F3 Knoxville

You just thought it was bad, then Paula showed up

THE SCENE: 32, cold & clear



  • SSH IC x 20
  • Merkins IC x 6
  • Tempo Squats IC x 10
  • This/that stretch
  • Good morning stretch


  1. Reverse Ladder
    • Do the following exercises in descending order.  Once you’re finished box jump up the concrete bleachers & run to the top of the hill.   Rinse & repeat eliminating the lowest number exercise until you’re left with only calf raises.
      • 15 calf raises
      • 14 superman swims
      • 13 decline merkins
      • 12 squats
      • 11 American hammers (4 ct)
      • 10 thrust merkins
      • 9 reverse lunge (each leg)
      • 8 box cutters
      • 7 burpees
      • 6 squat jumps
      • 5 side crunch (each side)
      • 4 incline merkins
      • 3 iron mikes (4 ct)
      • 2 big boy situps
      • 1 ultimate merkin
  2. Paula Abdul (2 steps forward, 1 step back)
    • Line up in parking lot.
    • Bear crawl 2 parking spaces forward, do 10 Carolina dry docks
    • Crawl bear 1 parking space backward, do 10 Carolina dry docks
    • rinse/repeat until you get to the basketball goal
      • audible was quickly called and we backed it down to 5 CDD each time….shoulders were on fire!

No mary today….plenty of ab work throughout the main workout.

13 PAX:  Mayberry, Choir Boy, I-Beam, Booger, Toto, Swirlie, Shooter, Showcase, La-Z-Boy, Tank, Junk, Mr Clean, Bartman

I recently heard something on the radio that absolutely pierced my heart.  The speaker asked the following question:  If God answered every one of the prayers you’ve prayed over the past few months and gave you everything you’ve asked for, who’s life would be changed other than your own?  That hit me hard because I can be extremely selfish in my prayer life and focus on only myself and my problems.  As a Christian man I need to be more intentional about praying for Gods will in other people’s lives.  Who are you praying for intentionally?  Your wife?  Your kids?  Your boss?  Co-workers?  Missionaries?  When you pray is there a selfish motive behind what you’re asking for?  Christ tells us to pray for His will to be done.  My goal is to remember that when I come before the Lord in prayer.  Also to remember who I’m talking to and that there is a much bigger world out there that needs a loving savior the same as I do.

Paula Abdul may have become the most hated woman on the planet this morning.   She really brought out the mumblechatter!

3rd F event at the Outlook

Truck Stop Ruck

  • THE SCENE: 32 degrees

    Ruck Up
  • 10 merkins IC
  • 10 Cherry pickers OYO
  • 10 BBS Ruck overhead
  • 10 Ruck presses
    Ruck up, carrying 60lb sandbag and 50lb PVC
  • Ruck to soccer field
  • 25yd coupon drags, partner mosey x 2
  • 50yd crab walk – ruck on front
  • Mosey 1 lap around soccer field
  • Ruck around park and back to soccer field
  • Mosey 1 lap around soccer field
  • 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 overhead presses, 1 min ruck hold over head
  • Ruck back to aO

4 PAX, I-Beam, Frosty, Butters, Wax job

Rock elevators

THE SCENE: 32…slight breeze….COLD!



  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Merkins x 20 IC
  • Squats (4ct) x 20 IC
  • This/That stretch


  1. Mosey to the corner below Asylum building.
    • Burpee Mile – start with 1 burpee at first light pole and +1 at each successive pole.   Stop at the white trailer at the base of Everest.   Total of 14 poles = 105 burpees!
  2. Mosey up Everest….forward first half, Bernie Sanders 2nd half
  3. Circle up and each man grab a rock for some elevators on the long hill.
    • Stop 1:  25 curls
    • Stop 2:  25 curls, 25 OH Press
    • Stop 3:  25 curls, 25 OH Press, 25 Goblet Squat
    • Stop 4:  25 curls, 25 OH Press, 25 Goblet Squat, 25 Merkins on your rock
    • Stop 5:  25 OH Press, 25 Goblet Squat, 25 Merkins on your rock
    • Stop 6:  25 Goblet Squat, 25 Merkins on Rock
    • Stop 7:  25 Merkins on Rock


  • Flutter kicks x 25
  • Hello Dolly x 25
  • Slutter kick x 25
  • 1 minute of AMRAP LBCs

16 PAX:  Quickbooks, Archie, Umbro, Rainbow, Neutron, Pusher, Bluebird, Booster, Streak, Doublewide, Snitch, Catgut, Cheatsheet, Rusty, Bunny, Bartman

Yesterday was Pearl Harbor day….which means to today is the day President Roosevelt addressed our nation and declared that we were officially at war.   Yesterday our country was caught sleeping, but today we began to pull ourselves up out of the ashes and prepare for what is likely our finest hour on the world stage.  The bible is full of characters who had to pull themselves out of the ashes as well:  Joseph, David, Moses, Job, Peter….the list goes on.   The challenge for you today is:  what are you going to do about challenges you face on a daily basis?   Are you going to wallow because of yesterday’s failures and hardships or are you going to pick yourself up, be a man, and do something about it?   The choice is yours.

Special prayer for Ratchet’s family as they’re dealing with the loss of their home in the California fires.

3rd F event tomorrow at the Outlook…..be there!!

Are you ready for me? ‘Cuz I’m ready for you!

THE SCENE: Just about 33 degrees.  A hair above freezing.
Welcome Eric Rice!
Grab some CMUs, then a pretty standard warmup.
15x normal speed SSH IC
10x more high speed SSH IC
High knees for a while
7x Al Gore Tucks (new record!)
10x Hindurkins IC
Round-the-clock Merkins (circle up, one merkin on each CMU, plank shuffle right to next CMU)

Mosey with CMU to the Grinder
Cone lines set up 35yd apart, split into 2 teams. Half the CMUs at each line.
Disciple playlist on the Jambox:

During each song, do 15 reps of corresponding exercise, then travel by specified mode to other line and steal one CMU.
When track changes, switch to next exercise:

Track Exercise Travel
Game On Burpees Bear
Battle Lines Iron Mike carioca
Rise Up BBS sprint
Wait over Tuck jumps Bernie
Worth the Pain Ranger Merkins Gorilla
Unstoppable American hammers 4ct carioca
Worth it all Monkey Humpers 4ct Rev Bear

One more track:  Lay My Burdens.  Mosey around the park with CMUs.  During chorus, lay your burden down, and lay your body down.  While laying down, do BBS.

Just a little time for Mary:
Row Your Boat (balanced on CMU) – 6x through song
Slutter Kicks x20 IC
One minute left! Cash out with LBC OYO
14 PAX Strong! Welcome to FNG Squatter (Eric Rice)
A lot of the music in the Q today has to do with standing strong, persevering, and fighting because it’s worth it. But we need to make sure we are fighting the real enemy. Sometimes that might seem like a coworker who’s always trying to undermine you, and disagreeable neighbor, someone who’s wronged you, even sometimes your spouse or kids. But Eph 6:12 tells us, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Remember who we’re fighting, who we’re fighting for, and ultimately where our power comes from – the One who has already won the war!
The Jambox speaker sounds a lot louder in the house than out on the Grinder. PAX could barely hear the track change. Time to update the Christmas list…
3rd F this Saturday. Carpool from the Bomb Shelter following beatdown!

What 2403 means to me…

THE SCENE: 35 chilly and clear

Mosey around the outhouse, battle buddy up, grab your CMU and head to the hockey rink
What 2403 means to me…

Dora style

  • 100 Burpees/farmer carry
  • 200 BBS/farmer carry
  • 300 Bent over Row/run
  • 400 Merkins/run
  • 500 Squats with CMU if possible
  • 400 Gas pumps/farmer carry
  • 300 Curls/run
  • 200 Over head press/run
  • 3 Burpees

Welcom FNG Blowhole
On December 7, 1941 American’s on the east coast woke up to learn that the Japanese had lead an unprovoked attack on our country.  It was later learned that in the attack 2403 Americans were killed.  And our country went to war.

The attack caused thousands upon thousands of men to volunteer to go out and defend their country, states, cities, families and ways of life.  Gallantry was seen when these men laid down their lives to save each other during WWII.

In our society we lose sight of that, we live for ourselves, or maybe a few close to us like wives and kids.  We live to make money, buy a house, drive a fast car, or sometimes old car…  But rarely do we live for each other and even more rarely does someone make the sacrifice for another.

The men of WWII laid down their lives for their friends.  Time after time these men jumped on grenades, charged enemy entrenchments, and gave their lives so others could live.  They died for their friends.

That makes me think of F3 and the friends I have made here, but also of John 15:13 where Jesus says:

“Greater love has no on than this; to lay down one’s life for his friends”

Jesus died on the cross for His friends, which means because He died for our sins He knows all of us intimately.  Which means we are all His friends.

If you didn’t get your reps in do them.  Not for me but for the 2403.

Ratchet’s in-laws who lost their home in the fire in CA.

Mayberry’s grandmother who is headed to hospice.  And his Dad and Aunt as they prep for that.

All our brothers who were missing in the gloom this morning.