Q: Mermaid
PAX: Eliza, The Situation, Mermaid
FNGs: None
Just Rucking around, and catching up. The back blast is better late than never
Fitness. Fellowship. Faith.
THE THANG: courtyard for dora style, but no counting. 2 ran various sized loops while the others did the exercise then switch:
Dips, BBS, Dirkins, Flutter Kick, Irkins and box jumps
Mosey to cmu for curls
Mosey to bars for 10 pull ups
Stop for some jump ups a the performing arts center
MARY: Hello Dolly, Freddy, other things with abs
ANNOUNCEMENTS: IPC week 0 Friday. Sign up.
Disc golf on Sept 14.
COT: “Who do you say I am?” – Jesus
Matt 15:16, the most important question for each person to answer honestly and to check to make sure our lives represent our answer.
THE THANG: Fellowship mosey to Da Club to get a coupon and then down to the track around the soccer field. EMOM timer set for 30 minutes. Each minute, do 5 reps of the buy-in and then reps of the exercise and repeat each minute until you reach 50 reps of the main exercise. Then, run a lap around the track. Flip the buy-in and main exercise and do the same thing until you reach 50 reps of the main exercise. Run a lap. Repeat. Burpees and thrusters were the first set of exercises. Merkins and squats were the second set of exercises. We stayed with merkins and squats until time was up. Fellowship mosey to put up the coupons and then back to the AO.
MARY: Some star gazers for a couple of minutes
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Banjo AO kickoff tonight. Second F lunch discussion and TBD. Possible 2.0 workout/picnic at the Farm one weekend TBD.
COT: The smaller you define your world, the bigger your problems seem.
– Kalsu – 100 thrusters
– Start the 1-minute EMOM timer
– Perform 5 burpees
– As soon as you finish the burpees, start doing thrusters
– When the timer goes off, do 5 burpees
– Keep repeating this until you finish 100 thrusters
– After 100 thrusters, run 400 meters
– Reverse Kalsu – 100 burpees (would that be Uslak?)
– Start your 100 burpees as soon as you get back
– Don’t restart the EMOM timer. You are at the mercy of the timer as to when you get back
– Each time the EMOM timer goes off, 5 thrusters
– Perform burpees in between until you get to 100 burpees
– Workout ends after your 100 burpees
– Record your total time
Lay there and groan
The Monday AM workout returns starting 9/9 at 0530.
PM workouts will hibernate for the season.
Why do we do hard things? Because we see value in them.
What is it that we are valuing though? Is it for ourselves or is it for others?
THE THANG: run in a big loop (Sam Lee to Steele to Hardin Valley)
MARY: one loop around JUCO
COT: see JUCO backblast