THE SCENE: Mid 60’s
Partner slingshot run to Suckmore.
P1 jogs while P2 does 4 squats and sprints to catch.
Going down the ladder
Round 1
10 Pull-ups
Run up Suckmore past cone
10 Merkins
Reduce by 1 rep each time
Round 2
10 Dry Docks
Bernie up
10 Monkey Humpers on 4-count
Reduce by 1 rep each time
Mosey back to grinder
No time.
11 men.
Bring a good attitude to all you do and you can change the mood of a whole room. Applies to your household, workplace or even out in the COT.
surf and turf ruck
THE SCENE: 52* and rainy, great day to build some character
Gear inspection and move out, no warm up here. Gear included: all ruckers with rucks at challenge weight + water, one 60 pound sandbag (Irene), one 80 pound sandbag (Black Betty). Ruck up and move to Emerald Youth soccer fields.
Quick warm up there:
Tempo squats
BAC forward
Chinooks (or Sudokus)
Workout began with pushup and situp test from APFT/Heavy PT test. Partner up and hold each other’s feet, then fist on the ground for pushups while partner performs 2 minutes max pushups and 2 minutes max situps. PAX to try to remember and see how they improve after 2 month winter challenge from Charity Challenges.
Next was to dine on some surf and turf, stolen from Brickyard workout A-Rod posted last week.
- 100 yard bear crawl
- Take a break with 5 rounds of Amazon complex with 60 pound sandbag
- 100 yard crab walk (this was funnnn)
- Another break with 5 more rounds of Amazon complex (burpee over bag, strict curl, clean, squat, press toss to next man)
Ruck up and move back towards start point.
Once back at start point for false finish, take sandbags off shoulders and hold them in front for some extra distance carries. Basically walking and kicking the sandbag while smoking already toasty shoulders. Trade out sandbags at even intervals.
No time for Mary, which was nice since it was soaking wet (though we already were too).
4 weirdos: Swanson, Pfeiffer, Amazon, Abort
THE SCENE: 54 degrees and Rainy
SSH x 25 IC
Team Mosey
BRICK workout completed. Run Hill/Parking Lot between each set of reps.
- Burpees 2-4-6-8-10, 10-8-6-4-2 (Hill)
- Rocky Balboas 2-4-6-8-10, 10-8-6-4-2 (Parking Lot)
- Incline Merkins 2-4-6-8-10, 10-8-6-4-2 (Hill)
- Capt. Thor’s 2-4-6-8-10, 10-8-6-4-2 (Parking Lot)
- King Kong Thrusters 2-4-6-8-10, 10-8-6-4-2 (Hill)
Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
F3 BRICK: A single habit or act that is advantageous to you and others! We had 2 FNGs this morning! Welcome “Special Delivery” and “Tide”!
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.
Death Shall Die
THE SCENE: Sunny and pleasant, temps in upper 60’s
20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Rockettes, 10 Temp Squats, 10 Windmills, 10 Little Baby Arm Circles Forward and Backward
Mosey to new restroom area by new parking lot. We will do Pickett’s Charge to Admin Bldg. Those finishing first circle back to retrieve their brothers. We will next do 20 heel lifts regular, 20 with toes in, and 20 with toes out on the steps of the Admin Bldg. We will next Bernie Sanders to roadway.
Mosey to dragon tail sidewalk and down to where cone is set up for Route 66. We will do Route 66 up the dragon tail with the following exercises:
- Squat Jumps
- Dive Bombers
- Imperial Walkers (four count)
Mosey to parking lot that is by entry way to Northern Ball Parks. We will be running around corners, doing the following exercises:. The corners show three sets of exercises because we will circle the parking lot three times.
- Corner 1: 25 Merkins, 25 Diamond Merkins, 25 Carolina Drydocks
- Corner 2: (all of the following are 4 count) 20 Flutter Kicks, 20 American Hammers, 20 Hello Dollies
- Corner 3: (all are with CMU’s) 25 Overhead Presses, 25 Curls, 25 Rows
- Corner 4: 25 Smurf Jacks, 25 Star Jumps, 25 Plank Jacks
Mosey back to AO.
Planks with reaches.
Twelve men, no FNG’s.
John Donne is an English Poet who lived in the 1500 and 1600’s. He wrote a number of sonnets called his holy sonnets and his 10th holy sonnet is one of his famous ones that is now entitled “Death Be Not Proud.” Donne, as a Christian, knows that, in God, he need not fear death. In the first four lines (quatrain) he mocks death, saying that though some have called it mighty and dreadful, it cannot kill those it thinks it can overthrow, such as Donne. In the second quatrain, Donne ironically praises death, noting that through it good men can finally rest from the suffering they face here on Earth. In the third quatrain, Donne chastises death again, claiming it is a slave to “fate, chance, kings and desperate men. How can death be proud when it only dwells within “poison, sickness and war?” In the final couplet of the sonnet, Donne delivers the final blow to death, turning death upside down. Knowing that, through God, we who believe in Him shall live on into eternity, Donne points out the truthful irony: once we die here on Earth, death no longer exists. Once we die, death is no more – death dies!
Here is the beautiful sonnet. Read it knowing that, through our faith in God, we need not fear death. If we believe that God is eternal and that, through him, we live eternally, we have nothing to fear.
Holy Sonnets: Death, be not proud
I Love Hate You, Man
THE SCENE: 50 or so. Hot and muggy. Also really dark, because clouds and new moon.
SSH x20
Windmill x15
CMU Hop-Over x20 OYO
Cherry Picker x8 IC
Round-the-blocks Merkins (1 lap)
Pass-the-CMU 1 round each direction
Mosey down around the outhouse and back up by the grassy area.
Pair up, one PAX does traveling exercise, other does specified reps of stationary exercise, then goes to relieve traveling PAX wherever they are. Alternate between the two stationary exercises until time called, then move on to the next Travel/Stationary grouping
Traveling | Stationary |
Bear Crawl w/ CMU | 20 Curls |
20 Tri Ext. | |
Crab Walk w/ CMU | 20 Merkins |
20 Big Boy Situps | |
Farmer Carry 2 CMU | 20 Squats |
20 Carolina Dry Docks | |
Blockee Broad Jump | 5 8-Count Body Builders |
20 Tri Ext. |
Once more around the outhouse, then back up to the AO
Just enough time for 5 Pullover-situp-standup with CMU
12 Men today… All disciples I pray!
Just a practical word today for your health and those around you: wash your hands. 2.0 and half of her school are out sick….
I planned on running this Q up on the soccer field across the street, but it was so dark I couldn’t see the cones when they were 10 feet away.
Oh well… Whatever kind of grass that is near the AO smells pretty nice. I guess it’s whatever they put on there to cover up the odor of the dog excrement…
Thanks to Mayberry for today’s title. Definitely appreciated the “I love hate you right now, Waxjob” toward the end of the beatdown.
Signup for Hardship Hill!!!! (YHC too)
The Project AO launch in Oak Ridge was today… Tell your friends!