F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: 40’s and Clear

Atlas Stretch
Rocky Balboa
Jog Half / High Knees
Jog Half / Butt Kickers
Groin Stretch Half / Jog
Side Shuffle Half / Jog
Other Side Shuffle Half / Jog
5 Merkins / Jog / 2 Burpees / Jog / 5 Merkins

Mosey to Barricade area, picking up coupons along the way…


3 Reps at every light post around the greenway (aprox: 1/2 mile each lap)
*33 walking lunges along the grinder every lap*

  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • CMU or Sand Bag Overhead Press
  • Big Boy Sit-ups
  • Plank Jacks
  • CMU or Sand Bag Burpees

We ran out of time with most pax members completing the 33 lunges of their 3rd lap (CMU/Sand Bag Overhead Press)

Several variations of Planks, including merkins and finished with LBC cash out!

16 pax became better today….3 reps at a time!

Three words that motivate and give reason to me.

Strength: I see this as the physical side of things. The strength to accomplish something you have always wanted to do or the ability to help someone in need. Used an example of a burning building and having the strength to help pull someone out or carry them from danger. or the physical strength to hike the Grand Canyon. Whatever the situation or surrounding you find yourself in, will you be ready for it physically?

Courage: Will you have to courage to do such things? It will take courage to help someone else in a fire if your in the same danger. It takes courage to sign up for and event like goruck or the barkley marathons, or whatever that great event or place might be for you.

Wisdom: None of the prior will matter if you do not have the wisdom needed to know and understand the situation your in. Being intelligent about your surroundings, like the burning building, or the weather conditions when hiking the grand canyon. We must be smart and seek the intelligence / wisdom to educate ourselves to make the right decisions.

Climbing the ladders

THE SCENE: 40 and clear

Mosey around the outhouse

3 rounds of Tababta

  • Jumping lunges
  • Lizard hops
  • Squat tuck jumps
  • Handstand kicks

Agility ladders on the tennis courts, 5 rounds of each exercise

  • 1 foot per square
  • 1 hand per square
  • 2 feet per square
  • 2 hands per square
  • Icky shuffle
  • Hand icky shuffl
  • Lateral 1 foot per square
  • Lateral 1 hand per square
  • Lateral 2 foot hops
  • Lateral 2 hands per square
  • Lateral Merkins each square
  • 2 hops forward 1 hop back
  • Merkins inside outside


We were gonna repeat the Warm-o-rama but had to settle for one round of John Travoltas


16 total. Welcome FNG Wagon Wheel

Intensity – the quality of being intense.  Synonyms for intensity – strength, power, potency, force.

We can talk all day long about what level on intensity we bring to an F3 workout and how someone should step it up or step it down.  However, what level of intensity are we taking when it comes to:

  • Work?
  • Family?
  • Friends?
  • Kids?
  • Faith?

We need to increase our level of intensity in all these and stop being selfish.  We need to put God first, everyone else second, and ourselves third.

We tried something new that I have never done at an F3 workout.  Internally you worry that it won’t be good enough, or that it won’t work out like you have planned.  But in the end the PAX had fun, got a little sweaty, and did some really good work.  That is all that matters.  #ISI

PS there were a lot of other drills for the agility ladders but we ran out of time.

Hardship Hill OCR May 19

April Showers

THE SCENE Cold Wet Rainy and Beautiful
Side Straddle hop 25X

Tempo Squats

Switch foot x20

High Knees/50% sprint

High Skips/50% sprint

100% sprint
Find a battle buddy

Wheel barrel 15 steps on hands/10 derkins/switch until you reach the other side

10 merkins/10 mountain climbers/50% back

Bear crawl/Broad jump/half way switch with partner to the other side

10 merkins/10 mountain climbers/50% back

Man Carry/Fireman Carry/Lunge to halfway and switch.

10 merkins/10 mountain climbers/50% back

Catch the Fox (no one did)

Mosey to the Pavilion.

15 pull ups/15 dips/15 derkins/ Partner side straddle hop until complete and switch

Mosey to playground

15 box jumps/15 dips/15 derkins/Partner big boy sit ups until complete and switch

Mosey to the hill

Partner does merkins/Partner runs to top and does 10 merkins switch until you hit 100

Mosey to the top of cardiac/Partner big boy/ Partner run to bottom and do 10 merkins and switch

Mosey to bottom of cardiac/Hug partner and tell him Jesus loves you.

10 burbees and run to the top and back to AO

Cash out with American hammers and count it off

28 men no FNGs
We get the opportunity to wake up everyday to die to self, serve others and put others first and you last.  Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

The Lone Runner :(

THE SCENE: 39 and rainy

Run around the park

1 – me.

Honorable mention to Swirlie even though he left to hit the weights.

As I plodded along by myself on this cold wet morning I began to envision all the ways to publicly embarrass my fellow PAX who fartsacked this soggy day.  My initial thoughts were about how the PAX are constantly complaining about needing a break on longer mosesys, or always gasping for breath after less than a mile run.  I was confused as to why they wouldn’t want to get better.  And I was frustrated about being in the gloom alone.

However, as I ran God changed my thoughts.  I began to think of how Jesus must have felt preaching, teaching, and talking to people about how He was God’s son, sent down from heaven to save our souls.  He met with people who were ostracized from society, tax collectors, prostitutes, lepers, and yet these are the people He chose to associate with and help.  He loved those who were discarded, like the poor, weak, lame, and children.  He also faced resistance at every turn from the people who were unbelievers, and especially the pharisees and lawyers who wanted him prosecuted.  Yet, He still continued to push on with the message of salvation.  He carried the burden on the cross, and He just kept going.

I wondered if He ever got frustrated or angry.  You know where maybe He just wanted to reach out and backhand the unbelievers and naysayers.  Or grab them by the face and yell, “HOW DO YOU NOT GET THIS?  I AM HERE TO SAVE YOU!”

The answer was soon easily clear. When Jesus met with folks who “didn’t get it”, He didn’t get upset with them, punish them or ridicule them.  Instead He grieved for them.  (Mark 3:5.)  And even when they didn’t believe, He encouraged them to have just a little faith.  (Matthew 17:20).  He also realized that He couldn’t do it alone, so He sought counsel with God through prayer.  (Matthew 26:36-39, Luke 11:1, Mark 14:32, Luke 6:12, Luke 18:1, Matthew 19:13-15, Luke 9:28, Luke 3:21, Mark 1:35….well you get the point.)   Finally, He made His message clear, and He straight up told people that the only way to know God was through knowing Him. (John 14:6).

While there are many things in this world we do not understand, especially the actions of others, our job is not to condemn, punish, or ridicule them.  Our job is to walk with them in love, laughter, sadness, or whatever we call life.  The end goal is that in walking with them, hopefully they will come to know Jesus.

Isn’t it strange how He can take a solo run on a rainy Monday morning and put a little perspective in it?

What’s Tabata With You?

THE SCENE: 42 and raining… Basically the very definition of gloom.

Q accidentally locked his keys in the car while attempting to unload equipment, causing slight delay in getting started. Therefore disclaimer was given during the first exercise…

SSH xDisclaimer
Windmills x15 IC
LBAC x20 each way IC
Calfkiller (20 calf raise OYO, 25% run to other curb, 20 calf, 50% run, 20, 75%, 20, AYG, 20)

Mosey to a dry spot to continue warmup:
5x SuperWorm (Inchworm all the way out to full extension flat on the ground, 5 Supermans, Merkin and inchworm up)
10x 4ct Travoltas IC each side

Mosey on to the courtyard for Roll Your Own tabata.
Roll the exercise die and do 4 sets of 20s with 10s rest in between.
Best of my recollection, we had:
-Star Jacks
-Crab Toe Touches
-Squat Jumps
-Bicycles again!
-Butt Kickers
-Star Jacks again! (time up after 2 sets though)

None today, although the Bicycles hit the abs pretty well.
Only 3 PAX braved the gloom this morning.
Nobody got up this morning at 5:00 and decided to get out in the gloom and get better. That decision was made yesterday (or earlier!), long before the required time of action. That principle holds true in most areas of life. Make your decision ahead of time, and follow-through is that much easier when it comes time for action.
Piece of advice for anyone who leaves keys in your car during a beatdown: Get a magnetic key holder for about tree fiddy and keep a spare somewhere in the undercarriage.
Hardship Hill OCR May 19th! Pray for Booster’s friend JJ (lingering surgery complications) and three of Snaggletooth’s friends to strengthen marriages.