F3 Knoxville

The Hateful 8

On way to cmu pile do 10 of plank walk merkins, Imerpial Lunge Walks, crab walk, overhead lunges, bear crawl, spinning thrusters, and hand stand walks.  All in order to get a cmu to the parking lot.
THA-THANG: The Hateful 8

Run to CMU pile, each HIM gets one and brings to adjacent Parking lot. Perform the following exercises along the lengths of 8 parking space painted sections.   When reaching the end of a section run to the adjacent painted section to start the next exercise going down (or up) the parking spots.  The exercises alternate from bringing the cmu with you to not bringing it.  When you need to start a section with a cmu and you don’t have one, run back to where you left your cmu (it should be two sections over/back) and run it back to the start of the next exercise.  In essecense you do a ziz-zag accross the parking lot with and without your cmu.

    1. Plank Walk Merkins +CMU  (do 1 merkin at each stall)
    2. Imperial Lunge Walkers
    3. Crab Walk +CMU
    4. Burpee Broad Jumps
    5. Overhead Lunges + CMU
    6. Bear Crawl
    7. Spinning Thrusters + CMU
    8. Handstand walk or Bear crawl Dry Docks (do 1 dry dock at each stall)

    We made it to Spinning Thrusters when 6:07am recovery alarm went off. Next time, go straight to the cmus with less warm up. Oh,, and there will be a next time!

    Stai, Chaco, Sweeper, Guano, Archie, Bartman, Waxjob, Snaggletooth.
    Luke 21 The widows offering..   Can you give it all?  Don’t let materializm eat you alive.  Heed Jesus’ words that the temple and stones will all be torn down.

Monday’s Rock

THE SCENE: The gloom was in full effect – not too cold, not too hot, just right.

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness, Fellowship, & Faith. My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning
  • I am not a professional – you are here on your own volition – which means I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have. So if you need to modify any of the exercises we do this morning – do it.
  • That being said: you’re not here for you, you’re here for them. Push yourself and those around you. 


SSH: 12×4 (in cadence)

Cherry-Picker: 8×4 (in cadence)

Squat: 12×4 (in cadence)

Merkin: 12×4 (in cadence)

SSH: 12×4 (in cadence)

Mosey to rock pile at the top of the OG Asylum and execute good PT

  • Every stop sign passed = 15×4 squats
    • Q chose 1 PAX member to lead each time
  • Every parking lot passed = 10 1-count merkins
    • Q chose 1 PAX member to lead each time
  • Mosey from AO to Rock Pile at OG Asylum
  • Rock Pile
    • battle buddies
    • 3 Rounds
      • R1
        • BB1: 25 chest presses & hold above head until relieved
        • BB2: sprint down to tree on right (.25/mile) & execute 5 squats –> sprint back and recover BB1
        • After both BBs complete 50 chest presses each = hold plank @ rock pile
      • Between R1 & R2: 20 SSHs led by called upon PAX member by Q
      • R2
        • BB1: 20 curls & hold in bent over row position until relieved
        • BB2: sprint down to tree on right (.25/mile) & execute 4 merkins –> sprint back and recover BB1
        • After both BBs complete 50 curls each = hold plank @ rock pile
    • Drop rocks –> 2 lines mosey
    • Peel = 2 men out front peel around and to the back of the PAX and call out for the next men to peel when they get back in formation (think reverse American Indian Run)
  • Pause at rock overlooking the new fields/river/mountains
    • Covered by fog/gloom
    • Q said mini-BOM: You can’t see it now but there are beautiful mountains in view and the river and the park when it is clear. But the gloom is preventing you to see this right now. Take this metaphor into your life. Do you trust Him that they’ll still be there when the gloom clears in your life? Even though you can’t physically see it right now, it’s there, more importantly, HE is there, do you trust that this week?
  • Mosey down to curved path leading into the parking lot across from AO
    • 7 light poles
    • With your battle buddy, alternate between BBS (battle buddy situps) & flutter kicks every light pole
    • On flutter kick poles –> Q appointed a member of PAX to lead the cadence
    • 10 BBSs/pole & 20 flutter kicks/pole
  • Back Home @ the AO
    • Motto cadence call led by QIC
  • 12 Man-Makers (8-count Merkins)

Heavy breathing
43 HIM came out and crushed the Monday gloom (2 FNGs included)
1) Know that you are fully equipped and capable of whatever mission the Lord tasks you with this week. Know your mission and that where he sends you this week, there you’ll be.

2) Don’t be afraid to Wagon-Wheel this week. I’m not good at it. My pride gets in the way. A key component of wagon-wheeling is dying to yourself and your own ambitions or work so that you can go back and bring those falling behind out of the gloom. Don’ the afraid to wagon-wheel this week – to be that voice of encouragement that circles back around to speak life into those that may have/are falling behind or that you’ve noticed need to be encouraged. When people see the F3 logo – that means something. The commitment to pursuing the Lord as HIM, as well as to each other is vital to the nature of F3.
G-6 gave me encouragement this morning before things got kicked off – I always get nervous about my BOM because I don’t want to word vomit or get in my own way of sharing what God’s put on my heart/letting my words be far and His words be here & clear. G-6 gave me encouragement that went something like: God will put on your heart what he wants you to say/communicate when the time comes. That is important. And meant a lot. Because that means that we don’t have to worry or stress about saying the right thing or focus on how we sound – God’s got it already taken care of and He will put on our hearts what he wants us to say. A prayer I’ve been working on (and off unfortunately) for some time has gone something like this and when I remember to say it – man it hits home.

Lord, give me eyes to see like you, ears to hear your truth, lips to speak life, hands and feet to go and serve where you call me, and a heart to love like you.

Kinda just puts it in perspective of how much we need God to come into our everyday being and let the Holy Spirit allow us to be purpose-driven High Impact Men in everything we say and do.

Prayer Request from G-6: Lunch $’s (Jay Cobble) father died last night – keep their family in your prayers please.

God is at Center

THE SCENE: Temps in 60’s, partly cloudy and humid

25 Squats, 20 Side-Straddle Hops, Plank stretches, 10 Cherry Pickers, 6 Baby Arm Circles Forward and 6 Backward, 5 Wide Arm Circles Forward and 5 Backward.

Mosey to Parking Lot by South Ball Fields.   There will be four cones in the parking lot that form a large rectangle.  Men should number off in fours so that there is a group at at each cone.  We will run in clockwise fashion and do the exercise at each cone.

  • Cone 1:  20 Star Jumps  Lunge to Cone 2
  • Cone 2:  20 Hello Dollies (four count)  Bernie Sanders to Cone 3
  • Cone 3:  25 Squats   Hop to Cone 4
  • Cone 4:  25 Big Boy Sit-ups  Run to Cone 1

Rinse and repeat.

Mosey back to roadway then go north back toward northern ball fields.  Stop in grassy area.  20 American Hammers.  Next we will do 25 Squats.

Mosey to Parking Lot fairly close to ball fields that has nice restrooms.  Go to southern end of parking lot where there will be sets of bricks.  Each man finds partner.  While one man does exercises with bricks the other journeys to various cones that are places along the parking lot.  The running partner will bear crawl to Cone 1, then run to Cone 2.  At Cone 2 he will do 10 Merkins.  He then switches with partner.  Six trips to Cone 1 and 2 will occur for each partner.  Six different exercises will be performed with bricks.  They are:

  • 1.  Wings up
  • 2.  Wings down
  • 3.  Wings forward
  • 4.  Side rows
  • 5.  Overhead presses
  • 6.  Curls

Mosey to Playground.  We will do “All My Benches”, jumping up 10 times with 20 second rests in between.  We will do this Five times.

Mosey to Pavilion.  We will do “25’s” starting with 20 picnic table pull-ups and 5 bench lifts, going down by fives to 5 picnic table pull-ups and going up to 20 bench lifts.  Next, 60 second squat with back to wall.

Mosey to AO.


20 Box Cutters.  20 Bicycle Kicks.  15 Dive Bombers.

13 men, no FNG’s.
Jim Branch in his “Daily Bible Readings Book” aka as “The Blue Book” has a week of bible verses dedicated to the concept of “Balance.”  He comments that most of us, when we think of balance, think of balancing various aspects of our life, so that our work, family, health, friendships, and leisure all get certain and maybe comparable amounts of attention.  He remarks that in the spiritual life, however, the word balance is defined differently.  Balance, he states, means being centered.  And, in the spiritual life, God is the center around which everything revolves.  God is the hub of the wheel, the focal point.  Thus, in being balanced, the question becomes, “Is God in the center of my life?  Is God what my life revolves around?”

To be a HIM, I believe we need to be asking ourselves this question.  And we can ask this question daily.  If we are balanced spiritually, we awake in the morning and talk to God, asking Him what he wants for us in this day.  We go to sleep reviewing our day with God, knowing He wants to hear us and that it is He whom we should direct our thoughts toward.  We ask Him for direction when we are making important decisions or dealing with confusing questions in our life.  We look to him for guidance when we are helping others who are difficult to help.  We thank Him when we see blessings occurring in our lives.  And, we even talk to Him when we are angry about life’s unfairness and blaming Him for awful things that have occurred.  We look to Him for strength to not only get through harrowing, difficult times, but for strength and encouragement to be the type of men, the type of HIM’s that we want to be, that we know He wants us to be.  We look to him when we are having difficulties with our marriages, with parenting, with our own parents, with are coworkers or friends.  And we see him as our Creator, the Creator, the Infinite, the great Healer, the Giver of life, the one who can redeem us from our sins and mistakes, the one whom we can worship and be glad for.

So, the next time we feel “unbalanced” we can ask ourselves,”Am I placing God at the center of my life right now?”  If we are feeling unbalanced, we will usually find that we are not placing God at the center.  And, the way to achieve more balance will be to place God at the center, asking Him for guidance in obtaining that balance we need.  For God is for us, not against us, knowing us and our individual gifts, there to help us be who He created us to be.

Coffeeteria at Panera.  TTTP guys are running right now!

Integrity. Always.

THE SCENE: 63 degrees and awesome.

  • SSH x 30 (IC)
  • Burpees x 5 (OYO)
  • Cherry Pickers x 10 (IC)
  • BAC’s F&R x 10 (IC)
  • Windmills x 20 (IC)
  • Burpees x 5 (OYO)


Ladder Squats across the parking lot: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and back down (128 squats total)

Mosey to the Courtyard for 11’s

  • Bobby Hurley’s & CCD’s

Mosey to the short walls

  • Dips x 20
  • Decline Merkins x 10
  • Step-ups x 10 Each Leg
  • Repeat

Mosey back to start, stopping for mountain climbers & prison merkins


  • Flutter Kicks x 35 (IC)
  • Marge & Homer


Integrity is doing the right thing.  Even when no one is watching. –C.S. Lewis

The Lord’s eyes are on the righteous and his ears are open to their prayers. But the Lord cannot tolerate those who do evil.  1 Peter 3:12

“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. Luke 16:10

Solid workout for The Men of the JUCO. Kept the heart rate up and the breakfast down.  Booster was thankful we didn’t get much leg work in.  Maybe next time.  🙂  Mumble chatter was good, the effort was great!  Way to go, HIM’s!

Enjoy Yourself – It’s later than you think

THE SCENE: Cool, Calm, 16C.  Very nice.
“I am not a professional”.

  • 20 SSH – IC
  • 20 Rockette – IC
  • 10 Cherry Picker – IC
  • 17 Squats – IC
  • Bear Crawl L+R
  • 10+10 Super Baby Arm Circles – IC

Mosey to bottom of new parking lot.

Starting at the new restrooms, Route 66 up the hill (add a rep at each light pole till you get to 11).  At 11 mosey to top of hill, then back, past AO to start next lap.  Aim for 6 laps.  The exercises for each lap are

  • Merkin
  • Big Boys
  • Squat
  • CDD
  • Iron Mike (Each Leg)
  • Flutter

Mosey to AO.

10 Sliders 4ct IC, 10 side-to-side Sliders IC waiting for 6 to return from the course.

Sign off with some Boat-Canoe, with a few Capsize incidents thrown in.

23 PAX faced up to the 666 challenge and came out stronger.

Abacus gave a Q at the Equalizer a few weeks ago talking about work life balance and family and it really spoke to me.  It made me think of a song:

Enjoy yourself it’s later than you think
Enjoy yourself while you’re still in the pink
The years go by quicker than a wink
Enjoy yourself
Enjoy yourself it’s later than you think

In my 20’s when I heard this song, I thought it meant have a great time – got out to clubs, restaurants, gigs – enjoy yourself externally.  Now I think it also means enjoy your body – internalize it.  Someone once said “Your body is the greatest tool you’ll ever own”, I’m starting to understand that.  In the 6 months I’ve been coming to F3 I’ve found it’s a great way both to enjoy myself but also support enjoyment at other times.  I can play harder with my kids – go on longer hikes & bike rides and do more of that boy stuff with them than I could before.

My wish for you all is that you take the words of the song to heart and Enjoy Yourselves.  Use F3 because running around with sweaty men is enjoyable and also because in making the commitment to being fit/healthy you’ll be able to get the most out of your body and get the most out of all of your life.

It’s later than you think.

I think everyone completed the squat lap today, so fill in your 100 squats on the Monthly challenge.

TTTP is tomorrow.  See the GroupMe for deets.