F3 Knoxville

Simple but Brutal

THE SCENE:  Cloudy, Breezy, around 72 degrees

Start with 30 SSH on 4ct

Jog from curb to other end of lot…Michael Phelps with some of this and that jog back

Perform 10 Windmill in cadence jog back to other end of lot perform 10x Rockette jog back

Finish warm-o-rama with 10x Cherry Pickers
Had 2 different sets of Exercises

Set 1 Legs/Abs

20 Squat, 20 lunge, 20 BB’s, 20 flutters

Set 2 Chest/Back/Shoulders

20 merkin, 20 CDD’s, 20 Superman, 20 overhead clap


Ran a circuit loop with 5 stops from AO around up dragons tail and back.  Perform Set 1 at all 5 stops then loop back and perform Set 2 at all 5 stops.  Goal of getting in 100 reps of each exercise.  Mission Accomplished.

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
9 PAX  Hands, Jail Bait, Pac Man, Waffle House, Husker, Crab-legs, Waffle- House, Kentucky, Full House
We talk all the time about getting better.  We get better physically and we push ourselves on the first “F”.  I wanted to challenge all of us to focus on a few more “F’s” this week…

Fellowship: Contact a brother you haven’t seen.  Reach out.  Be a friend.  Pursue.  Friendships aren’t easy.  We have to work at them.  Do that this week.

Faith: Prayer is something so simple, but we lose focus often.  Challenge to have meaningful prayer in the morning, in the middle part of your day, and in the evening.  Do that this week.

Added F is Friendship:  Focus on our spouses and the friendship we have with them.  Pursue them.  Court them.  Send them flowers.  Do that this week.

Added and last F is Fatherhood:  Be engaged with your kids.  Put the phone down when you’re at home.  No social media.  No fantasy football.  Say “yes” and don’t be so quick to find a reason for a “no”.  Do that this week.


Shout out prayers to Hands son Grant as he heads to Austria for a semester abroad.

Swallow the toad

THE SCENE: About 70, a little humid but some nice light winds

Set the standard with exercises in he thang

10 cmu curls ic

5- blockers/ manmakers oyo

5 cmu swings oyo

5 cmu thrusters oyo
F3 iron pax workout week 2. Check out f3 iron pax on Twitter. It’s a weekly challenge with some great workouts designed for 45-60 minutes. This particular workout was

  • 8 minutes of Cmu curls 25 curls then run 25 yards and back , rinse abs repeat for 8 minutes
  • 25 blockees, Run 25 Yard’s and back. Rinse and repeat for 8 minutes
  • 25 cmu /kettle bell style swings. Run 25 yards and back . RnR for 8 minutes
  • 25 thrusters , Run 25 Yard’s and back , 25 goblet squats , RnR for 8 minutes
  • 2 minutes rest between the 8 min sets.

Flutters x 20 ic

lbc x 20 ic

lazy boys to finish out (60 seconds)
13 pax
Swallow a toad in the morning and you will encounter nothing more disgusting the rest of the day.
Always people or things ready to bring you down . Misery loves company . Well, we don’t go looking for it everyday but we should prepare for negativity physically and mentally. F3 is one way to do that. Getting up early, doing a brutal workout not only prepares you physically but also prepares you mentally to take on life in a positive way. Embrace the suck and swallow the toad now!
Trucking to the pound this weekend. F3 olympics coming soon!

Circle of work

THE SCENE: 70 and muggy

Skipped it

The number represents the reps, of each exercise

  1. World’s Greatest Merkin
  2. CMU lunge (each)
  3. Side crunch (each)
  4. Turkish getup (each)
  5. Mer-block-ins (each)
  6. CMU Flamingo (each)
  7. CMU V-up
  8. Block-ees
  9. Decline Merkins
  10. CMU overhead squat
  11. Reverse cow girl
  12. Donkey kicks
  13. Merkin-around-the-circle
  14. CMU Lunge twist
  15. CMU BBS
  16. CMU curls
  17. CMU tri
  18. CMU overhead press
  19. Lizard Hops
  20. Bear Crawl around the circle
  21. Bent over Row
  22. Church claps
  23. CMU Hop overs
  24. Dive bombers
  25. Bananas
  26. Squats
  27. Step throughs (total)
  28. Blockee Hurleys
  29. Incline Merkins
  30. Pickle Pounders

19 with 1 FNG and a visiting PAX from Hickory NC, Flexseal

Two kinds of wisdom…

“If you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth.  Such “wisdom” does not come from heaven but us earthly, unspiritual, demonic.  For where you have envy and selfish ambition you find disorder and every evil practice. But the wisdom that comes from heaven is pure; peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.  Peace makers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.” -James 3: 14-18

With starting school we try to teach my son to use wisdom when picking/making friends.  But in my life I have struggled with wisdom of selfishness.  So I encourage each of you to be 3rd.  God 1st, Everyone else 2nd, I am 3rd.

The PAX worked extremely hard, especially considering this was a Q with no moseying and no breaks.
August 25 – Truckin To The Pound

Nov. 3/4- F3 3rd Anniversary, Olympics, Ruck, Seabiscuit, and Family Picnic

Let The Bodies Hit The Floor!

THE SCENE: 73 with a little breeze…perfect!

  • Cherry Pickers X 10 IC
  • Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
  • Baby Arm Circles Backward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
  • Side Straddle Hops X 10 IC
  • Calf stretches OYO
  • High knees across the parking lot
  • Frankenstein (straight legs) across the parking lot
  • Tempo Squats X 10 IC
  • Hand release Merkins X 10
  • Burpees X 5 OYO
  • Mosey


Parking Lot Next To AO – Descending Ladder

  • 5 Merkins & 5 Air Squats at each corner & sprint to next corner
  • Complete 4 reps of the same exercises on the next round
  • Continue to descend with 3, 2, 1, etc.
  • When you finish, Farmer Carry CMUs back & forth across parking lot
  • Mosey to Alexander Building

Side of Alexander Building – Tabatas (20 seconds of exercise, 10 seconds of rest)

  • 4 sets of pullups on the walkway rails – (AMRAP)
  • 4 sets of big boys (AMRAP)
  • 4 sets of bench step-ups/box jumps (AMRAP)
  • 4 sets of flutter kicks (AMRAP)
  • 4 sets of calf raises on steps – (AMRAP)
  • 4 sets of lunges (AMRAP)
  • Mosey to CPAC

Clayton Performing Arts Center

  • 2 sets of dips (AMRAP)
  • 2 sets of American hammers (AMRAP)
  • 2 sets of curls, overhead press w/ CMUs
  • Mosey to AO


15 burpees since Mary was a part of the workout


Great to have Erector visit JUCO for the first-time (was in F3 Charlotte but recently moved to Knoxville); Barnacle, Mr. Clean, Neutron, Onesie, Rocket, Snaggletooth, Stye, Trolley & Booster


My health has been bad in 2018. Fortunately, my doctors figured out my thyroid wasn’t functioning properly so I’m now taking medication to increase my thyroid levels. While it’s been rough for me and my family, I never thought I was going to die.

My charity helps people every day who have cancer and may actually die. Instead of feeling sorry for myself like I have over the last 6 months, I need to appreciate that my doctors have figured it out AND it’s treatable AND I’ll survive AND I’m blessed with basic resources that I can afford (food, clothing, shelter, medications, etc.).  Many people don’t have those so it’s time to focus on doing what I can to help them!


Have compassion on me, LORD, for I am weak. Heal me, LORD, for my bones are in agony. ~ Psalm 6:2

The LORD will sustain him upon his sickbed; In his illness, You restore him to health.  ~ Psalm 41:3


  • CSAUP – August 25th at 6:00 a.m. at the Truck Stop
  • F3 3rd Anniversary Olympics – November 3
  • F3 3rd Anniversary Family Picnic – November 4


Neutron’s Ladder

THE SCENE: Clear & Calm

• Baby arm circles Forward X 10 (4 CT)
• Baby arm circles Backward X 10 (4 CT)
• Michael Phelps X 10 (IC) 4 CT
• Quad stretches x 10 (L&R) IC
• Tempo Squats x 10 (3 CT) IC
• Side straddle hops x 10 IC (3 CT)
• Mountain climbers x 10 IC
• Burpees x 10 OYO


JUCO-Manjaro Ladder

  • Partner up
  • 18 cones
  • Starting at the bottom of the hill,  run to 1st cone and back while partner does pushups (1st set), squats (2nd set), or LBC’s (3rd set).
  • Switch and repeat.
  • Once second person completes an up-and-back, the pair “steps up one rung” and starts the process over at the next cone until you reach the top.


Flutter kicks and box-cutters.

As the school year starts back up and you find yourself running all over town (school, ball field, birthday party, Lowes, a work trip, etc), take a moment to slow down and make sure you find time for what’s important.