F3 Knoxville

45 Bday Q

AO: shamruck
Q: Brick
PAX: slappy, Mermaid, Ribbed (Joshua Sagraves), Unibráu (Nick Robinson)
FNGs: None
Just start rucking…..

Rucked the big block. At each corner we did 15 squat thrusts, 15 curls, 15 rows. Then rucked down Gulf Park and back.
A little stretching
Prayed for Eliza, Sparkler, and
“We should not be surprised that God gives us wonderful graces in the midst of suffering that we had asked him to spare us. He knows best how to apportion his grace for our good and for his glory.”

burrrrrrrrpees plus

AO: the-farm
Q: Einstein
PAX: Lightweight, Aladdin, Pew-pew, Choir Boy, Bartman
FNGs: None
SSH, Arm Circles, Cherry Pickers, Tempo Merkins, cobra and downward dog

Run the big loop with four stops.

Stop 1 burpees
Stop 2 Rail Rows, Merkins, Squats, American, Hammers
Stop 3 burpees
Stop 4 Bench Dips, CDDs, Step Ups, Flutter kicks

Stop 1 and 3, 10x reduce by 1 each time
Stop 2 and 4, 25x reduce by 5 each time

Completed three laps

Quick Lap around the bball court stopping along the way to finish our burpee countdown to 1



Job 36:15 He delivers the afflicted by their affliction, and opens their ears by adversity.

Use adversity to grow. Burpees are a great reminder that when you fall on your face, you get back up.

Smooth seas don’t make skillful sailors – African Proverb

SEVEN working shoulders and 1 dangerous robot

AO: the-equalizer
Q: Cheney
PAX: Stripped, Ribbed (Joshua Sagraves), mouthwash (Mike), Cheney
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Grady Corns, Tennessee Rocking Chairs

Round 1: Lower Body & Core (x2)
1. Madoff Squats: 20 reps
2. Lunges: 12 reps per leg
3. Plank to Push-up: 15 reps
Rest 1 minute after completing Round 1.
Round 2: Upper Body (x2)
1. Merkins: 20 reps
2. Dips: 15 reps
3. Decline Merkins: 10 reps
Rest 1 minute after completing Round 2.
Round 3: Full Body & Core (x2)
1. Burpees: 10 reps
2. Mountain Climbers: 30 reps (15 per leg)
3. American Hammers: 20 reps (10 per side)
Rest 1 minute after completing Round 3.
Round 4: Cardio & Core (x2)
1. Jump Squats: 15 reps
2. Plank Jacks: 30 reps
3. Freddy Mercury’s: 20 reps (10 per side)
Round 5: Lower Body & Core (x2)
1. Madoff Squats: 20 reps
2. Lunges: 12 reps per leg
3. Plank to Push-up: 15 reps

MARY: Stretching with Cheney, 20 LBCs, 20 Box cutters, 40 Georgia Cheerleaders

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Forgot this part

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

[juco-rush] Hill Play

AO: juco-rush
Q: Butterknife
PAX: Data, Trash Panda (JUCO), Tooth Fairy, Wagon Wheel (John-Mark Chesney), Cheap Ride, Butterknife, Erector
FNGs: None
1 mile

30 seconds on w/ equal recovery time
60 seconds on w/ equal recovery time
90 seconds on w/ equal recovery time

Repeat 5 times




Sea Biscuit Treasure

AO: juco
Q: Wanderer
PAX: Lt. Dan, Love Shaq, Windex, Mailbox, Guardrail, Fetch
FNGs: None
SSH, LBAC forward/back, tempo squat, harry rockets

Mosey to the pond for a Sea Biscuit.
Start with the following PT:
– 10 Burpees
– 20 Merkins
– 30 Walking lunges

After PT run 1 short loop next to the pond. Continue with the following the pattern.
PT: 2 loops
PT: 3 Loops
PT: 2 loops
PT: 1 loop

We cut it short and hustled back to the flag. Arrived right on time.


My family does a word for the year. It’s kind of like a resolution, theme or something to work in for the year.

My word for this year is “Treasure”. It comes from Matthew 6 which we often refer to as some of the spiritual disciples. It talks about giving, prayer and fasting.
But when talking about these things it mentions many times treasure and reward, how do get treasure when doing them, what treasure lasts and what kind doesn’t last, etc. It talks about where to keep your treasure so it lasts, and isn’t stolen.
Be encouraged, God wants us to have treasure and he wants to give it to us.
So this year, stop being so generous and benevolent and be greedy with me. Lets go treasure hunting! :pirate_flag: :parrot:

“19 “”Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.
“”20 “”But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.
“”21 “”For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
— Matthew 6″