F3 Knoxville

Thursday Poker

THE SCENE: Perfect morning. 70ish degrees. Tad humid

BAC x10 IC
Little bit of…
Sumo Shoulders x10 IC
Hillbilly x10 IC
Tempo Merkins x10 IC
Tempo Squats x10 IC


Shoulder Shredder:
4ct Overhead Claps x25 IC…arms stay out
Pick cherries, drop em in the bucket
4 total sets to get to 100 reps

Mosey to Picnic Tables

Deck o’ Cards
Hearts = 4 ct Flutter Kicks IC
Diamonds = Inverted Rows IC
Clubs = Merkins IC
Spades = 8 ct Bodybuilders IC

Ace = 15 reps
Face cards = 10 reps
Less than face = Value of Card

Back at AO. Performed additional set of 25- 4ct Overhead Claps. Picked cherries and dropped em in the bucket for remaining 60 seconds

14 PAX with 1 FNG.

Talked about how hard work can affect luck. “The harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.”

Saturday Poker

THE SCENE: Beautiful morning. 70ish Degrees

BAC x10 IC
Little bit of…
Sumo Shoulders x10 IC
Tempo Merkins x10 IC
Tempo Squats x10 IC

Formed two lines and moseyed the loop by amphitheater and back over to the Big Ball stairs. Circled up.

Shoulder Shredder:
4ct Overhead Claps x25 IC…arms stay out
Pick cherries, drop em in the bucket
4 sets to get to 100 reps
Bearcrawl up BB steps, recover down
Sideways bearcrawl up BB steps, recover down

Mosey to Amphitheater

Deck o’ Cards
Hearts = 4 ct Flutter Kicks IC
Diamonds = Tempo Squats IC
Clubs = Merkins IC
Spades = 8 ct Bodybuilders IC

Ace = 15 reps
Face cards = 10 reps
Less than face = Value of Card
Jokers = 10 Burpees OYO

11 PAX. No FNGs

Talked about how hard work can affect luck. “The harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.”

4 Corners

THE SCENE: Dark, humid, and low 70s
Yes. No FNGs.

Cherry Pickers x 10 IC
Merkins x 15 IC

Moseyed the long way around to the back parking lot.

Staying together as a group, starting in the bottom right corner, do the following:

  • 5 merkins, then mosey to upper right corner
  • 10 BBS, then bear crawl to upper left corner
  • 15 Mtn. Climbers, then mosey to lower left corner
  • 20 squats and hold Al Gore until everyone caught up, then sprint back to bottom right corner
  • Rinse & Repeat…I think we were able to get 6 1/4 rounds completed.

Moseyed back to rally point (using the shortcut with the gate being open) with a little extra distance to make sure we hit the 2 mile mark.

Started with Boxcutters and then hit some dealer’s choice:
Hello Dolly
Captain Thors

and finished with a minute of boat/canoe

7 strong.  We had 1 surprising fartsack that will not be publicly shamed here.
Many of us have been missing time on vacations.  Just a reminder of how important this time is to get away with families and not take stress/work/electronics with us all the time.  Also, for those of us who are married, don’t forget to also get time away with just our spouse and continue to “date” our wife.
Herbie’s family closing on house move tomorrow.  2 fiends of Switchgrass that need prayers for unspoken needs.

The Route 66 to Everest

THE SCENE: A warm, humid, and classic Knoxville, TN morning. Mid 70’s.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Check yo’ self before you wreck yo’ self.
SSH x20 IC
Cherry Pickers x 10 IC
BBS x 10 IC
Baby arm circles x 10 IC
This morning we took a few trips down Route 66.  PAX were instructed to partner up with someone that they did not know prior to joining F3.
The new park path beside where we park was the starting point for Route 66. Starting at given light pole, there were 10 more light poles up the hill. We started at light pole 1 and did 1 rep of an exercise..then ran to light pole 2 and did 2 reps..etc. until pole 11. Total reps for one circuit = 66.  PAX were also given a discussion assignment for each circuit in order to get to know their partner a little better.
Circuit 1:  Exercise = burpees; discussion = first car
Circuit 2:  Exercise =BBSU; discussion=favorite movie
Jog to different part of trail across parking lots at top of hill and did circuit’s 3 & 4 Route 66 style.
Circuit 3:  Exercise = jump squats; discussion = favorite local restaurant
Circuit 4:  Exercise = merkins; discussion = favorite vacation
After 4th circuit, PAX mosey to bottom of Everest. Sprint to the top of the hill to grab an infamous rock from the rock pile.
Few workouts with the rock (squats & shoulder press IC).
Mosey back to AO and finished with 1 set of starfish crunch abs IC while 6 caught up.
33 PAX (2 FNG): Pringle, Dugger, Big Mac, Worm, Cheat Sheet, Casper, Walkabout, Pac Man, Moneybags, Code Brown, Fabio, Cosmo, Carney, Cat Gut, Ribbed, Bunny, Hot Tub, Umbro, Compost, Dilbert, Repeat, Charmin, Quickbooks, Lights Out, Slim Shady, Possum, Enus, Pusher, Pluto, Guano, Gremlin (FNG), Flopper (FNG), Edit (QIC).
We talk an awful lot about being authentic, real, genuine, etc. But what does that look like? How do we take action in our every day routine of life and live that out with our neighbors, co-workers, friends, and spouse?
The answer is simple really. Take interest in those who around you. Talking with your battle buddy about your first car, favorite movie, restaurant, and vacation was no accident. Of all the conversations from Wednesday morning, why do I remember that Charmin’s first car was a ’83 Subaru 4 door hatchback, and Repeat’s favorite restaurant is Seasons?
When we change up things that are normal, like working out, sweating, breathing hard, not talking, and substitute it with genuine conversation, we remember. It’s novelty. It sticks out like a sore thumb!
Use that model for your every day conversations with the lady in the drive thru window, cashier at the gas station, waitress at lunch, your wife when you get home, your parents when they call you. Take interest in their interests. Instead of “how was your day?” how about.. “What was the most exciting thing that happened to you today?”
When we take interest, we invest in relationships, and life becomes that much more rich.
Prayers were requested and lifted up for Slide Rule’s mother passing and family. Please lift them up in this time of transition with peace, love, and comfort.
Make sure you add your miles to the July challenge! Rep it hard from the Asylum.

Christmas in July

THE SCENE: 70ish degrees

SSH x20 IC
LB Arm Circles x12 each side IC
Squats (low and slow) x15 IC
Cherry Pickers x10 IC
Half the HIMs grab a CMU and mosey over to Mt. Crumpet with a stop for 5 road block burpees. Bring the CMUs to the top and then grab a partner. First partner decorates the tree (City of Alcoa already had lights on there for us) while the second partner does exercises at the bottom of the hill.

On Crumpet:
Round 1 – Bear crawl up and start decorating with putting the CMU on the shelf (8 each side)
Round 2 – Bernie up and get the higher spots with overhead presses (x20)
Round 3 – Bear crawl up and get even higher with squat jumps (x20)
Round 4 – Bernie up and do Upright rows (just because) (x20)
Round 5 – Bear crawl up and get the ornament you dropped under the tree with 20 4 count flutter kicks
Round 6 – Bernie up and carefully lunge in to the tree to fix those last details (x20)

Bottom of Crumpet: (Do these exercises until your partner gets back)
Round 1 – Sprint to the road, lunge back
Round 2 – Merkins and Squats (20 and 20)
Round 3 – Sprint to road, inchworm merkin back
Round 4 – Shoulder taps and BBS (20 and 20)
Round 5 – Plank Jacks and Mountain Climbers (20 and 20)
Round 6 – Run to fountain and back, then do ankle touches

Grab the CMUs and mosey back to AO for Mary with another stop for 5 more road block burpees.

Captain Thor up to 5 and 20
Boxcutters x30 IC

15 men strong including men doing the OCHO! No FNGs.
I hear people talking about Christmas in July every year and they seem happy thinking about the euphoria that they feel at Christmas time and the food they want to eat and the presents and, of course, the sales. When Christmas time rolls around, you’ll hear people talking about “the reason for the season” and they will try to focus on Christ. I don’t hear people saying that in July. Statistically, church attendance goes down in the summer months as people go on vacation and focus on having kids home from school and places to go and people to see. I haven’t seen any statistics on this, but I imagine that prayer declines in the summer months as well. Christmas and Easter are the two most important days for a Christian. The day our savior was born, and the day that He gave his life on the cross for us. Just because those are the two most important days does not mean that we should be slacking the rest of the year. To me, Christmas in July is a reminder that we should be preparing ourselves to meet Christ. We need to focus throughout the entire year to get ready for his coming, not just two days.