F3 Knoxville

Interval training at JUCO

THE SCENE: Clear and 35 degrees F.

15 Mountain climbers, 15 plank jacks, 15 SSH, 15 Moroccan night club, 10 wind mill (all in cadence).
After some high-knees, butt-kickers, and skips, start with a 2 minute interval run at about 1 mile race pace. After each interval, perform 3 exercises ( 10 squats, merkins, flutter kicks after 1st interval all in cadence). Wagon wheel to the six before performing exercises.

  • 4 minute interval
  • 10 Lunges OYO
  • 10 Carolina dry docks in cadence
  • 10 Freddy Mercury in cadence
  • 2 minute interval
  • 10 Monkey humpers in cadence
  • 10 Diamond merkins in cadence
  • 10 Hello Dolly in cadence
  • 2 minute interval

Mosey to benches at middle of campus.

  • 10 derkins (decline merkins), 10 dips, and 10 irkins (incline merkins) all in cadence.
  • Take a lap around parking lot.
  • 10 LBCs, 10 6 inch LBCs, 10 reverse LBCs, and 10 full grown LBCs all in cadence.
  • 15 box jumps civilian count, 10 Lunges each leg OYO, 10 squats in cadence.
  • Mosey to shovel flag.

Merkins ring of fire. 1 merkin around the ring while all other PAX hold plank (Snaggletooth wanted to do clapping merkins, so he did). Then 1 merkin around the ring while all other PAX hole 6″ plank.  Then 1 clapping merkin (your welcome Snaggletooth) and final round with 2 clapping merkins.
10 HIMs today
Luke 6:41-42. Don’t be hypocritical, but lead by example.
2nd F tonight at Printshop tonight, possible leadership development curriculum (let Booster know if interested).

Deck the Asphalt


34 and clear

Welcome & Disclaimer


SSH 4ct x30 IC
Chinooks Squats 4ct x15 IC
Tempo Merkins 4ct x15 IC
Line up on curb
Rocky Balbos x20 IC
Merkins  x 4ct 10 IC
Rocky Balbos x20 IC
BAC Fwd x10 IC
BAC Bkwd x10 IC
Rocky Balbos x20 IC
One lap around the parking lot

Line up on the curb.


Deck the Asphalt
The deck of cards determines our destiny!
For all suits with a card value of 1-6 = Suicides based on the value of the card

  • Example: draw a number 4 card (4wo Cone touches): Run to Cone 1, back to Start, run to Cone 2 and back to start. run to Cone 3, back to Start, run to Cone 4, back to start. Done.

For the rest of the deck, perform the number of reps based on the value of the card according to the list below:

  • Hearts: Burpees
  • Spades: Squats
  • Clubs: 4ct Flutter Kicks
  • Diamonds: Merkins
  • Face Cards = 15 reps
  • Jokers = run to the top of the hill, perform 1 burpee and back to the curb.

Finishing deck results in: 85 Merkins, 85 Squats, 85 4ct Flutter Kicks, 85 Burpees, 20 suicides and 1 Hull Run in under 45 minutes.


Number off and Name-O-Rama – 24 PAX


Golden Rule: Do to others as you would have them to do to you. (Matthew 7:12)
Golden Result: In general, people will treat you in the same manner that you treat them.

The importance of knowing the Golden Result is it reminds us that in many ways we are creating the world around us.  When it seems like everyone around us is “out to get us” that’s a cue to look inward and reflect on how you are relating to others.  As a HIM we seek to be men of impact, not men of excuses.

Today, be the type of person that changes the relational temperature of the room. Bring grace, humility and love where every you go and see if it is not returned back to you 10 fold.

Submitted by
Cap’n Crunch

The pain train

THE SCENE: 34*, nice and clear

No warm up, no time. Quick gear inspection and get the show on the road
Equipment list, everyone with rucks with challenge weight, water bladders etc. Three 60 pound sandbags (Sandy, Sandra, and Irene) and one big girl 80 pound sandbag (Betty).

Move out away from start point, rotating sandbags every 0.20 miles. At the end of your rotation, you have to pay a 5 squat transfer fee before handing off the sandbag. Transition can not allow sandbag to touch the ground. Head to Tom Black Track on UT campus, hitting every scrappy hill we can.

Once at the track, ground sandbags for PT. Circuit consisted of the following:

  • Atlas lift with 60 bag
  • Lateral pull merkins with ruck
  • Bent over row with 80 bag
  • Leg levers with ruck overhead
  • Reverse lunges with 60 bag
  • Shoulder loads with 60 bag

Last man bear crawls to cone and back, taking over at Atlas lifts and bumping everyone to next exercise. Go through circuit twice.

Recover and link the sandbags together with carabiners for the pain train (aka the floppy log) back.  Carry can consist of shoulder, farmer carry, whatever. Rotate as needed like an event. Due to time left, after a few rotations the pain train is broken back into individual bags as the train moves slower. Last quarter ro third mile sandbags had to be carried off shoulders. Get back right at 6:15.

Wow that’s a lot of burpees!!

THE SCENE: 33 and cool AstroTurf


2 burpees

Imperial walkers

4 burpees

Tempo merkins

6 burpees

Little baby circles

8 burpees


10 burpees


20yrd sprint 

10 BBS

20yrd sprint

10 merkins

20yrd sprint

10 Freddie Mercury 

20yrd sprint

10 CCD

20yrd sprint

10 burpees

Brickyard bearcrawl 10

5 burpees

Lunge 20yds

5 burpees

Hop 20yds

5 burpees


5 burpees

Beat crawl  20 yard

 5 burpee

Burpee broad jump

5 burpees

On the track teams of 2 lap one stopping at 1/4mile 5 burpees,  lap 2 same only 10 burpees

indian run two laps


5/1 fast n easy makers to burpees

flutter kicks 10

hello dolly 10

Norm, A Rod, Switchgrass, Chaucer, Herbie, Hamm, Simmons, Tractor, Fast-n-Easy
God said No
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Comms are Important

THE SCENE: Gloomy and dark.  Better than the #fartsack though!

Cherry Pickers 15x
Hand Release Merkins 20x
Ice Skaters 20x
Burpees 10x
ISO Squats 20x
Ice Skaters 20x
Burpees 10x
Hand Release Merkins 20x

Mosey to First light
Stop Half Way...

  • Rubber Legs:
  • Squats x10
  • Fwd & Bkwd lunges (same leg then switch) x10 each leg
  • Side Lunges x10 each leg
  • Jump Squats x10

To Cone Lane:
Run to cone 6 and back each time. First time stop at far cone, cone 6, and do exercise. Next time stop at cone 6 and cone 5 and so on until you do all the exercises.

  • Cone 1 – Squats x15
  • Cone 2 – Diamond Merkins x15
  • Cone 3 – Tuck Jumps x15
  • Cone 4 – Froggy Squats x15
  • Cone 5 – Dry Docks x15
  • Cone 6 – Candlestick Burpees x15
  • Cone 7 – I forgot x15
  • Cone 8 – Diamond Merkins x15
  • Cone 9 – Jump Squats x15

Side Crunches, and a few more on-the-six work.
Be sure to communicate to those around you.  Keep it simple.  It should be repeatable and easily understood.  Even if you think they already know it, its good practice to repeat for clarity