F3 Knoxville

A Love-Hate Relationship

THE SCENE: Perfect. 33 degrees, very little wind. Dark and crisp, time to work.

SSH x 30 IC 4 CT
Cherry Picker x 10 IC 4CT
Merkins x 15 IC 4 CT

Mosey to the amphitheater for 11s
Derkins on the stage and Rows at the top

Mosey to Walnut Street (with a hill sprint en route) for a little Love-Hate Relationship building
Starting at the bottom of Walnut we worked our way up to a full sprint all the way up

  • Sprint up to the parking garage entrance, 30 LBCs, mosey to the bottom, regroup
  • Sprint to Hill Ave, 30 LBCs, 20 merkins, mosey to the bottom, regroup
  • Sprint all the way to the church, 30 LBCs, 20 merkins, and 10 burpees, regroup

Slow mosey back towards the AO with Plunger lunges across the catwalk over Henley
Stop under the Clinch overpass in the park, take a seat on the wall
2 sets of wall sits, the first one longer than the last while I regale the men with stories of foolish youth (that got me a name like Frenchie).

Modified Gas Pumpers x 15 IC 4CT
Leg lift hold and some Hello Dollies
Boat Canoe

16 PAX this morning got some good work done, including 1 FNG, welcome Old Spice! (Ben Cox)

Romans 8:18-30 makes clear:
The world is broken, humanity is broken. We should not be dumbfounded by suffering in this world.
We also need to be careful not to minimize the suffering of others. The encouragement we should give to others is that there is a day coming when their suffering will end! NOT that their suffering is illegitimate or self-inflicted.
Rather we must remember that this PRESENT and REAL suffering pales in comparison to the future glory we will experience with Christ.
But what about today? Here, now?
There are times when I don’t know what to pray. I don’t know what to say. In those moments, when I don’t know what to pray, when I’m heart broken and don’t understand. When I don’t know what to say to God, the SPIRIT himself intercedes for me.
God does not want to minimize our struggles. He’s reminding us that He draws near to us, that His Spirit is with us and comforts us at all times.

My first time leading at Big Ball, what a place!

Pfeiffer and Abort, a couple of inspiring HIMs there. Rucking beforehand, and chewing up and spitting out everything a Q can dish out. Good work men.

As always, it’s an honor and a privilege to lead a workout.

The Maryville CSAUP event is coming up on the 24th, and the re-scheduled event at Wesley House is this Sunday, February 11th, from 2-3pm.

Remember Mama Jo

THE SCENE: At the Dog Pound 33 degrees and cloudy w an occasional sprinkle


50x SSH, Imperial Squat x 15, Jerkin x 15

  • Choose your 👶🏽 (25lb weight) from the truck and Mosey to the top parking lot
  • Four corners: 20 squat jumps and bear crawl to next corner, 20 Box Cutters then lunge, LBCs then sideways bear crawl, mountain climbers then duck walk, rinse and repeat
  • Doras: 100 Curls, Presses, and Triceps w 👶🏽, while B.B. runs to end and does 20 Dry docks…mosey back to AO
  • Dora’s: Prisoners x 50, 15 Diamond 💎 merkins
  • Tunnel of Love
  • Suicide Burpees


Shared the impact my Grandmother had on me and others and she worried too much. Ended up dying on Valentines Day. Message is to simplify your life and decrease stress.


Reverse Rt 66 Challenge

THE SCENE: Clear 30 degrees with a nice breeze.

Cherry Pickers IC x 10

Little arm circles front and back IC x 15

Warm up jog at 50% across AO parking lot with high knees coming back

75% jog across parking lot with butt kickers coming back

Formed two lines and mosey to the top of Cardiac
Reverse Route 66 going down Cardiac. Each exercise started at the top and went down in reps as we went down Cardiac. 11 reps at first light pole, 10 reps at second, all the way to one rep at the bottom. Then we ran back to the top and started the next exercise. The exercises are listed below.

  • Burpees
  • Merkins
  • Star Jacks
  • Big Boys
  • Dry Docks
  • 4ct flutter kicks

More exercises were planned but we ran out of time.
Mosey back to AO where Frenchie led us in about a minute of Boat/Canoes.
31 PAX including one FNG: Kyle Baisley email: [email protected]
Discussed how we all face suffering in this life and that just like going up and down cardiac it can be very difficult. On cardiac we could persevere because we had brothers pushing us and encouraging us and we knew the workout was going to end. In life as Christians we endure suffering and face many trials. We are able to face these trials because we have hope in eternity with Christ and we have other Christian brothers and sisters who help encourage us and carry these burdens. Encouraged the PAX to go out and help carry burdens of those suffering and to remind those suffering of the fact that we have an eternal hope and that their suffering won’t last forever.

Becoming a Better Man

THE SCENE: 30 and breezy.  We warmed up quickly though.


  • Leg stretch
  • Tempo squat x 10
  • Tempo merkin x 10
  • Side straddle hop x 20
  • Rockettes x 10

Mosey to the Dawn Wall & scale the descending ladder.   Work through the list of exercises, then rinse & repeat dropping the lowest rep exercise each round.   Run to the top of the hill after each completed round.

  • 10 Burpee
  • 9 Ear touches (4 ct)
  • 8 Thrust merkin
  • 7 Tempo squat
  • 6 Elevated hips
  • 5 Reverse lunge
  • 4 Mountain climber (4ct)
  • 3 Around the clock merkin
  • 2 Narrow squat

Bear square crawl.  4 cones in a square.  Bear crawl the square always facing the same direction.  5 merkins at each corner.

N/A out of time

Booster, Scrum, Sweeper, Bartman

In the challenge of being a better man, husband, father, etc. I have been consistently praying for three things:

  1. Wisdom
  2. Courage to follow God’s wisdom
  3. To see others as Christ sees them



Alcoa CSAUP coming up Feb 24

Pole Dancing Dozen

THE SCENE: Cold with Clear Skies

Two Laps Around AO Parking Lot, 20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Windmills, 7 Little Baby Arm Circles Forward, 7 Backward, 5 Wide Arm Circles Forward, 5 Backward
Mosey north of AO parking lot up hill to top parking lot.  20 Box Cutters in cadence.

Mosey North on road toward park entrance.  Turn right on new trail that intersects road.  15 Box Cutters in cadence.  Mosey about half way up trail to cone which is by trail light.  We will do elevens where we will go to first light and do one of an exercise, continuing to second light where we do two, onward to the eleventh light where we will do eleven of the exercise.  The first to get to finish turns around and sweeps all men back to the starting cone.  We then start the next exercise.  These are the exercises:

  • Big Boy Sit-ups
  • Squats
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Merkins
  • Ice-Skaters
  • Star Jumps
  • Hello Dollies

We will not go back to original cone after Hello Dollies.

Mosey to Pavillion by AO Parking Lot.

We will do Totem Pole (starting with first exercise for 30 seconds, then doing it again but adding next exercise, etc. until we do all five of the exercises for 30 seconds.  Then we drop the first exercise and go through round again, doing four exercises for 30 second each.  Then we will drop second exercise, etc. until we only do the fifth exercise for 30 second.

Mosey Back to AO Parking Lot


Planks with right arm up, left arm up, right leg up and left leg up.

12 Men.  No FNG’s.
Reading from Isaiah 40:  28-31.  We must lean on God for our strength.  He shall renew our strength and mount us up with wings like eagles.
