F3 Knoxville

Push-O-Rama Beneath That Big Beautiful Ball In The Sky

THE SCENE: Mid 20’s, beautiful

  • SSH x 25
  • Hillbillies x 20
  • Little of this/that
  • Michael Phelps

Mosey to Big Ball.


Do Merkin and leg variant then Bear crawl out 25 yds and Bernie back. Side arm balance until all Pax return

20 each IC.

  • Merkin – Backward Lunge (1 side, then other)
  • Derkin – Alt Squat Touch (1 side, then other)
  • Incline Merkin – Jump Tuck
  • Diamond Merkin – Iron Mike
  • Wide Merkin – Balance lunge
  • Ranger Merkin – 3 way Calf raise 20 each way



High Knees up stairs

Side Tri Rise each side

Cash out with 20 each

Lunge across Clinch Ave Bridge.

20 Pickle Pounders

20 Monkey Humpers

Mosey back to field near AO.

Monster Truck tires across field.

Single leg cross hop.

Hold table pose till all Pax done.


  • Captain Thor 10:40
  • Superman/Banana on Q
  • Roll up V Up x 25
  • Single leg boat on Q
  • Boat on Q
  • Plank to chaturanga iso on Q

5 including FNG Partial (Kyle Holland)

Leaders Practice Telling Themselves the Truth

Psalm 57 gives us a beautiful picture of a leader in touch with his humanity. David composed it as he fled from Saul in the mountains and caves of Israel. The psalm expresses anxiety and fear, yet it ends with triumph: “Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let Your glory be above all the earth” (Ps. 57:11).

Author Philip Yancey suggests that David wrote and sang the psalms as therapy for himself. Somehow, telling himself the truth enabled him to rise above his fear and see a transcendent God who remained in control.

Fortunately, few of us live with such danger. Like David, however, we all have times when nerves fail and fear creeps in. We feel surrounded by adversaries. Telling ourselves the truth, as David did, will heal and comfort us, as it did him. The truth of Psalm 57 can serve as our counselor. Successful leaders tell themselves the truth and gain perspective in the midst of volatile emotions.

Psalm 57

For the choir director: A psalm[a] of David, regarding the time he fled from Saul and went into the cave. To be sung to the tune “Do Not Destroy!”

1 Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy!
I look to you for protection.
I will hide beneath the shadow of your wings
until the danger passes by.
2 I cry out to God Most High,[b]
to God who will fulfill his purpose for me.
3 He will send help from heaven to rescue me,
disgracing those who hound me. Interlude
My God will send forth his unfailing love and faithfulness.

4 I am surrounded by fierce lions
who greedily devour human prey—
whose teeth pierce like spears and arrows,
and whose tongues cut like swords.

5 Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens!
May your glory shine over all the earth.

6 My enemies have set a trap for me.
I am weary from distress.
They have dug a deep pit in my path,
but they themselves have fallen into it. Interlude

7 My heart is confident in you, O God;
my heart is confident.
No wonder I can sing your praises!
8 Wake up, my heart!
Wake up, O lyre and harp!
I will wake the dawn with my song.
9 I will thank you, Lord, among all the people.
I will sing your praises among the nations.
10 For your unfailing love is as high as the heavens.
Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.

11 Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens.
May your glory shine over all the earth.

Started with quite a lonely ruck and some PT in Market Square. Pecan pancakes at Pete’s are life changing.

It’s Christmas Time at the Asylum

23 and Clear


SSH x30 4ct IC
Merkins x15 4ct IC
High Knees x15 4ct IC
Squats x15 4ct IC
Baby Arm Circles Fwd x15 4ct IC
Baby Arm Circles Bwd x15 4ct IC

Mosey along Greenway to the base of the Asylum and road


F3 Christmas Tree

Start with the base of the tree, Route 66.

Along the Greenway at the front of the Asylum.  At the first light pole perform a Candlestick Burpee (at the end of the burpee, jump up like a candle, with hands straight up hands clapped above your head).  Add 1 rep at each successive light pole until you get to 11 reps.  When finished, run back to the beginning and plank until the 6 arrives.

Mosey to the rock pile behind the Asylum.  Grab a rock and perform the following exercises.  In between each round, run down to the tree and back:

  • Round 1 (x15 reps of each): Narrow Squats, Bent Over Rows, Forward Lunges, Overhead Press, Jump Squats.
  • Round 2 (x20 reps of each): Narrow Squats, Bent Over Rows, Forward Lunges, Overhead Press
  • Round 3 (x25 reps of each): Narrow Squats, Bent Over Rows, Forward Lunges
  • Round 4 (x30 reps of each): Narrow Squats, Bent Over Rows
  • Round 5 (x35 reps of each): Narrow Squats
  • The Star: 40 Merkins.

Mosey to the front of the Asylum, stop at the orange cones.


Elf Runs
In order for the big guy to have a successful night, the elves have to be ready to move fast and do some work.  Elf runs are one of their key off-season training tools.

Set up like suicide runs with a baseline and 5 cones in a row.  Run to the furthest cone and back, do 10 merkins. Then run to the second furthest cone and back do another 10 merkins. Rinse and repeat for each of the cones.

Mosey to hill on the right side of the Asylum.


The Grinch’s Legs
We all want the strength the Grinch gets when he saves Cindi on the sleigh right?  Perform the following, then run to the top of the hill and touch the curb

  • Jump Squats x10
  • Side Lunges x 10 each side
  • Reverse Lunges x10 each leg

Rinse and repeat.

Mosey to the SP


American Hammers x20 4ct IC
Hello Dolly x20 4ct IC
Side Crunches Rt x20 4ct IC
Side Crunches Lf x20 4ct IC




Deuteronomy 30:19 – “This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live

This morning got up and enjoyed the crisp air with great men under a beautiful sunrise because we have a Creator who loves us and loves show us that love through his creation.  Every day we have the opportunity to enjoy those gifts, but we must make the choice to embrace them.  Seize every moment you can to pour life, love, grace and truth into those around you.


The Octagon

THE SCENE: 24* at start, ice beards on the ruckers

SSH 25x IC
Angle grinders 10x IC
Tempo squats 12x IC
Baby arm circles forward 11x IC
Baby arm circles backwards 11x IC
Mosey across parking lot, headed toward parking lot behind the school.  Stop at halfway point for leg blasters, all exercises done together: 20 squats, 20 lunges (10 each leg), 10 air squats.  Recover and repeat for second round.  Resume mosey to back parking lot for the Octagon of Pain.  Eight cones prepared in an octagon, each with an exercise at the cone.  Exercises as follows:

  • Wide merkins
  • Jump squats
  • Burpees
  • American hammers on 4 count
  • Flutter kicks on 4 count
  • Lunges (number of reps for each set done on each leg)
  • Dying cockroaches on 4 count
  • Lion kings (with CMUs)

Pax partner up and pick a cone to start at.  Perform 8 reps of exercise, bear crawl to next cone.  Make your way around the Octagon and back to the cone you started at.  Meet in the middle of the Octagon (Pax finished about the same time).  Once in the middle, Q leads 10 wide merkins, immediately followed by 10 regular merkins, immediately followed by 10 diamond merkins.  Recover.

Pax go back to their original starting cone, repeating the routine this time performing 16 of each exercise.  No bear crawls, once exercise is completed, Pax run on the outside of the Octagon making a loop and going to the next cone.  Continue again until original cone is reached.  Pax lead Mary in the middle of the Octagon.

  • Flutter kicks 10x IC – led by Natty
  • Big boy sit ups 10x IC – led by Shrinkage
  • Flutter kicks 10x IC – led by Fast N Easy
  • Big boy sit ups 10x IC – led by Switchgrass

Recover to original cones.  Back to performing 8 reps of each exercise, simply running to next cone (no loop around, just move to next cone).  Pax plank in the middle until everyone is finished.  Recover.

Mosey back to start point, and continue mosey over to splash pad.  Pax assemble along fence for pistol squats, 10x then switch legs and repeat.  Pax then mosey down small hill to parking lot and perform staggered hand merkins (one hand on the curb, one hand on the big ball).  Perform 10 merkins left hand low right high, then switch hands and repeat 10 merkins.  Three total rounds of pistol squats and staggered hand merkins, then recover and mosey back to start point.  (A Rod and Natty have impromptu jail break back to SP).

Super duper coolers 10x IC on left side
Super duper coolers 10x IC on right side
Boat/canoe ring of fire.  Pax begin in boat position and move around circle allowing each member to canoe or canoe variation as long as they want before going back to boat position.  Variations include flutter kicks in canoe, American hammers in canoe position, overhead claps in canoe position, and dolly in canoe position.
Strict sit ups (hands behind head, shoulders hit ground and elbows hit knees) 10x IC
9 pax strong: Natty, Fast N Easy, Shrinkage, Belding, Switchgrass, Whammy, Crossroads, A Rod, Abort
Talked about the difference of happiness and joy (Ratchet spoke on this at the truck stop earlier this year) and how it applies to Christmas and this time of year.

Reindeer Games

THE SCENE:  24 and brrrr

SSH IC x 20
Baby Arm Circles IC x 10 each way
Cherry Pickers IC x 20 Cadre Danny style
Imperial Walkers IC x 20
Cherry Pickers IC x 10


Mosey one short lap to Field 2
Split into teams
Field Races x 4 (partner carry, object carry, shuffle, hop, crab crawl, bear crawl, Burnie Sanders, sprint)

Mosey to Field 3
Dips x 20 IC
Wind Sprints x 6
5 Merkins after each
Wall sit x 1min

Mosey back to parking lot the long way

Ring of Fire – 5 Merkins, 4 Merkins ….
Ring of Fire – 5 BBS, 4 BBS ….
Ab cycle:
Flutter kicks x 20 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Hello Dolly’s x 20 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Reverse crunches x 10 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
American Hammer x 20 IC

Mosey around parking lot – 2 laps

Crunches x 50 IC
Merkins x 20 OYO

14 PAX


Lust says, “I want it.”
Entitlement says, “I deserve it.”
And Pride says, “I can handle it.”

What or who is controlling you?

Commercial Grade Wrapping Paper

THE SCENE: Just cold….

SSH x 25 IC

Squat x 15 IC

Hand release merkin x 10 OYO

Imperial Walker x 15

Catch me if you can: P1 run backwards P2 CDDs x 10 and catch partner. P1 then does CDDs x 10. Continue until one lap around parking lot complete. Second lap is diamond merkins.

Deconstructed Burpee: 10 squat, 10 leg thrusts, 10 merkin, 10 leg thrusts.  Exercise performed as 10-1

Dan Taylor: 1 squat:4 lunge, 2 squat:8 lunge etc. length of staff parking lot (continue 1:4 ratio).

Mosey to back parking lot

Bearmuda Triangle: Three cones in triangle set approx 70′ apart. Bear crawl to each cone. First cone 10 hand release merkin, second 15 hand release merkin, third 20 hand release merkin. DO NOT get up when reaching each cone.

Mosey back to AO

Bruce Lee: 20 Reps, 3 sets

Murican hammers, leg raises, LBCs, heel touches, crunchy frog, 100s.

FNG: JD Faulconer-Pitino
From the Marine Corps Leadership Traits (14 total)

Courage: Courage is what allows you to remain calm while recognizing fear. Moral courage means having the inner strength to stand up for what is right and to accept blame when something is your fault. Physical courage mean that you can continue to function effectively when there is physical danger present.

Gain courage to overcome the aspects of life that cause you to fear by DOING them. Continue to do the things that cause you fear until you can complete the task without having fear.
Do the hard things first each day. The rest of the day is gravy.