrior
8 Men survived the gauntlet including Drifter with a 20lb weight vest!
Rules to teach your son

1. Never shake a man’s hand sitting down.
2. Don’t enter a pool by the stairs.
3. The man at the BBQ Grill is the closest thing to a king.
4. In a negotiation, never make the first offer.
5. Request the late check-out.
6. When entrusted with a secret, keep it.
7. Hold your heroes to a higher standard.
8. Return a borrowed car with a full tank of gas.
9. Play with passion or don’t play at all…
10. When shaking hands, grip firmly and look them in the eye.
11. Don’t let a wishbone grow where a backbone should be.
12. If you need music on the beach, you’re missing the point.
13. Carrytwo handkerchiefs. The one in your back pocket is for you. The one in your breast pocket is for her.
14. You marry the girl, you marry her family.
15. Be like a duck. Remain calm on the surface and paddle like crazy underneath.
16. Experience the serenity of traveling alone.
17. Never be afraid to ask out the best looking girl in the room.
18. Never turn down a breath mint.
19. A sport coat is worth 1000 words.
20. Try writing your own eulogy. Never stop revising.
21. Thank a veteran. Then make it up to him.
22. Eat lunch with the new kid.
23. After writing an angry email, read it carefully. Then delete it.
24. Ask your mom to play. She won’t let you win.
25. Manners maketh the man.
26. Give credit. Take the blame.
27. Stand up to Bullies. Protect those bullied.
28. Write down your dreams.
29. Take time to snuggle your pets, they love you so much and are always happy to see you.
30. Be confident and humble at the same time.
31. If ever in doubt, remember whose son you are and REFUSE to just be ordinary!
32. In all things, give glory to God!
I’m sorry I can’t remember where this came from so I can’t give proper credit.
Help with Habitat this Saturday after the beatdown. Tear down and rebuild of a deck.


THE SCENE: Somewhere north of freezing… Overcast, impending rain… Great day to get better!

15x Left-straddle-hops IC
15x Right-straddle-hops IC
10x Smurf Jacks IC
15x Crab Kicks IC
30x Mountain Climbers IC (10x std, 10x hands back, 10x hands fwd)
8x Failure to Launch IC
10x Burpees OYO

Mosey to the courtyard. Pair up in threes.
7 cones set up on the wall.
Weinke with 4 exercises at each end of the sidewalk.
One PAX at each end, one running. Runner relives PAX upon arrival at the end.
When running toward the atrium, slalom hop over the wall between cones.
When leaving the atrium, Crawl Bear up the stairs.
Perform exercise at each end 2 times, then move to next.
At the atrium:
-Side Lunge
-Box Jumps

At the courtyard:
-LBCs (left-right-center)
-Gas Pumpers
-Alternating wide/diamond merkins
-Carolina Dry docks

Almost finished, but ran out of time during Crabettes/Dry Docks.
Mosey back to the AO – Arrived 6:15 on the dot!
No time today.
11 HIMs. Extra credit for Erector, Judge Judy, Doubtfire, Bagger, and YHC for the Full Smokey Tortoise/Hare pre-run/ruck
Not much to say today, although a full heart from a weekend spent with family/friends camping in Joyce Kilmer. Treasure these opportunities. Thank God for them when they come.
Thanks to Doubtfire for leading the pre-ruck! Finally got the Full Smokey completed. Now just have to beat Erector the Hare.
F3 Cleveland launch this weekend! Make the trip if you can. Check GroupMe for carpools! Also watch GroupMe or the weekly email for info about the Holiday Beatdown Schedule. Mend House Workoutreach postponed until the 26th (Thanksgiving Monday)

Moses & The 10 Commandments


  • Warm-O-Rama
    • SSH – x10 (IC)
    • Tempo Squats – x10 (IC)
    • Hillbilly Walkers – x10 (IC)
    • SSH – x10 (IC)
    • Windmills – x10 (IC)
    • Merkins – x10 (IC)
    • BBS – x10 (IC)
    • SSH – x10 (IC)
  • The Thang
  • Mosey Around Greenway
    • 1st Stop (There is Only 1 God)
      • Tennessee Rocking Chairs – x10 (IC)
      • Intentional Thinkers – x10 (IC)
      • Inch Work Merkins – x10 (OYO)
    • 2nd Stop (You Shall Not Make Idols)
      • Froggie Hops – x10 (IC)
      • Bobby Hurley – x10 (OYO)
      • Smurf Jacks – x10 (IC)
    • 3rd Stop (You Shall Not Take The Name of the Lord your God in vain)
      • Burpees – x10 (IC)
      • Absolution – x10 (IC)
      • Body Builders – x10 (IC)
    • 4th Stop (Remember The Sabbath Day to Keep it Holy)
      • Rest – x10 (seconds)
      • Forward Leaning Rest Position – x30 (seconds)
      • Stargazers – x10 (seconds)
    • 5th Stop (Honor Your Father and Mother)
      • Booyah Merkin – x10 (battle buddy)
      • Crowd Pleaser – 1:1 Merkin : Groiner to 5:5 and back down (OYO)
    • 6th Stop (You Shall Not Murder)
      • Ladder Jacks – 2 of each: SSH, Seal, Smurf, plank, bow and back up for 1rep – x5 (IC)
    • 7th Stop (You Shall Not Commit Adultery)
      • Edward Scissor Legs (Hello Dollys) whatever your comfortable with – x10 (IC)
      • Pickle Pounders – x10 (IC)
      • Monkey Humpers – x10 (IC)
    • 8th Stop (You Shall Not Steal)
      • Tug a War w/Battle Rope!
    • 9th Stop (You Shall Not Lie)
      • 2 min max push-ups
    • 10th Stop (You Shall Not Desire to Possess Anything That Belongs to Another Person)
      • Sprints – x10 (down and back = 1…we got 2 in before time!)

5 pax in total
The word was mixed in with the beatdown. Focused on the 10th commandment in the BOM and how social media makes it easy for one to wish they had something someone else has.  That picture on social media is a moment in time that has others wishing they could be there, or have a life more like the person who posted it.  Don’t fall into that trap.
Seeing how far the pax have come in a years time is a true blessing.  So many of our pax have lost weight, gained new friends, and have strengthen their relationship with God.
Habitat of Humanity opportunity this coming weekend.  I have yet to get the final details and will try to finalize this plan early this week.

A few rounds in the octagon

THE SCENE: 48* and clear, perfect weather

High knees IC
BAC forward and reverse IC
Imperial squat walker IC
THA-THANG: Mosey out of the start point and towards L&N, opposite direction of the usual mosey.  Train horn gives the Q a good panic, as the route crosses the railroad tracks where cones and routine are set up.  Fortunately its just two engines which clear the tracks quickly and we continue our mosey into the Preacher lot.  Eight cones set up in a circle/octagon.  Exercises are mostly still on the cones, as follows:

  • Reverse flyes with rocks
  • Wide merkins
  • Squat jumps
  • American hammers on 4 count
  • Lion kings with CMU’s
  • Lunges on 2 count
  • 8 count bodybuilders
  • Heels to heaven

PAX split up to have groups of 2-3 at each cone.  16 reps of each exercise, then bear crawl to next cone moving in clockwise direction.  Once you arrive back at your original cone/exercise, run to the center of the octagon and plank it up (plank variations until all finish).  Q asks for someone to step into the middle and give one of their biggest fears.  Sneaky Pete steps up, and his fear is being misunderstood.  ALR.

Go back to original cone.  Repeat routine, this time only performing 8 reps of each exercise, and instead of bear crawling to next cone, run a lap around the octagon.  Again, plank in the middle when finished with routine and wait for the rest to finish.  Duggar steps up and admits one of his biggest fears is failure.  Which just happens to be QIC’s biggest fears, and would have been admitted at the end.  ALR. PAX grab cones and CMUs and begin mosey back to SP (dropping 4 CMUs just across the tracks for retrieval later).

Once back at SP, Q asks one more to tell a fear.  The Voice steps up and states letting someone down is his fear.  A.L.R.  Mary begins.

Edward scissorlegs x25 on 4 count.
5 sec rest
Edward scissorlegs x25 on 4 count (someone said take them to 100, so we did)
18 PAX Strong: Reverb, Swanson, Sneaky Pete, Petey, Operation, Filter, Sipad, Duggar, Midas, The Voice, Cowbell, Cheesesteak, Jenner, Crawdad, Passport, Careless, Scope, Abort
Fear.  We all have fears, and we have to deal with fear every day.  Fear isn’t necessarily bad, as fears of things have helped keep us alive up to this point in our lives.  However, constantly giving into fears makes us cowards.  Constantly ignoring fears would make us insane.  The key is to listen to our fears and decide whether to give into them or stand up and turn that fear or hardship into grace.
Mend House workout on Monday at 6.  Try to show up and support these men as they hopefully launch their own AO into F3.

Hungry Hungry HIMs

THE SCENE: Perfect weather, dry and cool

SSH x20
LB Arm Circles x12
LB Arm Circles Reverse x12
Little of this, little of that
Squats x15
Go to baseline and job across parking lot
Butt kicks back to second sign then jog rest of way
75% run to far side
100% run back
Thanks to Woodshack for the idea and providing all necessary equipment for this Q!

We played some modified hungry hungry hippo. There were four teams of 3 people (one team of 4) spread equidistant from the center.  Everyone did a wheelbarrow to the center and grabbed 4 tennis balls to throw back to their cone, then completed the wheelbarrow back. The whole team did 20 reps of each exercise on the tennis balls (15 reps if you got the orange tennis ball) and then returned the tennis balls to the center and repeated. While doing the wheelbarrow, the other member of the teams would hold Al Gore or a plank.

There were 21 tennis balls with different exercises on them and two orange tennis balls that were 15 bodybuilders. Each team got the orange balls at least twice.

Boxcutters x20 before time was up
13 men crushed it this morning with no FNGs
Catholics have mass every day of the year and therefore have specific Bible readings every day of the year. Here is the Gospel for this morning:

Luke 15:1-10

The tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to listen to Jesus, but the Pharisees and scribes began to complain, saying, ‘This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.’ So Jesus addressed this parable to them. ‘What man among you having a hundred sheep and losing one of them would not leave the ninety-nine in the desert and go after the lost one until he finds it? And when he does find it, he sets it on his shoulders with great joy and, upon his arrival home, he calls together his friends and neighbors and says to them, ‘Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you, in just the same way there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance.

Or what woman having ten coins and losing one would not light a lamp and sweep the house, searching carefully until she finds it? And when she does find it, she calls together her friends and neighbors and says to them, ‘Rejoice with me because I have found the coin that I lost.’ In just the same way, I tell you, there will be rejoicing among the angels of God over one sinner who repents.

These passages also remind me of the prodigal son. You see, we all want recognition and it makes us feel good when we are celebrated and told that we are doing a good job. But if we are not careful, we start to get jealous, just as the son who stayed with his father. If we think of the sheep in the passage above as humans, do you think that none of the 99 would be jealous? They did what they were supposed to do, but this other sheep that went off and got lost is getting a party because it came back.

The Bible also tells us that the man who puts money in the collection basket when everyone is watching him and making sure that they know he is contributing has his reward. That feeling he gets from the admiration of others is his reward. We must remember that our reward is in Heaven, and we must rejoice when one of our lost brothers or sisters comes back into communion with us. We should be the ones organizing the party, not the ones getting jealous because someone who was lost is getting that recognition.