F3 Knoxville

Hard At It

THE SCENE: Cloudy and windy, temps in 50’s

20 Side-straddle-hops, 10 Burpees, 15 Imperial Walkers, 10 Windmills, 10 Tempo Merkins, Planks with arm and leg raises

Mosey to the Dragon Tail.  We did Route 66 up the Dragon Tail with rabbits sweeping slower brothers back to starting point after each exercise.  The following were the exercises:

  • Squat Jumps
  • Big Boy Sit Ups
  • Shoulder Taps (each shoulder)

Mosey to Playground.  We did four corners with the following corners and exercises.  We rinsed and repeated after the first round:

  • 20 Bench Jumps at playground
  • 20 seconds of pull ups at baseball bullpen
  • 20 picnic table pull-ups in pavilion
  • 20 Star Jumps at Flag

Mosey to Pavilion.  We did totem pole with 30 seconds of each exercise, starting with first exercise, then restarting but adding next exercise on totem pole.  The following were the exercises:

  • Hello Dollies
  • American Hammers
  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • Picnic Table Pull-ups

Mosey to AO.

20 Box Cutters
Eight men.
One of the inspiring F3 sayings is “I have your six.”  G-6 talked about the isolated man at our last 3rd F event.  As a psychologist, I have met many isolated men who do not feel anyone has their back.  Their confidence and zest for life are low because of it.  As humans, we need to feel support from others, know that others are there for us.  That knowledge gives us the courage to take chances, to fail, get back up, push on and finally succeed.  You see toddlers needing that support from parents when they explore.  The toddlers explore with pleasure but also look back to make sure their parents are there, are looking on, have their sixes.  As F3 brothers, lets take the “I have your six” saying as a model to commit to others, to build them up, give them courage.  We are HIMs in our workouts and out in the world.

3rd F this Saturday at Outlook!

Dry the Concrete

THE SCENE: 54 degree morning

SSH x 40, T plank BAC X 10, Tempo Squats 15, Tempo Merkins 15, windmills 15, Hand release Merkins 15


7 cones to change your life.  first cone advances the entire group, you do the exercise until the first HIM moves you

  • first cone 10 burpees
  • BBS
  • CMU Tricep lifts
  • Merkins
  • CCD
  • Baby crunches
  • 5 burpees then run around the parking lot to the beginning , wash, rinse, repeat, and then do it again!!

over the boxes, 20 Incline Merkins, 20 Derkins, 20 derkins in a CCD pose, 20 CCD incline

grab a post, merkin, walk up by hand uneven merkin, incline merkin, walk down by hand uneven merkin, then merkin, again, wash, rinse, repeat
all in sequence — Bruce Lee leg raise 20, flutter kicks 20, hello dolly 20
8 HIMs
cherish the moments with family, prioritize your life, and ensure that you take advantage of time you have with your personal self and Jesus.  there is 168 hours in a week, how much time do you give Jesus, your family, your job??

Look over everyone involved with the Marathon run this Sun, especially our team members A-Rod and Norm


No Ordinary Men

THE SCENE:  Cloudy 56 degrees Just a touch of gloom

Start out 20 SSH 0n 4 Count, Cherry Pickers x6, Tempo Merkin x10, Temp Squat x10
Mosey to the Church

Ring of 20 SSH in cadence, 10 burpees OYO rinse and repeat (5 Rounds)

Mosey to Lower Parking Lot

4 Cone Workout

Cone 1 Squat x20 Mosey or Bear Crawl to Cone 2

Cone 2 Merkin x 20 Mosey or Crab Walk to Cone 3

Cone 3 BB x 20 Mosey or Bear Crawl to Cone 4

Cone 4 Squat Jump X15 Mosey back around to Start-Rinse and Repeat (4 Rounds)

Mosey to Base of Little Hill

Up and Down 3x’s With 1, 2, 3 burpees at top

Back to AO

Finish American Hammer’s x20 on 4 count, Hello Dolly’s x20 on 4 Count

Brought up the movie Dunkirk about how allied forces were surrounded by German forces on the beaches of Dunkirk France in WWII.  The solution to save lives of trapped allied soldiers was to use ordinary men and fishing boats to get to stranded troops.  It took ordinary men in fishing boats to go across the English Channel to help save lives.  It’s the same with us and Christ.  He calls us ordinary men to go out and be Christ every day.  We may feel ill equipped, but we aren’t.  It takes a leap of faith and doing.  Ordinary men doing extraordinary things.  It’s the same thing Christ looked for in the disciples.  Ordinary men willing to not ask questions and just do.  Let’s be ordinary men doing extraordinary things!


Sound the ALARM

THE SCENE: 54 Perfect degrees, partly cloudy and still a little moisture from the overnight storms

Little of this/Little of that, Michael Phelps, Big Arm circles, Cherry Pickers x 9, Easy jog to middle of parking lot, then high knees to the other side, Butt-kickers to middle, easy jog to the curb.

Started with a bear crawl CMU drag from one end of the grinder to the other.  The CMU was then used in the following circuit:

Round 1 – 20 curls, 20 dips

Round 2 – 20 goblet squats, 20 lunges (10 per leg)

Round 3 – 20 BBS, 20 2-count flutter kicks

Round 4 – 20 Rows, 10 pull-ups

Round 5 – 10 Merkins, 20 CMU bench presses

Between each round, PAX ran an approximately 1/4 mile loop.  At the end of Round 5, start over again with Round 1

We cashed out today to the Cupid Shuffle.  During the verse, PAX would perform Mtn. Climbers, during the “down” part of the song, Pax would perform Merkins, during the “to the left” and “to the right” parts PAX would kick their feet in that direction from a plank position.  Continue through the song (4:39 in length).

One year for Christmas a kid in my neighborhood got a 10-speed bike.  We all had BMX bikes with the old school coaster brakes and Mike Benson was the first in our neighborhood to get a 10 speed.  There was a large hill we called Denton’s Hill that ended into a cross street.  You had to go left or right at the bottom, straight was a field with a picket fence.  We were riding down the hill and got near the bottom and Mike went flying past us, eventually crashing through the fence and into the field.  Turns out he didn’t fully understand how the brakes work on a 10-speed bicycle.  He got away from the fundamentals.  Often as men, we over-complicate things.  In our jobs, with our wives, with our kids and our friends. I have found that if I keep 2 simple, basic fundamentals in mind, everything else just kind of falls into place.  Those are:  love God and love my neighbor.  That is it.  If I am doing those things correctly, I treat my co-workers, my wife, my parents, my kids and my friends the way that God has called me to treat them.  My challenge to myself and the PAX is simple, get back to the basics; love your wives the way you did when you first started dating, be present in your kid’s lives, be the kind of friend that God wants you to be.  Get back to the fundamentals.



THE SCENE: 54 degrees, clear. Basically perfect


SHH X20, Cherry Pickers x6, 5 burpees,Rockets x10 3-ct


Partner up
Carry CMU to boat-1 per partner
100 curls
100 presses
100 triceps
100 bent over rows
Partner 1 does CMU work while
Partner 2 does suicide runs on 2 light poles stopping for 2 burpees at each

Mosey to Cory Hill (leave CMUs)
DORA 2.0
100 ground touching Squat jumps
100 merkins
Partner 1 does excercise
Partner 2 bear crawls up and down (forward facing) the hill.

Move to steps
DORA 3.0
300 LBCs
Partner 1 runs steps to rock while partner 2 does LBCs

10 burpees

Mosey to get CMUs
Mosey to AO

20 3-count Calf raises

ring of fire -push down leg lifts

Flutter kicks x22

20 HIMs
I lost my cool yesterday with my son and wife, and I had to look for this scripture to refer to.
“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.”
‭‭James‬ ‭1:19-20‬ ‭NIV‬‬

God is very slow to anger with us. If he wasn’t, we would be gone a long time ago. How can we not do the same to our family and friends?                      MOLESKIN:
We lost a CMU today. It served us well.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 3rd F this weekend