F3 Knoxville

Over The Hill

THE SCENE: Mid 40s I think….nice & cool.



  • SSH x 40
  • Stretch OYO


Mosey to big hill on the other side of Hardin Valley Road.  5 cones set up at the top of the hill.  Start at bottom & run reverse suicide (go to furthest cone first) doing the following exercises at each cone.

  • Cone 5:  40 Burpee
  • Cone 4:  40 Hello Dolly
  • Cone 3:  40 Squat Jumps
  • Cone 2:  40 Carolina Dry Docks
  • Cone 1:  40 Merkins

PAX then mosey back to the top of the hill for final descent Paula Abdul style.  Run forward down the hill 2 cones, then bernie sanders back up 1 cone.  Rinse & Repeat until all the way down.


  • LBC x 40
  • Mountain Climbers x 40
  • ABCs


Tank, Doubtfire, La-Z-Boy, Booster, Snaggletooth, Toto, Hammy, Ratchet, Waxjob, Bartman

How are we living for Christ?  While we may not have the same physical needs as other Christians around the world, we do have a responsibility to stand in the gap for our brothers and sisters in Christ.   Are you routinely praying on behalf of others?   Jesus is in the people business and we should be too.

Today is my 40th birthday—special thanks to those who came out for my Q today and for all of the birthday wishes!  F3 is an awesome brotherhood!

Hardship hill – May 19th.  Booster says there are still some spots left on the JUCO team if anyone is looking for a team to join.

Saturday Buffet

THE SCENE:  Around 50.  Nice & cool.



  • Side Straddle Hops x 20
  • This/that stretch
  • Tempo Squats x 20
  • Leg stretches
  • Burpees x 10


  1. Mosey to playground
    • 11’s:  Pull-ups & American Hammers (4ct)
  2. Mosey to soccer field
    • Bear Square.  Cones set up in a square.  Crawl the square always facing toward Watt Rd.  Crawl 3 laps & perform 10 reps of the following at each corner.
      • Lap 1:  Burpee
      • Lap 2:  Speed Skater
      • Lap 3:  Bobby Hurley
  3. Mosey to new bathroom
    • Countdown.  List of exercises written on the ground.  Do all exercises from top to bottom then run down the hill to the parking lot and back up.  Rinse & repeat eliminating the bottom remaining exercise each time.
      • 10 Thrust Merkin
      • 8 Iron Mike
      • 6 Easy Up
      • 4 Squat Jump
      • 2 Round The Clock Merkin
  4. Mosey to baseball field
    • Merkin relay race.  Split into 2 teams.  Team 1 at home plate, team 2 at 2nd base.  Each team holds a plank while a team member sprints around bases.  Once teammate completes a lap, the team does 10 merkins as a group then the next man runs.
  5. Concrete bleachers
    • 75 box jumps


  • Boat/canoe
  • Marge/Homer
  • Flutter kicks x 35

9 total:  Butters, La-Z-Boy, Mr. Clean, Showcase, Frosty, Booger, Wagon Wheel, Sharpie, Bartman

God honors nations who honor him.  Our country was founded on Godly principles and I believe we are still reaping the benefit of that foundation today, even as our country slides further and further into depravity.  As evidenced throughout the Old Testament, God will honor a nation far longer than they deserve because of their foundation.  This grace that we live under creates an environment in which Christians in America often don’t know what it’s like to rely on God completely.  We live in a cushy society where our “problems” are often trivial compared to what Christians face around the world.  Our mentality of “you can accomplish anything if you work hard enough” can easily trap us into leaving God out of our lives altogether, thinking we have somehow accomplished success on our own.  Therefore we need to be ever vigilant about seeking Christ in all we do and putting Him at the center of our efforts.  We should humble ourselves daily, acknowledging that we are nothing apart from Christ.


Hardship Hill 5/19

The cure for loneliness, 4/28/2018

THE SCENE: Sunny and cool but warming.  The dew twinkling on the new green grass.

SSH x 50, Tie-Fighters, Some plank streches.  Tempo merks…

3 man Dora with  CMU 150 curls/rows/press with the other two doing 5 burps at the opposite side of lot.

Pulling a log together around the Asylum. Volunteers pull the log, others mosey.  Starting an escalator (1; 1&2; 1&2&3 to 5 and then back down.  Pull log a little farther each stop.

  1. 5 burpees,
  2. 10 BBS
  3. Tempo squats
  4. CDD
  5. SSH
  • During the above we stopped at the foot of Everest and did some bear crawl up with reps of mountain climbers, plank jacks, CCDs, Flutter kicks and the back to the log.

Hello dolly’s and captian Thors, ATM’s and stop..
21 strong with one FNG, Alex (Retreat)

Talked about how endemic loneliness is in middle aged men and how a group like F3 can be the cure.

Quote from media report on health risk of low social relationships.

An analysis of nearly 150 studies has found that people with strong social relationships had about a 50 percent lower mortality risk than those with weaker ties. Julianne Holt-Lunstad and her co-authors concluded that those with weaker social relationships had a greater risk of death than people who were physically inactive or obese. Let me put that another way. Spending time building and nurturing your friendships might be just as important to your health as eating right and exercising.

I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. – John 10:10


A Q for Remembering

THE SCENE: Around 50, with an amazing sun coming up

25x SSH IC
15x TN Rocking Chairs IC
10x 4ct Travoltas each side
15x Tempo Squats
10x Tempo Merkins
Run one lap

Played a good ol’ game of Memory. 20 cards with 10 different exercises.
PAX take turns flipping 2 cards. If the cards don’t match, all PAX do BOTH exercises.
If the cards match they’re removed, and PAX just do that exercise followed by running a lap.

The cards:
15 Merkins
15 Dry Docks
10 Iron Mikes (each leg)
10 Squat jump
10 Burpee
15 Monkey Hump 4ct
20 Mtn Climber 4ct
Bear Crawl to Pavalon, Crawl Bear back
10 Body Weight Rows at the Scrapyard
20 Big Boys

PAX cleared the last card just in time for:
Hello Dollys
Flutter Kicks
Crossing Hello Dolly Flutter Kick Things (pretty sure they have a name, but I can’t think of it)
7 PAX this morning. The number of perfection!
Every workout ends with the Ball of Man… A group united as one! But as an engineer, I am always working with a different BOM – Bill of Materials. The Bill of Materials is a detailed list of all of the components that make up the system that’s currently being designed. All those components serve a very specific purpose. They’re included for a reason. Once they’re assembled, they are part of a functioning unit. Both of those meanings of BOM together reminded me of 1 Corinthians 12:

14For the body is not one member, but many. 15If the foot says, “Because I am not a hand, I am not a part of the body,” it is not for this reason any the less a part of the body. 16And if the ear says, “Because I am not an eye, I am not a part of the body,” it is not for this reason any the less a part of the body. 17If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole were hearing, where would the sense of smell be? 18But now God has placed the members, each one of them, in the body, just as He desired. 19If they were all one member, where would the body be? 20But now there are many members, but one body.

Your role as a member of Christ’s body is no more or less important to Him than any other. This is not to say “You are a special snowflake and nobody is like you”. This is to say that you have a specific reason, purpose, for being, for doing, for living. You have a job to do, a role to fill. Seek what that role is from the Head, and DO it with all your might!

You can always count on Rain Check to subvert the workout… Only 4 cards left and he decided he didn’t want to run, so he intentionally flipped non-matching cards! Of course, it only delayed the inevitable…
Pray for Butterfingers’ MIL – Upcoming surgery. Support Moses run for 100 miles today! Hardship hill May 19.

4×4 @ 2min

THE SCENE: 50o and clear.

  • Baby Arm Circles 15x IC – Forward and reverse
  • Cherry Pickers 15x IC
  • Imperial Squat Walkers 15x IC
  • Micheal Phelps – about a min

4 Stations, 4 Exercises, 2 minute work, 15 sec change.

  • Station 1
    1. Hand Release Merkins
    2. Merkins
    3. Carolina Dry Docks
    4. Shoulder Taps
  • Station 2
    1. Squats
    2. Lunges
    3. Calf Raises
    4. Step-Ups
  • Station 3 – with bricks
    1. Curls
    2. Overhead Press
    3. Tricep Extensions
    4. Bent Over Rows
  • Station 4
    1. Flutter Kicks
    2. Big Boy Sit-ups
    3. Bruce Lees
    4. Little Baby Crunches


  • Slutter Kicks 10x IC
  • Captian Thors – 5BBS/20American Hammers
  • Boat/Canoe

Gratitude. Seek out the little things daily that we can express gratitude for, your daughter/son taking out the trash without asking, your co-worker cleaning up the kitchen even when they didn’t make the mess. When you start looking for the things in life to be thankful for, it is harder to be negative and your spirit of gratefulness will spread to those around you.