F3 Knoxville

DECK The Halls

THE SCENE: 49 and chilly…until we got moving!!!

  • Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
  • Baby Arm Circles Backward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Hand Release Merkins – OYO X 10
  • Windmills (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Tempo Squats (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Calf Stretches
  • Karaoke out & back across parking lot
  • Sprints out & back across parking lot
  • Mosey to side parking lot


Side of Alexander Building  

  • 15 Pullups on the walkway rails – OYO X 3 rounds
  • 15 Squats – OYO X 3 rounds
  • 100 Calf raises on steps – OYO
  • Mosey

F3 Workout Deck –

  • 2-9 cards = 10 reps
  • face cards = 25 reps
  • aces = 100 reps

We did 25+ different cards in 4 categories:

  • Diamond – Upper (merkins, diamond merkins, etc.)
  • Hearts – Cardio (running, side straddle hop, etc.)
  • Spades – Legs (squats, lunges, calf raises, etc.)
  • Clubs – Core (flutter kicks, planks, etc.)

Cashed out with 10 burpees

Part of the workout

7 HIMs – 5K, Bagger, Judge Judy, Mr. Rogers, Rocket, Snaggletooth, & Booster


I don’t have the answers to why people believe, worship, pray but yet get sick, hurt, etc. when those without faith often do not seem to have those problems.  I get frustrated because I see people battling cancer every day and dying.  I know I won’t have all of the answers in my current life but my lack of understanding in why bad things happen concerns me and stresses me out.

I asked for prayers of the men there today.  Several have reached out since the Q to let them know they are thinking about me and will forward any articles, etc. they come across.

The beauty of F3 is we can share our hopes and dreams along with our struggles. Thank each of you for your willingness to get out in the gloom to exercise our mind and body.  We’re better because of each other!

Isaiah 41:10 – Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Jeremiah 33:6 – Behold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security.

James 5:15 – And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.

Psalm 41:3 – The Lord sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness you restore him to full health.

Jeremiah 30:17 – For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the Lord, because they have called you an outcast: ‘It is Zion, for whom no one cares!’

Matthew 11:28 – Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.


  • F3 3rd Anniversary Activities on November 3-4
  • Monthly Challenge – Hand Release Merkins

F3 Decks have arrived

THE SCENE: 48 and clear
SSH X 25
Baby Arm circles forward and back x 10
Cherry Pickers x 8
Deck O Death
Face cards x 10
Ace’s x 15
Jokers – Run Everest or run stop-sign to stop-sign with rock
♠️Rock Squat
♣️Rock Flutter kick
♥️8 count man maker
♦️Squat Press
16 PAX
Proverbs 24
1 Judge impartially
To show partiality in judging is not good’ (v.23b). For those who judge justly, ‘rich blessing will come upon them’ (v.25).
2 Speak honestly
An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips’ (v.26). Sometimes it is hard to speak the truth in love, but we need to be honest with one another. The best answer you can give to any question asked is an honest one!
3 Stay loyal
Don’t talk about your neighbours behind their backs – no slander or gossip, please’ (v.28, MSG). Anyone can stay true to your face but it is the people who stay true behind your back that really count.
4 Show restraint
The temptation to pay back those who have done us harm is very great. However, the writer of Proverbs warns against taking revenge: ‘Do not say, “I’ll do to them as they have done to me; I’ll pay them back for what they did”’ (v.29).
5 Work hard
The book of Proverbs often warns against laziness. ‘A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest – and poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man’ (vv.33–34).
Fall festival
F3 Olympics

Flex Seal on a Birthday

THE SCENE: It was Dark and smelled like Birthday Cake.

Cherry Pickers 16x
Burpees 10x
Ice Skaters 20x
Hand Release Merkins 20x
ISO Squats 20x
Burpees 6x
Ice Skaters 16x
Burpees 10x
Hand Release Merkins 20x


Partner 46s
Dora Fashion: One Partner does Box Jump/StepUps while other does 23 of the following, then Flapjack
Hand Release Merkins
Plank Jacks (2-count)
Bobby Hurley (Jump Squat)
Shoulder Taps (4-count)

It was a nice day for some Shoulder Blasters.
Just a quick note not to forget that the tasks at-hand were provided to you because you were up to the challenge.  It wouldn’t show up at your door if it wasn’t meant for you.
It was a good day…dry and cool.   Pretty good mumble chatter, some wisecracks about getting older and yet we persevered.  Great to have Hickory’s “FLEX SEAL” in attendance!
Nove 3 Olumpics!!!

Bodybuilders in the rain

THE SCENE: About 70 degrees and some nice steady rain

SSH x20 IC
LB Arm Circles x12 each way IC
Little Michael Phelps
Squats x20
Cherry Pickers x10

Do the following exercises at the pavalon:

  • Bent over rows x10
  • Mr. Spectacular x10
  • CMU Curls x15
  • Goblet Squats x20

Then bear crawl across the whole grinder. If you walk or can’t go any further, do 15 burpees and jog to the end (I believe everyone made the bear crawl). Next, do the following exercises at the scrapyard:

  • Pullups x10
  • BBS x20
  • Dips x15
  • Flutter kicks x15 on 4-count

Run down the path to the road and do 5 bodybuilders, then run back around to the pavalon and rinse and repeat. Instead of the bear crawl, lunge to the far edge of the bathrooms and jog the rest of the grinder.

Box cutters x30
Captain Thor to 5×20
Protractor (Thanks Snorkel!)
Cash out with some LBCs for 30 seconds
11 men strong this morning
Lately I have had failure on my mind. I lost 30 pounds in my first four months of F3, now I’ve gained some of that back and have not hit my goals. So I feel failure. I failed a couple CPA exams already. Failure. I haven’t really prayed much at all in the last year or two. Failure. But the biggest failure came on Tuesday when we had to put our 2 year old cat down. My wife is an animal lover and especially loved this little cat. She has been depressed and crying for two days now. I can’t help but feel like a failure as a husband because I can’t make it better. Nothing that I say or do will make her feel better or stop her from being sad. But I realized that what I need to do is offer it all up to God. I’ve prayed more in the last two days than I have in the last two years. I’ve been praying for peace for my wife and that led to praying about all of the other things that make me feel like I have failed. I encourage you men to turn to God earlier than I did. Anytime you feel like you have failed, offer it up to God and have a conversation with him. We sometimes feel like it is all on us when in reality, all we have to do is turn our eyes to heaven for some help.

Bomb Shelter anniversary Q next Saturday with a “Keep Blount Beautiful” trash pickup on the greenway at 10 for anyone who is available. Also, we have the F3 olympics coming up on November 3rd with a bunch of events that weekend.

Rockin’ Dora and Cardiac Attack

THE SCENE: Mostly cloudy, 73 degrees, 90% humidityTo

(25) 4 ct. SSH; Baby arm circles forward; backers; (10) 4ct. plank jacks; lunge stretch


  • Mosey to base of Everest
  • (1) sprint up Everest to rock pile
  • Selected rock and partner for Rockin’ Doras
  • Partner 1: Run west along road, with rock, to first tree and back
  • Partner 2: Curls (up to 200); Squats with rock (up to 200); BBS or flutter kicks (4 ct.), rock optional (200)
  • Mosey cross country to base of Cardiac Hill
  • (5) 4 ct. American Hammers; Bernie Sanders to first bend; (5) 4 ct. Hello Dollies; bear crawl to next bend; (5) squat jumps; sprint to benches; (5) tricep dips;
  • Rinse and repeat, add (5) to each exercise

Ab work, 2 rounds ending with 4 ct. flutter kicks.

II Timothy 1:7 – This is my Father’s favorite verse, and I had not really connected with it. I never felt that I approached life with timidity or fear. I termed it as humility. But, there is a fine line between timidity and humility.  To my shame, I have been doing F3 for a year and a half, and this is my VQ.  To be a real HIM, we need to approach life boldly. We need to lead when we are called to lead and not be timid. We also need to remember that God gives us power, but also love and self discipline.