F3 Knoxville

Monster Mash

THE SCENE: Insert info

Insert information about the warmup.
Insert information about the workout.

  • Sometimes
  • bulleted
  • lists
  • are
  • handy.

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Insert the WORD here.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Blocks in The Path

THE SCENE: 40°, clear

10 curls
10 tricep extensions
10 upright rows
10 blockees
Route 66 style CMU OH run together through park with doing exercises at every other light pole going up to 11 then back down again.
Tricep extensions
Upright rows
CMU flutter kicks x 25
CMU hammers 2-count x 20
10 mighty men
9 unconscious beliefs blocking our path to inner peace:
1. “I Need to be Doing Something Right Now.”
Though our ego tricks us into believing we need this feeling to get things done, when we can let it go we see a lot of our anxiety dissolves and our relaxation deepens. We’re also much more likely to enjoy what we need to do without the constant internal pressure of feeling that what we’re doing in this moment is never enough.

2. “When I Get What I Want I Will be Happy.”
When we see we’re doing this we can practice letting go of that need, even if only for a brief moment. The more capable we become at doing so, the more we will naturally experience happiness in the present, and the less our minds will fixate on ideas of the future for fulfillment.

3. “Finding Inner Peace Is Difficult.”
Often it is letting go of the belief that what we want is so far away, and understanding that when you stop striving so aggressively you will start to see the calm you’re looking for.

4. “If I Express My Emotions Honestly People Will Think I’m Weak.”
The irony in this is that as everyone is dealing with the urge to be authentic, those that actually do so are often met with respect and admiration.

5. “If People Knew the Real Me, They Wouldn’t Like It.”
We hide certain aspects of our personality, defining ourselves publicly by what we show and privately by what we’ve hidden. The reality is that you are a lot more than either of those stories, and people will gravitate toward the real you because they appreciate honesty.

6. “I Should be Happier Right Now.”
Happiness isn’t something you need to have all the time; it comes and goes, like any experience, but it’s not a prerequisite for being human.

7. “Not Being the Best Me Isn’t Good Enough.”
When you can strip yourself of this idea you’ll soon realize that the chase to being your best self is infinite and anxiety-inducing.

8. “I Owe the World.”
Though gratitude is important, it doesn’t mean we should walk around with the feeling that we’re in debt to the universe. When we let go of the deep feeling of debt and obligation, we can then really start to give people what we have to offer.

9. “There Was a Time in My Past That Absolutely Sucked.”
Often we become so identified with bad times in our past that they get in the way of us enjoying the present. When we come to realize that they are far less significant than we initially thought, we stop feeling like imposters and we let old memories fall away.

– From Tiny Buddha

BrOlympics Saturday!

Trick or Treat

THE SCENE: Clear & 40



  • Cherry Picker x 5
  • Mountain Climbers x 20
  • LBAC x 10 each direction
  • OYO Stretches

It’s time to Trick or Treat!   QIC had index cards in hand – each card had a Trick exercise and a Treat exercise listed.  PAX blindly chose “Trick” or “Treat” and then we did that exercise

  1. Warm Up Circle – TREAT
    • Shock & Awe Burpees.   10 Burpees, 9 Burpees, 8 Burpees….. all the way down to 1 Burpee
  2. Pee Rocks – TRICK
    • Pee Rock Inchworm Merkin.  Grab a rock and slide it forward…do a merkin on the rock…then walk your feet up to the rock.   Rinse & Repeat the length of the parking spaces and back to the start line.
  3. Baby Everest – TRICK was chosen but we quickly audibled and did the TREAT
    • TRICK:  backward bear crawl up the hill x 5.   Dumb idea…we could barely do it once….audible…
    • TREAT:  7’s on the hill.  Thrust Merkins at top – Starjacks at bottom
  4. Long Island – TREAT
    • 3 laps around the island.  At each end of the island do increasing reps of burpees:  3,6,9,12,15,18.  Time ran out…we didn’t make it past 12.


    • Captain Thor
    • Side Crunch x 10
    • Pickle Pounder x 15

12 brothers.   Tweet-E, Bueller, Wallball, Bluecross, Tonka, Ribbed, Waxjob, Podium, Judge Judy, Mayberry, Tank, Bartman

Is your Christian walk a cruise ship or a war ship?   It is so easy to slip into complacency and comfort as a Christian in America.  The Bible continually tells us we are at war with the evil one – our lives should reflect this.  On a cruise ship the captain is the head entertainer, on a war ship the captain leads us into battle.  On a cruise ship the crew is there to meet your needs, on a war ship you are expected to hold up your brothers up and hold them accountable.  A cruise ship docks when the war begins, a war ship sails headlong into battle.  As men we should all have a warship mentality – Christ promised us this life would be tough if we chose to follow him.  I pray that you find your strength in Christ as you put on Gods armor and go headlong into battle each day.



3rd anniversary celebration 11/3 & 11/4

Lake Life

THE SCENE: Crisp, clear 42 degrees

SSH x20

Squats with 30 sec hold x 5

Windmills x15

Cherry pickers x 10

Baby arm circles forward and back

Lake Living:

4 laps around Juco lake with 5 stops along the way for “Breaks”

Mountain Climbers 2 count x20

Merkins x20

Big Boy Sit-ups x25

Imperial Walkers 2 count x 20

Squat thrust x 20

No time today, made it back with a few seconds to spare

My favorite exercise is the Recover. So, I thought I would share 4 things we can’t recover

  1. A WORD after it is spoken
  2. TIME after it is gone
  3. An OPPORTUNITY after it is missed
  4. TRUST once it is lost
    F3 olympics and picnic this coming weekend!

Pyramid scheme

THE SCENE: 41 and colder than I expected



Imperial walkers x10/4ct

2 burp

Squats x10/4ct

3 burp 

Imperial squat walkers x10/4ct

4 burps

Mtn climbers x 10 4ct

5 burps 

Bobby Hurley’s x 10

4 burps 

Merkins x 10 /4ct

3 burps 

Lbcs x 10 / 4ct

2 burps

Monkey Humpers x 10 /4ct

1 burp 

Indian run to lower parking lot behind the baseball fields

pyramid laps

  • Partner up with like speed
  • Run opposite directions
  • Every time you meet , do the following exercises in reps of 25 except burpees. 10 burps
  • Lap 1 Merkins
  • lap 2 merkins, LBC
  • LAP 3 merkins, lbc, mtn climbers
  • lap 4 merkins, lbc,mtn climbers, Bobby Hurley
  • lap 5 merkins lbc mtn climbers Bobby Hurley and burpees
  • lap 6 lbc, mtn climbers , Bobby Hurley’s , burpees
  • lap 7 mtn climbers , Bobby Hurley , burpees
  • lap 8 Bobby Hurley’s , burps
  • lap 9 burps
  • lap 10 victory lap
  • mosey back reverse Indian run to AO

Line up on the line ! We got a sneak peek of 2 events for the Olympics this weekend. Shuttle run and triple burpee broad jump . Shuttle run x 2  and one time doing triple burpees broad jump

25 pax
Leadership involves surrounding yourself with good positive people . With out this, you cannot have success.
As I wrapped up my first season as a HEAD COACH , I realized quickly I can’t do it alone. Expecting to lead alone is nearly impossible. A true leader will surround himself or herself with positive people ready to help. It’s just what I had in my first season of being a head coach for 2 of my sons flag football teams. I had a lot of expectations of myself to “run the show” but quickly realized , I am screwed doing it all alone. I had dads stepping up ready to help as assistant coaches. It was much needed and with all the help, our teams had a successful season ! The success was not winning the games but just having fun with the kids! To sum it up, we are born to lead but we can’t do it alone !

Einstein “ stay away from negative people, the find a problem to every solution” . As you lead, make sure you surround yourself with positive people !

F3 brolympics coming this weekend!!