F3 Knoxville

More Than Halfway

THE SCENE: 70-something and pretty muggy.

The good ol’ Zero Burpee warmup.
Zero Burpees
25x SSH IC
2 Burpees OYO
20x Cossack Squats IC
4 Burpees OYO
20x Crab Kicks IC
6 Burpees OYO
10x Travoltas IC (each side)
8 Burpees OYO
15x LBAC each way
10 Burpees OYO


Start with a Calf Killer – Calf Raises on the curb, then mosey across the parking lot: 20-25%-20-50%-20-75%-20-AYG-20

Mosey to the base of Mount Crumpet, partner up for Dora 1-2-3
Running partner runs up the hill and around the tree.
100 Merkins
200 BBS
300 Squats

After each exercise reps complete, both partners mosey to the Fountain of Youth.
Plank-walk sideways with feet up on the curb of the fountain – one clockwise, one CCW.
When you meet on the other side, head back to Mt Crumpet and start the next exercise.

Everyone made it at least halfway through the squats before time was up!

Indian Run back to the AO

We crammed in 10x side crunches each side, 15x flutter kicks, and 5x slutter kicks before the clock hit 6:15.
11 PAX killed it today.
Plank-walk around the outside of the fountain sucked by an appropriate amount for a good beatdown. But as difficult as it was, I didn’t see anyone look up when they were halfway around, stop, and say, “I did my half!” Each individual kept pushing until the two completed the circle together.

That’s similar to the way it should work at home. Every household has a pile of hard stuff to do. Don’t “meet your partner halfway”. Take it together as a team. Try to do more than “your half.” As Paul said, we should love our wives as Christ loved the Church, and He didn’t “meet us halfway”. He came all the way around for us. Romans 5:8 says that “God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners Christ died for us.”

Congrats to Pup on HS graduation! He’s off to the Citadel in July.
Everyone is super sore from Hardship Hill and super stoked for the next CSAUP!

The Hills Are Alive…

THE SCENE: Cloudy, a bit on the humid side…about 70 degrees.  Good morning to get after it.

Start with 20 SSH on 4ct., 20 Windmill on 4ct., Cherry Picker x10, Baby Arm Circle front and Back x8, Lap around A/O x2
Mosey to top of Cardiac, perform 25 reps of Merkin’s at top, 25 at curve 1, 25 at curve 2, and 25 at bottom then run back up to top.  100 reps total…Then perform the same routine with squats, DD’s,  and LBC’s.  When complete flutter kicks till 6 is up.


Mosey back to A/O but not done yet!  4 corner workout with same 4 exercises as on cardiac.  Corner 1 Merkin x15, Corner 2 Squat x15, Corner 3 DD’s x15, Corner 4 LBC’s x15, then run up little hill…rinse and repeat until time called.

Dose of American Hammer’s x20 on 4ct and then 2 min plank hold (1 min in regular plank, 30 sec right hand in air, 30 sec left hand in air) Recover…
Big Tuesday crowd! 18 PAX came out to get better… Wouldn’t let me tag Petro, or Thread Count so shout out to u both

Word today was on Anxiety and how it is present in all our lives and how God calls us to be anxious about nothing but instead pray about everything.  That we are constantly under attack by the things of this world and that we must always be re-calibrating our minds like Philippians 4:8 instructs us “Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”  An awesome word from Paul who had every reason to be anxious and worried about his future when he sat in shackles in prison.  Instead, he saw his state as a way to praise and spread the kingdom.

JUCO – Interlaken

THE SCENE: Beautiful sky and temp..  Humidity was cause for a quick sweat.

Praise the Lord for a great event this weekend.

Cherry Pickers, Lunges, Side-straddle-hops, Side toe touches, 4-count merkins

THA-THANG:  Interlaken
Using a FIFO Sprint Train,  inter link (connect) the three lakes on campus.

While one person sprints to the next exercise station, the rest of the group does the current exercise in place.  When one person finishes the sprint he calls out “Go” to the next in line person, who then stops doing the exercise and sprints to the next station.  Upon reaching the next exercise station, begin doing the next exercise until the whole group has reached the current station.  It works best if we all stay in the same order.   Sprints are designed to be mostly on the straight aways and about 100 yards.  Exercises are:

  1. Plank hold.
  2. Leg lift hold.
  3. Squat Hold.
  4. Side Plank Star Hold.
  5. Elbows to Plank.
  6. In place Lunges
  7. Rainbow Drops
  8. Windmills
  9. Burpees
  10. Side-Raises
  11. Sizzor Kicks
  12. Flutter Kicks
  13. Windshield Wipers
  14. Imperial Walkers
  15. Bicycles
  16. Toe Touches
  17. Merkins
  18. Hello Dollys
  19. Squats
  20. Big Boy Situps
  21. Jumping Jacks
  22. Cross Toe Touches


We made it to the third big lake about half way around and ran out of time on #13 Windshield wipers.  Sprint race back to the AO.

Archie, Bartman, Booster, Pink Eye, Snaggletooth, Crotch Rocket, Trolley,
Humility over Pride. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Proverbs+18:12&version=NIV

Humility https://www.biblegateway.com/quicksearch/?quicksearch=humility&version=NASB&resultspp=25


Race recovery run

THE SCENE: 57 and clear

We stretched some.
We ran around the park.

When we got to the playground on each lap we did 10 pullups.

When we got back to the AO we did 20 Merkins.

We did 3.5 long laps with the extra section that Frosty says makes each lap a true mile.

No Mary at this AO


This was the first run after Tank’s Hardship Hill Obstacle Course Race on Saturday.  My legs were not 100% back to normal yet, but it was good to be out and moving again.

WallBall decided 3.6miles wasn’t enough for him and had to finish out the 4 miles.

We welcomed Bueller back after a long abscence.

Also my apologies to Swirlie who I told to go lift because I thought I’d be the only one running. My bad bro.

Big 🏀 Biscuit

THE SCENE: 66 degrees, overcast.

Baby arm circles x 12 forward/back (4 ct)

Cherry Pickers x 10

A little this/that

Michael Phelps

SSH x 20 (4 ct)


  • Big 🏀 Biscuit:  10 burpees, 20 merkins, 30 squats then 1 lap around field; 10 burpees, 20 merkins, 30 squats then 2 laps around field; 10 burpees, 20 merkins, 30 squats then 3 laps around field; 10 burpees, 20 merkins, 30 squats then 4 laps around field; 10 burpees, 20 merkins, 30 squats then 3 laps around field; 10 burpees, 20 merkins, 30 squats then 2 laps around field; 10 burpees, 20 merkins, 30 squats then 1 lap around field.
  • Jack Rabbits circle around benches with dips, decline merkins, lunges while others finish


Flutter kicks x 20 (4 ct)

American Hammers x 15 (4 ct)

LBCs x20

Boat Canoes

Hello Dolly’s x 20 (4 ct)


10 strong.  No FNGs

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.