F3 Knoxville

4-Corners meets the Fox

THE SCENE: 31 degrees

To everyone’s surprise, I announced that I was not a professional



10 Merkins IC


Mosey to top parking lot.

4 Corners of Merkins, BBSU, Squat Jumps, and American Hammers. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1….

We covered between 3-4+ miles this morning. And did Merkins, BBSU, Squat Jumps, and American Hammers.

She was a good lady.
18 brothers. 2 FNGs- welcome Fur Coat and Pirate!
While rucking at Concord Trails a week or so ago, I encountered a fox along the trail. The fox was off in the distance and I did what any badass F3 man would have done- I quickly turned around and thought the fox was going to eat me alive. As I reflected on this, a few thoughts came to mind. First, how many fox attacks do we hear about? Zero. Secondly, we fear many things that are truly not the big of a deal or we can easily overcome. Don’t be afraid of the fox.

Doubtfire locked down two more hood recruits. It was great to have Fur Coat and Pirate out with us this morning. Pfeiffer and Mayberry set the pace on the 4-Corners this morning. The entire PAX pushed it too the limit and it was a fun morning. Now, we eagerly await the “devil’s dandruff” to blanket all of K-town!

Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Standard Work Day

THE SCENE: Overcast 32 degrees

Windmill x 10 IC

Tempo Squat x 10 IC

SSH x 30 IC

Imperial Walker x 10 IC
Wheel of Animal Walk:

  • Frog Hop across parking lot (hands on head). 10 Merkin on curb
  • Bear Crawl across parking lot. 10 merkin Left hand on curb
  • Duck Walk across parking lot (hands on head). 10 merkin Right hand on curb
  • Crab Walk across parking lot. 10 merkin with feet on curb

Super 21: Perform 1 squat/1 BBS, 2 squat/2 BBS, etc

  • Squat/BBS Reps 1-10
  • 21 standard merkin
  • Squat/BBS Reps 11-15
  • 21 CDD
  • Squat/BBS Reps 16-18
  • 21 Ranger Merkin
  • Squat/BBS Reps 19-21
  • 21 Mountain Climbers (4 ct) IC

Suicide Ladder:

  • Sprint to first cone and back and do 10 Monkey Humpers
  • Sprint to second cone and back and do 15 burpee
  • Sprint to third cone and back and do 20 smurf jacks

Lunge down length of long parking lot and Bernie back

11s: Dips and inclined merkins at planters

Flutters x 30 IC

Our actions/decisions affect more than just ourselves. The effect on those around us to people beyond what we can see or ever know is unknown. There are consequences to our actions. Jesus Christ took the punishment for all sin. He took all of it before we knew Him out of love. Accept you mistakes, deal with the consequences, seek forgiveness. Above all know you are loved and you can get up and continue to move.
Pray for friends step-son as he deals with decisions he has made.
ANNOUNCEMENTS:Fast-N-Easy VQ Thursday!!!!!



Just Keep Moving

THE SCENE: 27 degrees.  Cloudy.  Snow on the way (hopefully)

SSH x 25

Baby arm circles 12 forward, 12 back

Tempo Squat x 10

SSH x 25

Tempo Merkin x 10


  • Mosey to UT parking garage
  • Dora 1-2-3:  Partner up.  Cumulative 100 merkins, 200 LBC’s, 300 squats between partners.  While one partner performs exercise, other partner Bernie Sanders up the ramp, touches the wall and runs back.  Jack rabbits help slower PAX finish reps.
  • Burpee Dans:  1 burpee then 4 lunges across garage, turn around and repeat with 2 burpees and 4 lunges back.  Repeat with 3:4, and 4:4 ratios.
  • Four Corners:  10 BBS first corner, run to 2nd corner and complete 10 flutter kick (4 count), run to 3rd corner and 10 American hammers (4 count), run to 4th corner and 10 Hello Dollys (4 count).
  • Mosey back to AO

La La Leggy:  20 squats, 20 lunges (10 each leg), 20 drop lunges (10 each leg), 20 jump squats, 20 calf raises

16 strong.  No FNGs.  Ponder was also in attendance, but I could not find his tag.

Just keep moving.  We have applied this to our workouts the last several weeks due to the cold weather.  If we don’t, our bodies shut down, hypothermia begins, and left unchecked we die.  We can apply this to our personal and spiritual lives as well.  If we are not moving forward we are stagnant at best and more likely than not regressing.  What areas of your life have become stagnant?  What have you neglected or given up on?  What can you change or do to take action in these areas of your life?

Hebrew 12:1 Therefore since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfector of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

Encouragement to sign up for open Qs

Jacque- O

THE SCENE: Cold- you know, if you don’t, get out of bed you dangus


Baby arm circles For + back IC x 10

SSH IC x 20

5 Burpees

Ice Skaters IC x 20


Mosey to Hill- stopped for some burps and lunges along the way

11s at the hill. Alligators and Squat jumps

Mosey back towards AO

30 sec step ups + 30 sec dips x 2

20 derkins

Continue mosey with some lunges thrown in there

Sprints x 3 sets

Sweeper joined us for some Mary

Flutter Kicks IC x 31

Peter Parkers

Lately I have been very focused on some goals. I have been doing a good job of not being distracted, but in the process I think I have lost the ability to catch myself from wandering. To be more clear, I do not catch myself thinking in certain ways. I went for a run recently, and I caught myself just thinking very negatively. I realized that I have not been aware of my thoughts to the point where I can catch myself wandering or thinking negatively. So, I regained control of my mind and thoughts while on the run and finished strong. This I think needs to be transformed to other aspects of my life. I need to catch myself when I am studying, and remind myself why I am doing certain things. I need to catch myself when I am distracted about studying when with my family. I need to try to be better about being present in the moment. I encourage you all to take 5 or 10 minutes during your day to pause and reflect on your thought patterns. If they are maladaptive, try to take control of them. Good work today Gents
Its cold…. but afterwards it feels good, so keep showing up. Eventually, you will adapt, or spring will come.

Murville CSAUP in Feb. Git rdy for it


THE SCENE: Mid 20’s with snow on the ground.

  • SSH x 15
  • Mountain Mule Kicks x 15 (kick legs Back and up landing right leg forward then switch, then kick again landing left forward and switch. That’s 1.) x 15
  • Cherry Pickers x 10
  • Arm Circles x 10 each way


Mosey to Mt. Crumpet doing Thruster Merkins at each light post increasing by 2 each time.

Battle buddys. Buddy 1 bear crawls to the tree and moseys back down, buddy 2 doing Bernie hops up to cone (1/2 way), run back down to do 30 calf raises, repeat until buddy 1 comes back then switch. 6 rounds.

Mosey to circle around the fountain.

  • CMU Dips x 30 (legs fountain)
  • CMU Single-leg Goblet squat x 15 each leg

2 rounds.

Suicides back to Pavalon running forward 2 posts and back 1 touching the ground each post.

  • Decline Merkin x 20 legs on table top
  • Balance lunge x 20 each leg
  • Lunge across grinder, run back

2 rounds


  • Hundreds
  • Single leg touch x 15 each side
  • ABCs
  • LBC to cash out

14 including FNG “Calf”

The Values and Conscience of a Leader

How are we to respond to others who hold values different from our own? That’s the issue of Romans 14. Paul speaks in this passage not of eternal issues or absolute truths, but about “gray areas”—subjects that are questionable and maybe even fuzzy. Christians can differ on these issues and still be part of the same organization. On these issues, no scripture declares an unequivocal right or wrong. Note Paul’s counsel for situations like this:

Be open, not condescending (vv. 1–3).

Remember that everyone answers to the Lord, not to you (v. 4).

Cling to your own convictions (v. 5).

Whatever your values, your motive should be to please God (vv. 6–9).

You are ultimately accountable to the Lord (vv. 10–12).

Do not cause anyone to stumble (v. 13).

Don’t let others impose their values on you, and vice versa (v. 14).

Make love your highest aim (v. 15).

Major on the majors and minor on the minors (vv. 16–18).

Pursue peace and adding value to people (v. 19).

Don’t destroy anyone by imposing your values on them (vv. 20–22).

Anything is wrong that is not done out of personal faith (v. 23).


CSAUP February 24