F3 Knoxville

Card Games

THE SCENE: Rainy Thursday Evening around 40 degrees

20 Side straddle hops
10 Cherry Pickers
10 Figure 4’s each leg
10 Curtsy Lunges each leg


Played with a deck of cards

  • 2-5 Face Value 4 count MTN Climbers
  • 6-10 Face Value, J-A 15 reps
    • Clubs = LBC’s & Big Boys
    • Spades = Flutter Kicks & Hello Dollys
    • Hearts = Box Jumps & Smurf Jacks
    • Diamonds = Tempo Merkins & Regular Merkins
  • Joker = 10 burpees

Ran one lap around parking lot the started Pancakes and Lunges

Bear Crawl across outdoor chapel, 20 bobby hurleys, crab walk back
Lunge across outdoor chapel, 15 squats, lunge back

One more lap around parking lot

2 Minute Planks
Also had J Lo with us as #8 but didn’t see his tag
quoted Warren Buffet about reaction. ” you will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. True power is sitting back and observing things with logic. True power is restraint. If words control you that means everyone else can control you. Breathe and allow things to pass.”

Cited this to make the point that in a world where everyone seems to have a negative reaction to everything done or said, be a positive one if you have to react at all.  If we start at home and lift one another up, who knows how that will translate in life for the person who is being negative.  People don’t always remember what you do but they do remember how you made them feel.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Forward Looking Beat Down

THE SCENE: 50 ish with misty rain

SSH X 15

Arm Circles Front/Back X 10 each

Cherry Pickers X 10

Mosey to troll bridge and then around to Pavilion


At Pavilion

Complete 20 Decline Merkins

Complete 20 Big Boys

Complete 20 Step Ups (ea. Leg)

Sprint to Center of the Basketball Courts

Complete 10 – 8 Count Body Builders with CMU.

Complete 20 CMU Curls

Complete 20 CMU Squats

Sprint to the Grinder

Complete 10 Pullups.

Complete 20 Incline Merkins

Complete 20 Dips

Sprint to the Y near the street and then back to the Pavilion and Repeat


Box Cutters X 15

Flutter Kicks 4 count x 15

LBCs Cash out

12 HIMs today including one FNG dubbed – Two Block

Men continue to look forward as you move through life.  Learn from the past but don’t dwell on it.

Couple quotes to sum it up.

“Sometimes God closes doors because it’s time to move forward. He knows you won’t move unless your circumstances force you. Trust the transition. God’s got you.” Anonymous

“Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome.” Anonymous.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

JUCO Speedway

THE SCENE: 40ish and no rain, but plenty of water on the ground

20 mountain climber, 20 SSH, 15 Imperial Walker, 10 windmill, 15 Moroccan night club
Begin a mosey toward the bond with a few warmup drills:  high kneels, butt kickers, and b-skips.  The first part of the workout had three stops around the pond.  At each stop, perform 20 merkins, squats, and 4 count flutter kicks.  The next round had two stops (half the track between each).  At each stop perform 20 diamond merkins, lunges (10 each leg), and 4 count Freddie Mercury.  The final round was one full, hard lap around the pond, wagonwheel to the 6 and then do 10 tempo Carolina Dry Docks, 10 tempo sumo squats, and 15 hello Dolly IC.

Form a line and Indian run back to the shovel flag.

Just enough time for Mucho Chesto:  10 merkins, 10 diamond merkins, 10 stagger left merkins, 10 stagger right merkins, and 10 wide-arm merkins.
9 PAX this morning
Consider what Cain’s response to God when He asked him “where is your brother”.  Cain responded with “Am I my brother’s keeper”.  God does call us to be our brother’s keeper.  The Word today is to pay attention to those around you and take note of changes in behavior.  Be an encouragement to others in their time of struggle.
A lot of mubblechatter today about the “lazy Q”.  I started the workout by stating that I did put much time into the Q.  All in good fun.
Wesley house workout coming up.  Keep an eye out on GroupMe for 2nd F lunches.

Captain Spectacular!

THE SCENE: 32 and great

It was FINs birthday. he turned 26 so we did a Fins inspired warm up of :

F. ailure to launch . hold squat for 10 seconds, then jump. Rinse and repeat until you fail to lauch

I. mperial walkers x26 IC

N.ever cross dolly x26 IC. (iron cross while doing Dolly)

Side straddle hops IC x26

  • La La Leggy, (26 squats IC, 26 lunges each leg, 26 monkey humpers IC, 26×3 calf raises
  • 2 burps, run grinder, 10 big boys, 4 hurpees, run, 10 big boys, 6 bropees, run, 10 big boys, 8 body builders, run, 10 big boys, 10 broad jump burps, run 10 big boys. The run was running the grinder back and forth,each run about 70 meters.
  • Last but not least Captain spectaculars! consisting of a 1:4 ratio of doing Mr. Spectaculars
  • 1= walk hands out, do one merkin, walk hands back, pick up CMU and do 4 squats then 4 overhead presses.
  • 2= walk hands out, merkin, walk hands back out again, merkin, walk hands back , pick up CMU for 8 squats and 8 over head presses
  • GET IT? 1:4 ratio. Make it to 10:40 and you are feeling it!! over 55 walk out push ups, 220 CMU goblet squats, and 220 over head presses. Rep it out bruh!!

no time
16 pax became spectacular today!

“A band of brothers, in the sense that we use the words in this book, is not a meeting, a club, a therapy group, or a self-help society. It is the group of men we do life with. It is the team of brothers committed with us to the cause of great manhood. It is the band of men with whom we build a manly culture of inspiration and achievement.” – Stephen Mansfield, “Building Your Band of Brothers”

F3 is that, a band of brothers and so much more than a club, support group , etc..
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

90’s rock out session

THE SCENE: Breezy & low 40’s.  Chance of rain so we planned ahead of time to meet at the Pavalon.



A few stretches while explaining the stations.


9 stations set up under the Pavalon.  2 minutes at each station with a 15 second break at the end.  AMRAP at each station and rotate through the loop AMTAP for 45 minutes.


  1. Knee ups with ball between ankles
  2. Squats – 60lb sandbag
  3. Merkins on a basketball
  4. High lat pull – 35lb kettlebell
  5. Curls.  25-30lb dumbbells
  6. Heels to heaven with ball between ankles
  7. Pull ups
  8. Side deltoid raise – 15lb dumbbells
  9. Step ups on the bench – 30lb dumbbell

N/A today

Junk, Butters, Toebox, Bartman

We listened to a bunch of music today that I listened to in high school.  It’s great music and often brings back memories of the trouble I got into as a kid.  Therefore the BOM was quoted from Ecclesiastes chapters 11-12.  Basically it talks about the fact that men will enjoy the time of their youth, however we also need to be aware that we will ultimately be held accountable for our actions.  The only way to avoid this judgement is to accept Christ as your personal savior and let his death, burial and resurrection take the place of your punishment.